• 无论选择何处入手,最终发现导航访问相同支持资源集合

    Regardless of which starting point you choose, though, you will eventually find yourself navigating and accessing the same overall set of support resources.


  • 这些数据对象通常为表格中的业务数据的包装提供数据访问关系导航方法

    The data objects are generally thin wrappers around the business data in tables with typical data access and relationship navigation methods.


  • 不论在什么样的系统环境用户可以快速访问位于屏幕底部系统通知、系统状态导航按钮

    Across the system and in all applications, users have quick access to notifications, system status, and soft navigation buttons in a system Bar, available at the bottom of the screen.


  • 我们如何创建标签页面提供不同用户需要导航或者访问控制

    How can we create a set of tabs and pages to provide the navigation, or access control, which different groups of users require?


  • 当然可以考虑可视化元素试试不同字体努力实现易于访问容易理解导航

    You can certainly consider visual elements, try different fonts, and work toward easily accessible and well-understood navigation.


  • 检索系统所有可用Portlet应用程序Portlet访问以便门户能够列出,提供导航 Portlet管理功能

    Retrieving access to all portlet applications and portlets available in the system so that a portal can list them and provide navigation or portlet management features.


  • 本文深入介绍LotusDominoWebAccessLite模型,包括访问Lite模式导航用户界面以及处理邮件日历联系人

    This article provides an in-depth introduction to Lotus Domino Web access Lite, including accessing Lite mode, navigating the user interface, and working with your mail, calendar, and contacts.


  • 下面章节详细介绍了如何访问内容标签提供程序数据,以及如何显示模型导航

    The following sections detail how we can access data for the content and label providers, then how we display the model navigator.


  • 导航通常具有相同高度宽度区块因此访问感觉内容轻松引导

    So that visitors perceive content as being easy to navigate, the navigation is often structured with blocks of the same height and width.


  • 甚至可能想到如何确保用户通过简单导航连接界面非常容易地访问这些信息

    Perhaps you've even thought about how to ensure that users have easy access to information through interfaces that are simple to navigate and connect to.


  • 磁盘访问配置影响数据库视图打开集合导航(查看索引)速度

    Disk access rates and configurations affect the speed of database and view opening and of opening and navigating a collection (view index).


  • 导航循环访问所有页面URL

    The navigation loop iterates through all the child pages and URLs.


  • 呈现期间,属于所访问门户一部分Portlet导航控件生成url包含标记中。

    During rendering, the portlets and navigation controls that are part of the addressed portal page generate URLs and include them into the markup.


  • 为了实现访问页面Webflow服务器导航历史可以使用数据结构:一个已访问的webflow栈,每个Webflow包含一个已访问页面的栈。

    To implement a server-side navigation history of visited pages and Webflow, you can use a stack of stacks data structure: a stack of visited Webflows, each containing a stack of visited pages.


  • 简单地说,CardSpaceWindows功能用户界面,它们允许用户导航访问权限控制使用个人信息

    In a nutshell - CardSpace is a set of Windows features and user-interface that lets users navigate access decisions and control how personal information is used.


  • 这两个大国网站访问经常使用搜索一种形式导航

    On both large and small sites, visitors frequently use search boxes as a form of navigation.


  • 左手导航看到报告分为两类:参观访问来源内容目标电子商务

    In the left hand navigation, you'll see that your reports are organized into categories: Visitors, Traffic Sources, Content, Goals, and Ecommerce.


  • 心房公共场所大堂清晰导航系统设计使视觉传播以及通过内核访问以确保所有用户完全无障碍环境

    The design of a clear navigation system for lobbies, atria and common areas, enables visual communication as well as access through the cores, ensuring fully accessible environment for all users.


  • 随着包括阅读可以轻松地访问点燃导航功能电源开关圆形边缘提供完美的结合手中

    Reading with the cover on, you can easily access Kindle's navigation features and power switch, while the rounded edges offer a perfect fit in your hands.


  • 网站导航影响可用访问都会造成影响,所以重要的是首先关注在内

    Website navigation affects both usability and accessibility, so it's important to make it a primary concern.


  • 大多数网站博客使用普通访问常见导航技术

    Most websites and blogs use common navigational techniques that are expected by the average visitor.


  • 封面可以轻松地访问点燃导航功能电源开关同时享受手中一个完美的结合

    Reading with the cover on, you can easily access Kindle's navigation features and power switch, while still enjoying a perfect fit in your hands.


  • 每次访问网页每次回发时屏幕读取器其他辅助设备都会朗读导航控件中的文字

    Screen readers and other assistive devices read aloud the text in a navigation control during every visit to a page and on every postback.


  • 这个免费的、交互式应用程序轻松访问所有信息加上简单导航通过MBS媒体校园地图。 它还提供其他资源就餐选择在校园都附近。

    This free, interactive app gives you easy access to all that information plus simple navigation via the MBS Media Campus map.


  • 这个免费的、交互式应用程序轻松访问所有信息加上简单导航通过MBS媒体校园地图。 它还提供其他资源就餐选择在校园都附近。

    This free, interactive app gives you easy access to all that information plus simple navigation via the MBS Media Campus map.


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