• 买进它们导致价格上升导致参数降低所以鼓励一个利率水平

    Buying them tends to push up the price; that tends to influence the yield down so it encourages a lower level of interest rate.


  • 原油供应下降导致价格上升之时,任何使勘探成本更低技术受到欢迎

    As the supply of crude oil dwindles and the price thus rises, anything that makes the process of prospecting new Wells cheaper is to be welcomed.


  • 因为开发商平均利润率高于一般社会利润率,使得成本上升导致价格上升必然性并不存在

    Because developers margins much higher than average profit margins general community, making price increases led to the rise in the cost of inevitability does not exist.


  • 雨季降雨量达到1972年以来最低水平影响了稻米落花生产量降低,导致价格上升

    Prices have risen after the lowest monsoon rain levels since 1972 affected production of crops such as rice, sugar and groundnut.


  • 认为尽管这次石油泄漏尚未影响全球原油价格但从长期来看可能会导致价格上升因为这次事故何等严重仍然不确定的。

    Although the oil spill has not affected the global crude prices for the time being, it may lead to price increases in long term as it is still uncertain how serious the accident would be, he said.


  • 某种商品来说,如果消费需求推动价格上升,则对于其他产品需求势必下降,导致其他商品价格下降

    If consumer demand for one good is driving its price up, demand for other products must be falling in ways that will drive the prices of other goods down.


  • 需求上升超过供求上升时候,提价失败导致消费者延迟形式不是高价格的形式遭受损失。

    When demand increases in advance of an increase in supply, failure to raise price results in buyers\' incurring cost in the form of delay rather than in the form of a higher price.


  • 但是抱怨亚洲能源低价政策导致上升全球石油需求价格美国应该管好自己。

    But Americans who blame rising global oil demand and prices on Asia's cheap-energy policies should look closer to home too.


  • 商品美元计价,这意味着美元币值下跌不会导致进口价格上升

    Having commodities priced in dollars has also meant that a fall in the dollar's value doesn't lead to a rise in the price of imports.


  • 因此能源价格上涨提高QE3赔率不是导致利率水平上升表明债券市场也会有一个可预期的未来

    As such, rising energy prices may enhance the odds of QE3 rather than lead to higher interest rates, suggesting that the prospects for a bond market rally are coming into view.


  • 石油天然气煤炭以及其他许多电力资源不可再生它们利用后,就被消耗完毕,从而导致价格上升使其未来产量增长受到限制

    Oil, natural gas, coal, and many of the sources of electricity are nonrenewable----as they are used, they are also used up, raising prices and limiting further increases in productivity.


  • 一种能够负担得起的,植物废料中提取,可替代汽油的产品,也许能够结束由于全球能源饥荒导致世界性粮食价格上升

    An affordable alternative to gasoline made from plant waste would end concerns that global hunger for energy is driving up food prices worldwide.


  • 但是一些情况下,现价上升反而引发未来价格更加高度预期,这样导致泡沫问题

    But in some circumstances the increase in the current price leads to an even higher expectation of future price increases, resulting in a bubble.


  • 随着二手车价格上升,新车二手车价格差异越来越小,这导致一些二手车的买主转而购买新车。

    As prices of used vehicles increase, the difference between new and used should narrow, attracting some buyers of used to switch to new.


  • 告知征税导致他们喝啤酒价格上升时,支持率没有下降甚至稍有上升尽管增长幅度统计误差范围之内

    That number does not fall when people are reminded that they will end up paying more for their own beer; indeed it rises slightly, though the increase is still within the statistical margin of error.


  • 日本银行本月报告中将预警,能源原料成本价格上升外加全球信用危机将会导致日本经济放缓

    In its monthly report the bank gave warning that the rising costs of energy and raw materials, coupled with the global credit crisis, would cause Japan's economy to slow.


  • 芝加哥期货市场小麦价格过去一年里上升大约百分之50,部分原因是澳大利亚俄罗斯干旱导致全球小麦供应量减少

    Wheat prices on the Chicago futures market have risen by about 50 percent during the past year, partly because droughts in Australia and Russia have cut back global supply.


  • 不仅导致玉米为原料食物价格上升而且增加了农民养殖开销

    Not only does this contribute to the higher prices of food made from corn, but it increases farmers' cost of feeding cattle and pigs.


  • 通货膨胀预期又小幅度的上升但是没有迹象表明上升食品汽油价格导致工人们对于工资增长的担心

    Inflation expectations have risen a bit, but there is no sign that workers have been able to leverage their concern about higher food and petrol prices into higher wages.


  • 认为注大宗商品价格上升甚至下降不道德的吗?你曾提到大宗商品价格上升导致通胀压力

    Do you think speculating on rising and maybe even falling commodity prices is unethical? You talked about inflationary pressures resulting from rising commodity prices.


  • 批发市场今年夏季出现一轮谷类食品价格上涨现在已经渗透整个供应链导致通胀上升

    A first wave of surging cereals prices that hit the wholesale market during the summer has now fed through the supply chain and contributed to rising inflation.


  • 日本经济严重依赖出口最近日圆大幅度上升导致日本产品价格上涨,伤害了日本的出口。

    Japan's economy is heavily dependent on exports, and the recent sharp rise in the yen hurts exports by making Japanese-produced products more expensive on world markets.


  • 美方可能担心中国管控之下较低价格水平,推动需求上升,一定程度上导致全球石油煤炭价格处于相当的水平。

    The US side may be concerned that controlled low prices in China are driving higher demand, which is contributing to very high global oil and coal prices.


  • 现在,海湾国家来说紧急问题通货膨胀导致石油价格上升,而又由于他们货币与不断疲软的美元紧密相连,导致这种上升扩大

    The immediate problem for the Gulf states is that the inflationary effects of the oil-price boom are being amplified by their yoke to a weakening currency.


  • 凯瑞赫兰并购事件中,托拉斯者担心并购之后市场价格迅速上升导致因此调高价格配料产品商也难以解释为什么自己价格会这么高。

    In the case of Kerry and Headland, the trustbusters worried that prices rose shortly after the purchase—and by more than could be explained by dearer ingredients.


  • 有人责怪天公不作美,10月中国海南省洪水破坏了农作物导致食品价格上升

    Some blame bad weather, such as the October floods in China's Hainan province, which damaged crops and helped raise food prices.


  • 随着保险成本上升导致债务价格股价双双下滑触发致命恶性循环

    As the cost of insurance increases, it then causes both the price of the debt and the stock to go down, triggering a death spiral.


  • 专家通货膨胀上升是因为这个季风季节范围干旱影响玉米产量并且导致国内食品价格上涨

    Experts say Inflation is rising because a widespread drought this monsoon season affected crop production and pushed up food prices in the country.


  • 专家通货膨胀上升是因为这个季风季节范围干旱影响玉米产量并且导致国内食品价格上涨

    Experts say Inflation is rising because a widespread drought this monsoon season affected crop production and pushed up food prices in the country.


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