• 这种纯粹主义一致作曲家手稿符号研究音乐学中一个相对新的领域直到今天仍在蓬勃发展

    In accordance with this kind of purism came an emphasis on studying composers' manuscript notations, a relatively new field of musicology that is flourishing even today.


  • 基于这些理由信心声称老师所教学科知识精通相对学生良好相处的能力来说次要的。

    For these reasons, I claim with confidence that excellent knowledge of the subject being taught is secondary to the teacher ability to relate well with their students.


  • 面试相对群面(多个面试官)。

    The opposite of a one to one interview is a committee interview.


  • 之前从来没有这么热切完整地想要遵从指令,并因此而如此之快地相信一位相对来说还算陌生的人。

    Never before had I followed instructions so keenly and completely, or for that matter trusted a relative stranger so quickly.


  • 邻邦保持相对稳定关系可以作为美关系的屏障—尤其是在美国缺席很多组织的情况下。

    Relatively stable relations with its neighbours act as protection against volatility in relations with the United states-particularly as that superpower is absent from many of the groupings.


  • 今年飓风季节相对平静伊朗石油出口威胁消除使得近期石油价格的下跌

    Both the relative calm of this year's hurricane season and the diminishing threat of an interruption to Iran's oil exports seem to have contributed to the recent fall.


  • 这个活动旨在帮助了解个人来说什么新奇复杂的,什么是机械而死板相对比。

    This activity is designed to help you understand what is personally novel and complex for you, versus what is rote and passive.


  • 就是为什么相对于那些沉湎于生命无关抽象事物理智喜欢戏剧化生活,渴望内心怒火耗尽,享受被命运无常所折磨

    That is why I prefer the dramatic life, consumed by inner fires and tortured by destiny, to the intellectual, caught up in abstractions which do not engage the essence of our subjectivity.


  • 然而另外一种相对看法认为,这个人就处于离婚边缘的夫妇:他们很少有一致的看法,彼此之间的信任更是少得可怜

    A rival perception, however, suggests that they are more like a couple on the verge of divorce: they agree on little, and trust each other even less.


  • 这些频率离心机转速相对美国能够以600赫兹以上频率运行频率转换器驱动的出口进行了严格管控。

    These high frequencies correspond to the rotation speeds of centrifuges; America tightly controls the export of frequency converter drives able to operate at frequencies above 600 Hz.


  • 但是照的另一倾向于做出寻求刺激行为,则自己的行为明确的认识一组的人的工作记忆相对发达

    But there was another group, who tended toward sensation-seeking behavior, who appear to have more awareness of what they're doing. This group had significantly more developed working memory.


  • 相对我们真实地生活一个物质堆砌社会在这里,衡量事物方式远不止它们我们幸福感可能性贡献

    Set against this is the fact that we clearly live in a society awash with materialism, where objects are valued way beyond their possible contribution to our happiness.


  • 只是相对而言的。

    "Right" and "wrong" are just comparative terms.


  • 如果从不他人冷眼相对公开讥讽或是打断自己观点不同朋友的谈话,也没有理由这样自己的父母

    If you wouldn’t roll your eyes, openly mock, or constantly interrupt a friend who was saying something you disagreed with, then don’t do it to your folks.


  • 攀升的石油价格以及全球变暖日益担心或许助燃生物燃料需求但是,石油农场主们之间相对仍然没什么联系。

    RISING oil prices and mounting concern about global warming may have stoked demand for biofuels, but oilmen and farmers still have relatively little to do with one another.


  • 不过它们小的外形相对应的AMOLED屏幕似乎它们的耐久力造成了负面影响

    However, their AMOLED displays, coupled with a smaller form factor, seem to have negatively impacted their endurance.


  • 尽管预测另一半喜好方面相对劣势,但是,年轻的夫妇相比,老夫老妻他们关系更加满意。

    Despite their relative disadvantage in predicting partners' preferences, long-term couples reported more satisfaction with their relationships than did younger couples.


  • 越南来说,欧盟越南启动自由贸易谈判的声明正值关键时刻。尽管过去一年增长相对强劲,越南经济却面临着重大挑战

    The announcement comes at a critical juncture for Vietnam, whose economy faces steep challenges despite relatively strong growth over the past year.


  • 此外适龄工作人群逐渐减少相对妇女老人开始寻找工作

    And, with a working-age population that is already shrinking, more women and older people than before are seeking work.


  • 就此我们我们发见现象有了概念,譬如,胡塞尔现象学海德格尔的“现象学”还有他的“相对”。

    Thus we arrive at the idea of the pllenomenon such as we can find, for example in the "phenomenology" of Husserl or of Heidegger-the phenomenon or the relative-absolute.


  • 因此语言总是架构完整而又明晰理解相对应。

    The language therefore always resembles the complete understanding about your architecture in a clear and unambiguous way.


  • 德国官员坚持认为,该国的这一相对优势依然成为几乎所有国家谈判的筹码。

    German officials insist that its comparative advantage will remain its knack for talking to almost everyone.


  • 经济合作发展组织(OECD)通过购买力平价计算(一种调节相对价格措施),瑞士法郎欧元相比则被高估42%,美元相比则被高估44%。

    On the OECD's calculations of purchasing-power parity (a measure that adjusts for relative prices), the franc is 42% overvalued against the euro and 44% against the dollar.


  • 设计低层次关注相对更加恰当的,利用了指导开发工作的高层次模式约束的架构级的关注。

    A low-level focus on design, as opposed to a more appropriate, architecture-level focus that imposes high-level patterns and constraints that serve to gracefully guide the development effort.


  • 研究人员4775名患有肝癌烟民2835名癌症的烟民相对

    In the study, researchers compared 4, 775 lung cancer patients with 2, 835 smokers who didn't have cancer.


  • 道德主义有时被拿来道德相对主义相对应,并且经常被简单地类型化为类似语句:“就是的,的就是错的。”

    Moral absolutism is sometimes contrasted with moral relativism and typified-although thereby also oversimplified-by such phrases as "right is right and wrong is wrong."


  • 哥伦比亚广播公司新闻频道辩论之后,1145个选民进行调查,53%认为获胜了,相对应的是老布什的25%罗的21%。

    A CBS News post-debate poll of 1, 145 voters said 53 percent of them thought I had won, compared with 25 percent for Bush and 21 percent for Perot.


  • 我们EJB引用进行编码目标beanJNDI名称相对应。

    We are coding to the EJB reference name as opposed to the JNDI name of the target bean.


  • 我们EJB引用进行编码目标beanJNDI名称相对应。

    We are coding to the EJB reference name as opposed to the JNDI name of the target bean.


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