• 但是韩国来说不是一种单纯食品

    But, to South Korea people, it is not a simple food.


  • 中方遇难者表示哀悼,韩国遇难者家属表示慰问。

    China expresses condolences to the victims and solicitude to the ROK people and the bereaved families.


  • 韩国来说,这场闹剧显示财阀家族所持续拥有权利感

    For Koreans the episode showed the abiding sense of entitlement of the chaebol's founding families.


  • 他们不断提及韩国观众承诺这些有想的感觉。

    They keep mentioning promises with the Korean people and viewers, but it just makes me sick.


  • 一开始的时候,担心中国不会韩国人友好但是能看到他们微笑

    I was anxious that Chinese people might not be friendly to Koreans; however I am always greeted with a smile.


  • 如今曾经作为评判身份地位重要因素家族出身韩国人不再具有相同意义了。

    Today clan origins, once deemed an important marker of a person's heritage and status, no longer bear the same relevance to Koreans.


  • 大部分中国韩国还是蛮热情他们刚开始问你很多有关韩国问题,这样慢慢地成为朋友

    Many Chinese are kind to Koreans, at the beginning they will ask a lot of questions about Korea, and gradually they will become your friends.


  • 韩国工作虽然我碰到韩国人多数友善,但从工作环境来说那地方真是地雷阵,不论韩国还是外国而言。

    I worked in Korea for 5 long years and although I found most of the people to be very pleasant, it is a minefield of a work environment... for them and for us expats.


  • 出名并非只是因为她的毅力,这一点韩国身上高度体现,还有大众弱势群体同情心——体现身上就是快乐失败者

    Hers is a fame based not only on sheer doggedness, a quality held in high esteem by Koreans, but also on the universal human sympathy for a monumental - and in her case, cheerful - loser.


  • 韩国许多不同元素汇集一个单独的商店里非常感兴趣,混搭科技为了寻找完成日常任务新奇方法。“。”

    "Koreans are really interested in converging and cramming many different functions into a single gadget, and mixing technologies, in order to find novel ways to complete ordinary tasks," she says.


  • 韩国也许有怨言他们谈判代表诸如日本国家同行深感敬畏,因为那些国家的汽车工业正在韩国品牌展开激烈竞争

    South Koreans may groan, but their trade negotiators are held in awe by their counterparts in countries like Japan, whose car industry competes fiercely with South Korean brands.


  • 近日,根据经济合作发展组织32个成员国的雇员每年平均工时,《福布斯》杂志公布2008年"最勤劳国家排行榜",韩国雇员是最为勤劳的,平均每年工作2357个小时,据悉,韩国人很重视老板自己的印象,不敢在老板离开公司下班。

    Forbes released their 2008 hardest-working OECD countries ranking. Among the 32 members, South Korea ranked first with 2357 hours work on average per year.


  • 位于姓韩国安全担心,这导致一家韩国服装厂这个星期撤出开城

    The security concerns surrounding Yu's case led one South Korean clothing company to pull out of Kaesong this week.


  • 恢复美国牛肉进口协议月龄较高的牛肉进口不加限制很多韩国认为带来感染疯牛病风险

    That deal failed to restrict imports of beef from older cattle, which many South Koreans believe pose a risk of transmitting a human variant of mad cow disease.


  • 各方发言中一名韩国伊拉克被杀害俄罗斯印古什共和国发生袭击事件表示谴责

    The parties to the talks also condemned in their remarks the killing of an ROK hostage in Iraq and the terror attack that hit the Ingush Republic of the Russian Federation.


  • 现在再不是这样的情况了,韩国人变得不同选择包容很多

    Not anymore. Koreans have become much more accepting of different life choices.


  • 如果他们继续这样做,韩国可能会'我们这种紧张关系累了,我们和平,我们为什么他们一些帮助他们安静下来。

    But if they keep doing this, South Korean people might think, 'we are tired of all this tension, we want peace, why don't we give them some aid, and so let them be quiet.'


  • 韩国每年大约20公斤泡菜他们泡菜如此喜爱以致韩国人照相的时候他们会说kimchi'而不是cheese '。

    Koreans eat approximately 20 kilos of kimchi per person each year, so much so that when Koreans have their photo taken they say 'kimchi \' instead of 'cheese \'.


  • 住房政策一系列调整引发了民众不满,因为住房韩国主要长期投资工具

    But he angered people with a series of regulations on residential real estate, which is South Koreans' chief vehicle for long-term investment.


  • 中国最近韩国商务收紧了签证规则北京方面吊销了一家专门帮助韩国申请签证签证中介机构的执照

    China has recently toughened visa rules for Korean business people and Beijing has cancelled the licence of a visa broker that specialised in assisting Koreans with applications.


  • 很多韩国来说,朵花已经凋落了

    For many in South Korea, the flower has already fallen.


  • 老板球队深思熟虑意味着没有能确保位置韩国也是等到上个月维奇迎来了自己的第一次联赛首发。

    The boss 'careful tinkering with the team means nobody is guaranteed a place and the South Korean didn't start a Premier League game until the win against Norwich last month.


  • 韩国预计将与球队很快续约表示队内的位置竞争球队各项赛事中争冠是好事

    The South Korean, who is expected to sign a new contract soon, also appreciates that competition for places is essential when the Reds are chasing glory on so many fronts.


  • 韩国陌生心存芥蒂

    South Koreans tend to be suspicious of people they don't know.


  • 韩国陌生心存芥蒂

    South Koreans tend to be suspicious of people they don't know.


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