• 我们寻找对这种工作亲身体验

    We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work.


  • 到了19世纪90年代自发微笑容易捕捉所以我们必须别处寻找解释为什么维多利亚时代的仍然微笑犹豫不决

    Spontaneous smiles were relatively easy to capture by the 1890s, so we must look elsewhere for an explanation of why Victorians still hesitated to smile.


  • 幸福在于那些哭泣,那些受伤害,那些在寻找那些在尝试因为只有他们才能领会那些他们生活过影响重要性

    Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried; for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.


  • 关心环境来说,现在机会来了,也许一直寻找一些帮助保护的事。

    Chances are that as someone who CARES about the environment, you are always searching for things you can do to help protect it.


  • 新兴市场条件提供无担保零售贷款模式有很好的经验。捷信集团寻找个冒险家,一个能够通过进入亚洲并能改变整个业务模式

    Having fine-tuned an unsecured retail lending model for emerging market conditions, Home Credit is now looking at a venture that could alter the whole profile of the business - by moving into Asia.


  • 登录使用一些视觉上的变化可以那些寻找登录的很容易页面中发现它。

    By creating design elements that are visually distinct, they will jump off the page for someone looking to log in.


  • 热情招聘过程中的一个关键因素——管理者寻找的是真的公司产品整体风格使命有激情

    That enthusiasm is a key element of the hiring processmanagement looks for people who really passionate about the company, its products, and its overall style and mission.


  • 我们正在寻找那些希望融入这个项目并且这个项目感到兴奋热情的以使社区成长

    We are looking for people who will get involved, be excited and passionate about the project, and make this community grow.


  • 但是广大来说,必须寻找其它补救办法。

    But for the broader population, the remedy must besought elsewhere.


  • 一步骤效应是,使得FCC拥有网络中立性进行解释权力,令正(在中立性壁垒中)寻找出路变得胆大妄为起来。

    The step had the effect of making the FCC's power to enforce network neutrality subject to interpretation, emboldening those looking for ways around it.


  • 寻找好的肉类替代品有些替代品尝起来与原食物相似,可以帮助初接触素食主义,满足他们肉类食品的渴望

    Find good meat substitutes. Some taste quite realistic, and can help when you're new to vegetarianism and have meat cravings.


  • 至于那些点击功能列表他们并不需要软件他们有用说服,他们更多寻找购买理由

    As for the people who click on the features list, chances are that they don't need convincing that they may have a use for the software, they're looking for more reasons to buy it.


  • 这个群岛国家富含许多生物群落,亚热带物种群落亚寒带物种群落,应有尽有,一切那些正在寻找新奇,具有商业价值的重要物种的来说是躲在兴奋的件事情。

    The archipelago provided a number of biomes, from sub-tropical to sub-Arctic, which contained a rich array of botanical delights for those in search of new and commercially important species.


  • 那些知道放弃——继续寻找

    To those people who don't know, I would say don't give up - keep looking.


  • 那些快速会上姻缘来说,他们更倾向在音乐的地方寻找浪漫

    For folks who've engaged in the strange ritual of "speed dating," finding that special someone is like winning a romantic game of musical chairs.


  • 有些杰出会用他们的行为我们证明“慈悲给予丰富内涵,于是,开始寻找一种方式他们无私的行为进行一番特写。

    I started to explore a way that highlight the selfless act of exceptional individuals, dedicated to expanding the rich of compassionate giving.


  • 我们来看一下招聘者标准:“我们想要寻找一些冒险精神,户外活动充满激情,且擅长沟通来承担此职位。”

    Well, first let's take a look at the criteria of those applying: "We're looking for applicants with an adventurous attitude, passion for the outdoors and good communication skills."


  • 如果认为寻找来说已经或者已经结束了,那么你应该看看他们俩这样的浪漫故事。

    If you ever think that it is too late for you to find true love or your life is over, you should see more relationships like theirs.


  • 帮助寻找内心平静作为一个自己爱心同情心其他成为只是容易得

    Helping others, finding inner peace, being a loving and compassionate person towards yourself and others has become just that much easier.


  • 一直以来,我们寻找一位能力球队充满热情的员,肯尼显然就是我们要找

    We were looking for someone who has a knowledge and a passion for the club and Kenny is the perfect choice.


  • 欣赏壮观的景色以及参加丰富活动除了可以帮助寻找内心世界,即将结婚的来说阿格蒂就是一个天堂

    With spectacular views and activities to engage in, apart from seeking your inner purpose, Agatti is a paradise for the soon-to-be-married soul.


  • 美国二战后“婴儿”时期出生的一代改变了市场模特类型需求他们广告寻找能够真实反映他们自我形象的物。

    Baby Boomers in the United States have changed the type of models in demand, looking for faces and bodies in advertising that more accurately reflect their own self-image.


  • 四处寻找奖学金机会我有信心的

    So I went hunting for scholarships and people who believed in what I did.


  • 特别是那些寻找生活目标来说,一种强烈的幻觉

    A lot of people shared their views to what Love really is, or at least what Love is in their eyes.


  • 现在任何应聘单位不会寻找他们办公地点过分讲究

    Nobody hiring today is going to be looking for someone who's going to be finicky about their workspace.


  • 可能我们太多时间寻找那个合适我们所爱过份挑剔,或许我们应该多些反思怎样改善自己付出

    We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.


  • 可能我们太多时间寻找那个合适我们所爱过份挑剔,或许我们应该多些反思怎样改善自己付出

    We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.


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