• 当地人们生存生产活动正在寻求资源转化延伸替代

    Now the local people are looking for extension arid substitution for resource conversion in their living and producing.


  • 寻求资源的时候,富国(公司)经常破坏穷国环境——砍伐它们森林破坏它们的植被并且污染它们的水源。

    In their quest for resources rich nations (and corporations) have too often devastated poor ones - destroying their forests, eroding their land, and fouling their water.


  • 伊拉克人民明确表示,我们不会寻求伊保留军事基地,也不会觊觎领土资源

    I have made it clear to the Iraqi people that we pursue no basis and no claim on their territory or resources.


  • 如果妇女不能自由使用家庭资源寻求挽救生命卫生服务会受到拖延

    When women do not have free access to household resources there are delays in seeking life-saving health services.


  • 但是公司没有E - 4投入生产所需资源,他们正在寻求其他公司或者兴趣帮助他们投资人来一起推进这个概念。

    But the firm does not have the resources to put the E-4 into production and is looking for other groups or investors interested in helping it take the idea forward.


  • 随着赶上中国展开竞争印度海外石油资源寻求目前新的紧迫感。 中国已几个国家耗资上千亿美元购买石油资产

    The hunt for sources of oil overseas has acquired a new urgency as India races to catch up with China, which has spent billions of dollars in acquiring oil assets in several countries.


  • MDSD正在寻求提供资源责任有效分配

    MDSD also seeks to provide an effective distribution of responsibilities across resources.


  • 担心原材料价格上涨钢铁生产商们,也纷纷寻求冶金(或焦化)煤炭以及铁矿石等具吸引力的资源

    And steelmakers, fearful of the rising prices of raw materials, are hunting for captive sources of metallurgical (coking) coal as well as iron ore.


  • 学校图书馆大量的宝藏等着我们发掘,这令人惊异的资源——特别是我们处于经常被“引导寻求答案年龄段时

    The school library, with its treasures waiting to be uncovered is an amazing resourceespecially in an age where we are “directed” to the answers so often.


  • 感受到压力无助时,学着去寻求帮助,学会去寻找那些可能给你提供帮助的人活着机构提供信息资源

    If you feel stressed, look for help. There is always someone or some service available to help you. You may want to check out Information and Resources.


  • 这些领域都不熟悉急需有人指明方向,于是我向许多资源寻求帮助。

    I needed help navigating these unfamiliar environments, and I sought it out from a variety of sources.


  • 或者她的能量倡议小组中亦可见一斑,一个桥梁那样其五个学院的实力综合起来,毕所有资源寻求全球变暖解决之道

    Or in its Energy Initiative, which ACTS as a bridge for MIT's combined firepower across all its five schools, channelling huge resources into the search for a solution to global warming.


  • 大型矿业石油公司英美资源集团,必和必拓公司,英国石油集团和英荷皇家壳牌集团,早已英国上市已经成为新近公司寻求资本最终选择

    Big mining and oil firms, such as Anglo American, BHP Billiton, BP and Shell have long listed in Britain, which has become the destination of choice for newer firms seeking capital.


  • 不过我们专题报道认为那种出于中国寻求自然资源带来可怕后果担心不恰当的。 这种担心被夸大了。

    Nonetheless, this special report will argue that concerns about the dire consequences of China's quest for natural resources are overblown.


  • 明确地伊拉克人民表示,我们寻求基地领土资源没有要求

    And I have made it clear to the Iraqi people — (applause) — I have made it clear to the Iraqi people that we pursue no bases, and no claim on their territory or resources.


  • 下面学习资源列表有助于寻求标准

    The following list of learning resources will help start your standards quest.


  • 通用服务管理署(GSA)正在寻求潜在资源信息以便为地方采办方法项目提供市场研究支持

    The General Services Administration is seeking information on potential sources to provide market research support on state and local purchasing methods and programs.


  • 过去美国关注的焦点地区石油天然气资源如今我们寻求地区进行广泛的接触

    And while America, in the past, has focused on oil and gas when it comes to this part of the world, we new seek a broader engagement.


  • 由于生意兴旺,他们后来增加了一个人力资源聘用内部管理员工,甚至建立呼叫中心欺骗寻求退款受害者

    As business boomed, the firm added a human resources department, hired an internal it staff and built a call center to dissuade its victims from seeking credit card refunds.


  • 看起来我们寻求生物学家们所说基因利益资源利益。

    We are, apparently, scrabbling around for what biologists call "genetic benefits" and "resource benefits".


  • 建造这些足够平地允许海平面有限的上涨,这时,一系列立方结构连接寻求海水资源将它变为用水

    Building the new plane high enough would also allow for an increase in the sea levels, while a series of structures and connectors would lead towards the water for sea access.


  • 不会你卖自己的知识,我会建议开放式资源寻求方法

    Rather than going for a commercial solution, I would advise you to look at the open-source solutions.


  • 位年轻女士叫劳里·鲁姆克,开展了化学实验寻求保护资源避免污染方法

    One young woman, Laurie Rumker, conducted a chemistry experiment to investigate ways to protect our water from pollution.


  • 气候变化贫困,从疾病资源匮乏我们世界目睹这些极大挑战,此时此刻我们需要全球每一个角落具有超凡才识人们寻求解决办法

    As our world stares down an immense set of challenges from climate change and poverty to disease and resource scarcity we need the brightest minds from every corner of the globe looking for solutions.


  • 气候变化贫困,从疾病资源匮乏我们世界目睹这些极大挑战,此时此刻我们需要全球每一个角落具有超凡才识人们寻求解决办法

    As our world stares down an immense set of challenges from climate change and poverty to disease and resource scarcity we need the brightest minds from every corner of the globe looking for solutions.


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