• 为了弥补这种差异各国必将努力寻求统一国际标准和国际规则

    In order to remedy this kind of difference, various countries will make great efforts to seek the unified international standard and international rules.


  • 我们最坚定的选择——批评声中赢得信任;在混乱寻求统一

    It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos.


  • 很快地,他们自己方法寻求统一其中包括了一个错误崇拜形式

    Very soon they turned to their own methods to unify their activities. This policy also included a false form of worship.


  • 由此出现全球化思考地方化行动战略,简称全球地方化,全球地方化寻求统一

    The strategy of " globalization think localization take action " appears and abbreviates as the global localization that seeks to unify.


  • 迪奥的时装华丽豪华、奢侈、传说创意古典和现代、硬朗和柔情中寻求统一晚礼服人们屏息凝神,惊诧不已。

    Dior dress luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, in legends and originality, classical and modern, hale and tender for unity dress always let people hold while, startled.


  • 作品主题东方经典西方创意不仅服装世界里希望每个方面都东方西方结合起来,努力他们之间寻求统一

    Theme: The Classics of East & Creations of West Not only in the fashion world, I wish to combine east and west in every aspect and should strive for unity among them.


  • 孔子寻求'和谐追求统一'[和而不同],”继续说道

    "Confucius said, [seeking] 'harmony but not uniformity' [he er butong], " he continued.


  • 本文研究目的就是为了寻求一条有效途径实现工业过程数据采集系统监控标准统一快速准确易于实现

    The purpose of this dissertation is to find an effective way to unify the standards, and realize the industrial process data acquisition and system control quickly, accurately and easily.


  • 含有‘多元统一寓意,”组委会, 体现奥运会寻求促进多元化作为连接世界平台”的思想

    It incorporates the message of 'unity indiversity', they said, and the idea that the Games "seekto promotediversity as a platform to connect the world".


  • 社会、经济环境目标协调统一角度寻求三者之间的动态平衡。

    We will seek the homeostasis balance from the Angle of uniform of social, economy and environmental goal.


  • 物理学中,有方法这种统一的紧迫需求发挥到了极致追求种具有普遍意义的理论,即我们所见之物寻求一种单一生成公式

    Inn physics, one approach takes this impulse for unification to its extreme, and seeks a theory of everything - a single generative equation for all we see.


  • 邮件正文用来解释封邮件用意,告知对方你们共同关心事情最新情况,陈述你先对方确认信息提出问题寻求帮助或者希望得到对方进一步解释……所有这些的统一要求就是要清楚明确。

    Explain why you write the email, or report the updates of the issue you both concern, or state the information you want to confirm, or raise questions you ask for help or clarify CLEARLY.


  • 基础上,设计寻求造型使用功能高度统一

    Based on this, the designing seeks high unification of modeling and functions.


  • 车床自动化管理问题寻求一种形式统一使用简便方法一直是人们所追求的目标

    A method of uniform in expression and easy to use for automatic management of lathes has long been the object of the researchers.


  • 他们写道如果被证实的话爱因斯坦寻求统一理论也是人类理性终极胜利

    If confirmed, they write, it will be the unified theory that Einstein was looking for, and the ultimate triumph of human reason.


  • 在阐述传递现象普遍性同一性及其物理本质基础上,探讨火用传递问题的研究思路,即以势场载体寻求对火用传递过程共性统一描述

    The universality, identity and physical essence of the exergy transfer phenomenon are demonstrated to seek a generic description for exergy transfer process using the field as carrier.


  • 本文通过南平体育馆方案设计寻求建筑形式城市空间契合点,探求建筑结构与形式的统一

    Through the designing of Naping Gymasium, this paper aims to find out the juxtaposition of architectural form and urban space and probe into the integration of structure and form.


  • 成组技术相似问题归类成组,寻求解决这一问题相对统一方案取得期望的经济效益

    Group technology is similar to the problem fall into a group seeking solutions to the problems relatively uniform group the best option, to achieve the desired economic results.


  • 撰写论文目的就是寻求两种应力函数之间关系,将两者有机的统一起来,使在以后的裂纹体分析中简化研究过程。

    The purpose to compose this thesis is to look after the relation of the two stress functions and unify them.


  • 为了制度纳入统一分析框架中制度经济学利用一系列表现实物的概念术语力图寻求一套不变的逻辑体系

    In order to bring institution into a unit analytical frame, new institutional economics makes use of series of concepts to seek a constant logical system.


  • 为此寻求一种简便产生概率密度函数统一方法十分必要的。

    So to get an ordinary generating method of probability density function is greatly important for traffic researcher and engineer.


  • 提出宏观寻求实现社会效率经济安全高度统一相互内在化,在微观上发生冲突时应选择效率优先。

    This paper suggests that highly harmony and identity in Macroscopic efficiency and safety should be achieved and when conflicting in Microscopic aspect efficiency should be superior to safety.


  • 其实,无论黑格尔唯心论或者恩格思的唯物论强调了一个共同点,即寻求矛盾统一

    Whether it is Hegel's idealism or Engels' materialism, they all converge at a common point: the resolution of conflict.


  • 我们实地调查基础上 ,通过《桌上语音工作室》软件精密分析 ,从而确定咸宁方言的调值调类 ,目的在于为方言语音的调查寻求一个相对统一、客观的标准。

    On the base of spot investigation, we confirm the tone pitches and the tone categories of Xianning dialect, Hubei province, with the delicate analyses by the software of MiniSpeechLab.


  • 我们实地调查基础上 ,通过《桌上语音工作室》软件精密分析 ,从而确定咸宁方言的调值调类 ,目的在于为方言语音的调查寻求一个相对统一、客观的标准。

    On the base of spot investigation, we confirm the tone pitches and the tone categories of Xianning dialect, Hubei province, with the delicate analyses by the software of MiniSpeechLab.


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