• 政府移民入境采取了强硬的态度

    The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.


  • 那家公司店内行窃采取严厉的措施。

    The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting.


  • 警方采取耐心细致的方法

    The police used a softly-softly approach with him.


  • 如果他们我们方向采取了任何行动的话,我们就会进行反制

    If they had made any sort of move that was in our direction we would have made a countermove already.


  • 1934年,随着《候鸟狩猎印花税法案》的通过,为阻止迁徙的水禽以及水禽生存至关重要的湿地的破坏,一个日益感到担忧的国家(指美国)采取了坚决的行动。

    In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival.


  • 是否这些公司采取相关或者其它措施

    Whether related or other measures have been taken against those companies?


  • 通常业界点击欺诈采取了有点轻视的态度

    But generally the industry adopted a rather cavalier attitude to click fraud.


  • 投资方一直意见不合,投资方最近指责新闻报道采取更为保守态度试图制止杂志刊发批评性报道

    She had been at loggerheads with the owners, who have recently been accused of taking a more conservative approach to the news and trying to rein in some of the magazine's more aggressive reporting.


  • 海盗行为丁湾海域过往船只造成严重威胁法国已经采取了有效措施。

    France has taken a robust approach to the piracy scourge threatening the world's shipping through the vital Gulf of Aden-Indian Ocean conduit.


  • 其他公司已经IE 6采取了行动

    Other companies have already taken action regarding IE6.


  • (是否所有内容免费的,或者访问采取限制措施;是否需要注册,等等)如果访问网站时需要收费,与可以其他途径得到的材料相比,其收费标准如何

    (e.g., is all content free or are there restrictions on access, is registration necessary, etc.) If there a charge to access the website, how does this fee compare to other available materials?


  • 这个问题采取妥协的态度。

    He took up a compromising attitude towards the question.


  • 这些物种全球数量濒危情况、栖息地状况以及采取何种措施进行保护相关细节不同时期都记录

    Their global numbers were duly recorded along with their degree of endangerment, the state of their habitats and details of measures being taken to protect each species.


  • 我们一些个案研究显示即使我们已经采取了这些简单步骤人们来说,不用大规模放弃西方消费者生活方式,再减10%也是可以达到的目标。

    Even for those of us who have already taken these easy steps, the next 10%, as some of our case studies show, is within reach without wholesale renunciation of a western consumer lifestyle.


  • 我们需要知道是否任务采取措施,如果采取了操作那么操作结果是什么。

    We also want to know whether or not the task has been acted upon and if so, the results of that action.


  • 中国减少环境破坏采取了一些重大举措

    China has already taken some remarkable steps to reduce damage to the environment.


  • 此外那些假设理解创建件很困难的事情的人来说,已经采取了一些措施减少最初障碍

    In addition, for those who assume that modeling is difficult or hard to grasp, steps have been taken to reduce initial obstacles.


  • 可以看到SWF这个小部件采取了一种不同处理方法

    As you can see, SWF took a different approach with this widget.


  • 伊朗采取比较强硬的态度。她说以色列和国际社会需要德黑兰不是安抚德黑兰。

    Livni took a much tougher line on Iran, saying Israel and the international community need to confront Tehran and not appease it.


  • 美国可口可乐公司肥胖流行贡献健康倡议者迫使公司采取了守势

    In the U.S., health advocates who say Coca-Cola contributes to an epidemic of obesity have put the company on the defensive.


  • DB 2许多常见意外故障类型采取了某些保护措施但是使用NOTFENCED例程无法保证完全完整性

    DB2 takes some precautions against many of the common types of inadvertent failures that could occur, but cannot guarantee complete integrity when not FENCED routines are used.


  • 他们那些商业抵押贷款支撑的指数采取了类似的策略。

    They made similar moves on indexes tracking securities backed by commercial mortgages.


  • 美国,在乔治·布什领导阿萨德先生采取了一种顽固的敌视态度,现在也收敛一些锋芒

    Even the United States, which under George Bush adopted an implacably hostile attitude to Mr Assad, has retracted some prickles.


  • 红杉信托惠誉国际穆迪这两信用评级机构这次证券发行评级,但是红杉穆迪评估采取了“雪藏”,因为认同穆迪发行可能产生风险的评估。

    Redwood asked both Fitch and Moody's to provide ratings for the issue, but canned Moody's because it disagreed with the agency's assessment of the risks involved in the issue.


  • 1991年采取裂缝水泥灌浆裂缝区域混凝土增加预应力的方法进行修复

    Repairs were made in 1991 by grouting the cracks and installing prestressed anchors in the cracked areas.


  • 图书馆藏书管理十分严格采取一系列措施旨在保护藏品免遭因疏忽或是蓄意造成损害

    The library takes the security of its collections very seriously and has a range of measures designed to protect collection items from inadvertent or deliberate harm.


  • 尽管一向美国出言不逊,查韦斯西班牙采取了较为温和的态度。

    While taking a familiar pop at the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory towards Spain.


  • 尽管一向美国出言不逊,查韦斯西班牙采取了较为温和的态度。

    While taking a familiar pop at the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory towards Spain.


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