• 本文荷兰发生这种变化进行了描述

    This paper introduces these changes in Dutch.


  • 下场比赛巴西荷兰一定精彩

    The next game is Brazil vs. Netherlands and it should be really good.


  • 荷兰这样可能基于荷兰国土面积人口数较小的考虑。

    This is probably because of the smaller geographical area in Holland and smaller population.


  • 荷兰现代景观诸多设计理念创作风格进行了简要介绍

    This article briefly introduces various ideas and styles of modern landscape architecture in the Netherlands.


  • 尽管尊重荷兰,但我们”,葡萄牙记者招待会上费雷拉

    "Although we have a lot of respect for Holland, we want to win", said Ferreira in a Portugal press conference.


  • 今年夏天,荷兰中年夫妇自行车累了决定罗马郊外露营

    This summer a middle aged Dutch couple riding bikes got tired and decided to camp in a field just outside of Rome.


  • 报道曼联中场汤姆·克里夫利激昂入选国家队参加周三荷兰友谊赛。

    The Manchester United midfielder Tom Cleverley has been called up to the England squad for the friendly international against Holland on Wednesday, according to reports.


  • 这个计算结果引发佩蒂关注打算国王说明荷兰开战付出代价。

    That calculation was of pressing concern to Petty, who wanted to show the king how to pay for the war against the Dutch.


  • 这部电影,通俗地可以视为荷兰社会某个层面讽刺滑稽画像

    The film, generally speaking, can be regarded as a satirical and comical portrait of one part of Dutch society.


  • 荷兰栀子无菌苗为材料研究不同激素浓度荷兰栀子增殖生根影响

    The effect of different hormone concentration on the multiplication and rootage of Dutch gardenia was studied using the asepsis seedlings of Dutch gardenia as explants.


  • 为了弄清模仿消费者好处,范·巴伦同事们荷兰南部美国风味餐馆员工们进行了调查

    To detect the benefit of copying the customer, van Baaren and his colleagues surveyed staff in American-styled restaurants in southern Holland.


  • 该法荷兰国家计量制备二氧化硫标准气体进行比试验,取得良好的等效

    The sulfur dioxide calibration gases in nitrogen from Netherlands National Institute of Metrology was determined by the method, and an ideal degrees of equivalence was obtained.


  • 奖杯于二月维拉公园举行的下一场英格兰荷兰赛事中一位被抽中的支持者颁发给林柏特。

    Lampard will be presented with a trophy to mark his win by a randomly selected voter before England's next game, against Holland at Villa Park on February 9th.


  • 赌博公司威廉·希尔保罗预测能力印象如此之深刻,以至于开出了在在周日西班牙荷兰决赛选择谁的赔率

    Bookmaker William Hill is so impressed by Paul's predictive powers that it was offering even odds that he will pick the winner of the final on Sunday, between Spain and Holland.


  • 瑞典比赛惊人的表演荷兰比赛,这个27岁的孩子出尽了风头不过超越俄罗斯以及圣彼得堡泽尼特球迷预期。

    Stunning performances against Sweden then the Netherlands have propelled the 27-year-old into the limelight, but it is no more than fans of Russia and FC Zenit st.


  • 同样荷兰学院大力支持表示感谢荷兰学院中国有着多年的合作历史,倘若没有他们努力农业咨询公司与常州工学院促成合作,项目无法实施。

    I would also like to thank Holland College for their strong support. Holland College has a long history in China and this program would not have happened without their work to link Agriteam to CIT.


  • 昨晚世界杯决赛荷兰0 - 1败给西班牙,赛后约翰·克鲁伊夫对荷兰队的表现展开了猛烈攻击愤然指出荷兰战术是“肮脏的”,风格是“足球的背叛”。

    Johan Cruyff has launched a scathing attack on Holland's performance in their 1-0 defeat to Spain in the World Cup final last night, slamming their "dirty" tactics and their style of "anti-football".


  • 皇家苏格兰银行(Royal Bankof Scotland),在信用紧缩时结束了荷兰银行(ABNAMRO)巨额收购案,预计8月8日公布其的更多损失

    Royal Bank of Scotland, which was expected to unveil further losses on August 8th, finalised the costly acquisition of ABN AMRO, a Dutch bank, after the crunch had started.


  • 然而,根据这样批评家发现主要困难在于评估荷兰观众这些图片解读多重性并不容易

    The major difficulty, however, with the findings of critics such as de Jongh is that it is not easy to assess the multiplicity of levels in which Dutch viewers interpreted these pictures.


  • 荷兰教授一个意大利不屑一顾他说:“所有意大利人都只关心意大利妈妈。”

    One Dutch professor I had dismissed another Italian one, saying, "All the Italians care about are pasta and mamma."


  • 随着造船成本上升威尼斯坚持过时标准荷兰人则更轻容易操作船只进行创新。

    As the costs of shipbuilding rose, Venice clung to its outdated standard while the Dutch were innovating in the lighter and more easily handled ships.


  • 作为荷兰人民朋友我们你们取得的成就感到由衷钦佩高兴

    As a friend of the Dutch people, we feel truly happy for you and admire your achievements.


  • 此项获准紧随最近澳大利亚挪威荷兰意大利美国F—35选择采购承诺之后

    This approval follows recent F-35 down-select or procurement commitments by Australia, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy and the United States.


  • 成了名摄影师早期荷兰艺术历史学家同时曼哈顿岛被野蛮荷兰所占略知一二,堪称专家。

    He became a photographer and a professional historian of early Netherlandish art, as well as something of an expert on the brutal Dutch colonists of Manhattan Island.


  • 荷兰一半来说,病人熟的家庭医生进行安乐死

    In the Netherlands, euthanasia is mostly carried out by family doctors, who know their patients well.


  • 荷兰仍然原来阿姆斯特丹念念不忘

    The Netherlands still retains an interest in its former New Amsterdam.


  • 布利顿而言,荷兰购买玫瑰要比肯尼亚空运过来的更为绿色毋庸质疑的。

    Surely it must be greener for Britons to buy roses from the Netherlands than ones air-freighted from Kenya?


  • 布利顿而言,荷兰购买玫瑰要比肯尼亚空运过来的更为绿色毋庸质疑的。

    Surely it must be greener for Britons to buy roses from the Netherlands than ones air-freighted from Kenya?


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