• 由于天气骤然变坏,寻找受伤人员工作加紧进行。

    Efforts to search the injured men have been intensified because of a sudden deterioration in weather conditions.


  • 但是他们巨大石油泄漏水面上寻找受伤派遣救援船他们一项艰难工作

    But they say finding injured birds in the huge spill and sending out boats to rescue them will be a difficult job.


  • 寻找你周围的爱、美和善良,而不是专注于你受伤的情感。

    Learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you instead of focusing on your wounded feelings.


  • 弗雷德里克说:“不应该关注自己受伤情绪学会寻找周围。”

    Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you,” Frederic says.


  • 反而应该专注受伤感情学会寻找周围美丽善良,”罗斯金

    "Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you," Luskin says.


  • 如果提高成绩,没有困扰,并且寻找一双异常快速轻便参加比赛,那么你应该穿着赛跑

    You should wear racing shoes if you have a biomechanically efficient stride, don't have any current injuries, and want an exceptionally fast, lightweight shoe for RACES.


  • 暗示寻找其中部分受伤感情倾向改变病例也会重要的。

    It will also be important, he notes, to look for cases in which parts of the brain have been impaired and emotional tendencies have changed.


  • Vibanda赶过来寻找他们他们是否受伤,安抚他们。

    She had come in from Vibanda to look them over, to check for injuries, to give them sedatives.


  • 2011年3月15日,日本大被毁掉居民区内,一个受伤幸存者损毁超市寻找食物

    An injured survivor searches for food at a destroyed supermarket in the devastated residential area of Otsuchi March 15 2011.


  • 曼城亚当·约翰逊(Adam Johnson)受伤之后一直寻找具有创造力的球员,曼奇尼认为皮尔洛球队带来不同的变化。

    Manchester City struggled for creativity when Adam Johnson was injured recently and manager Mancini feels Pirlo could bring a different dimension to his developing side.


  • 苏格兰里众所周知石膏绷带或“熟石膏”过去常常用作固定受伤的肢体,但是GordonMackay教授希望寻找避免肌肉损伤使用不便的石膏绷带,石膏悬吊带

    But Professor Gordon Mackay wanted to find a way of avoiding the muscle-wasting and inconvenience of plaster casts, boots and slings.


  • 幸福在于那些哭泣,那些受伤的人,那些在寻找的人,那些在尝试因为只有他们才能领会那些他们生活过影响人重要性

    Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried; for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.


  • 花了多少时间寻找合适礼物然后因为一个家庭成员没有注意举动而感到受伤

    How many hours have you spent looking for just the right gift and then had your feelings been hurt because a family member did not notice your gesture?


  • 丽兹不得不病床上,是那种受伤位置医生开始寻找生命迹象

    Liz had to lay on that table in that vulnerable position while the doctor searched for the signs of life.


  • 大脑可塑性意味着能够受伤老化时候寻找方式进行自我适应从而维持大强度活动规律

    The plasticity of the brain means that it is able, in the face of injury or decay, to find ways of adapting itself to preserve strong patterns of activity.


  • 应该关心幸存者他们受伤震惊饥饿,绝望寻找关爱的人

    Concern should be for the survivors, who will be injured, in shock, hungry, and looking in desperation for their loved ones.


  • 这些寻找丢失受伤游客他身边温暖

    The dogs search out and find the lost or injured traveler, and then lick him and lie next to him to give him warmth.


  • 寻找爱情那些成型年龄段内从来没有获得多少积极注意力人们除非生病受伤)的普遍症状

    The love hunt: This is a common syndrome for people who, in their formative years, never received much positive attention unless they were sick or hurt.


  • 世界消息》报声称喜鹊主帅阿勒代斯吉文受伤后一直在寻找一名门将,而切尔西2号门将成为他们租借目标

    The News of the World says Toon boss Sam Allardyce is on the lookout for a new keeper with Shay Given injured and has targeted Chelsea No2 Cudicini on loan.


  • 特德孩子们你们单身,致力寻找终身幸福经历所有爱情故事里只有段的结局是圆满的,其它的则最终某一受伤而结束。

    Ted: Kids, when you are single, all you're looking for is happily all after. But only one of your stories can end that way, the rest ended with somebody get hurt.


  • 幸福属于那些过,笑过,受伤,努力寻找

    Happiness is for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried.


  • 周五早上贝塞斯达蒙哥马利购物中心嫌疑人开枪射击,造成受伤马里兰警方正在寻找嫌疑人

    Maryland police are currently searching for a suspect that opened fire Friday morning at the Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, injuring three people.


  • 猎人设法进入森林深处寻找受伤鹿

    The hunter found his way into the deep forest in search of the injured deer.


  • 快乐属于那些曾经哭泣受伤曾经努力寻找努力尝试人。因为他们懂得感激那些能够感动他们

    Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have toughed their lives.


  • 不要陷入受伤情感而不能自拔学会寻找身边

    Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.


  • 我们寻找某个备份球员防止某人受伤巴特勒不是合适人选。

    We are not looking for anyone to jump in the rotation but maybe someone to back up in case god forbid injury. Jackie Butler is not available.


  • 我们寻找某个备份球员防止某人受伤巴特勒不是合适人选。

    We are not looking for anyone to jump in the rotation but maybe someone to back up in case god forbid injury. Jackie Butler is not available.


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