• 第二章,票据贴现中的法律关系进行了分析。

    Chapter 2 focuses on the legal relationship between the bill discounting.


  • 第一票据贴现法律性质特征进行了分析。

    Chapter 1 focuses on the legal nature and characteristics of bill discounting.


  • 票据诈骗罪主要客体认识理解票据诈骗犯罪核心

    And the understanding of main object of bills defraud crime is the core of understanding the bills defraud crime.


  • 票据进行高速、准确分类实现票据自动处理关键

    To quickly and accurately classify bill is a key to automatic bill processing.


  • 一种利用验证票据内容真实性进行验证防伪认证系统

    Present invention refers to forgery prevention authenticate system utilizing identifying code to verify note content authenticity.


  • 所谓票据丧失持票人并非出于自己本意而丧失对票据的占有。

    The loss of negotiable instrument is that the bearer lost negotiable instrument but not on his inclination.


  • 未经事先书面同意公司不得接受票据任何修改取消

    That we shall not accept any amendment to or cancellation of the instrument without your prior written consent;


  • 票据上的其他记载事项,原记载可以更改,更改时应当原记载人签章证明

    Other particulars on a negotiable instrument may be altered by the person who recorded them, but he shall verify the alterations by putting his signature thereto.


  • 信用票据基础对票据基础关系票据流通至关重要的作用。

    Credit is the foundation of the bill, which plays a critical role in both fundamental relations of the bill and circulation of the bill.


  • 中国票据法》十条相关条款规定不能看成票据行为抽象性否定

    The tenth and its relevant regulations of "The Law of Bill" of China should not been considered as negation of the abstraction of bill.


  • 文章认为,《票据将来修改完善加强对票据流通中善意第三人的保护。

    Further this paper suggests that the sincere third party be further protected in bill circulation when "Negotiable Instruments Law" is to be revised and improve...


  • 本法所称抗辩是指票据债务人根据本法规定票据债权人拒绝履行义务作为。

    Defense "as used in this Law means refusal by a person liable for a negotiable instrument to perform his obligations to the creditor in accordance with the provisions of this Law."


  • 我国现行法律票据丧失救济规定还不够完善,难以充分维护失票人合法利益

    However, the current law in China about the remedies of loss of bill is not perfect in that it cannot fully safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the loser.


  • 票据犯罪结果主要是票据犯罪行为票据法律关系破坏所造成社会财产损失

    The outcome of instrument crime refers to the loss of social property as a result of destroying the legal relation of instruments by instrument crime.


  • 我国票据对票据丧失规定了挂失止付、公示催告、提起诉讼三种补救措施失票人选择

    The Commercial Instrument Law of China provides three remedial measures for the loss of the commercial instruments for the losers' choices.


  • 约定背书禁止法定的背书禁止背书禁止形式,两者票据的流通性均产生一定限制

    Contractual nonnegotiable endorsement and legal nonnegotiable endorsement are tow forms of forbidding endorsement Both of them limit the negotiation of instruments.


  • 我国票据票据伪造法律效力规定比较粗略,而风险责任承担问题直接规定加以完善。

    As to the validity of forged bill, the commercial instrument law in China stipulates very simply. There is no direct provision about the taking of risk responsibility, and it needs to be perfected.


  • 本文商业银行票据贴现业务现状为基础对票据贴现业务中的问题法理制度角度进行了研究。

    This paper based on the status of the bill discounting business in commercial Banks, analyses the problems of the bill discounting business from the legal theory and system point of view.


  • 由于理论上票据善意取得制度一些重要问题认识模糊,实践错误适用票据善意取得制度情况时有发生

    Due to inadequate understanding of some important issues in the good-willed acquisition of financial instruments, in practice misuse of such a mechanism often occurs.


  • 文章从理论实务角度对票据利益返还请求权成立条件、票据利益返还请求权当事人、利益返还的范围诉讼管辖以及时效等问题进行了分析梳理。

    The article analyzes the right theoretically and practically in terms of the constituent elements, the parties, the scope of restitution interest, the jurisdiction and the limitation of actions.


  • 文章的主干部分结合民事责任制度研究思路票据责任制度进行全面分析,从概念内容、归责原则、构成要件、承担主体、解除和免责事由等诸方面进行探讨;

    In the branch part of this paper, the author carries on the overall analysis to the bill liability system, unifying the civil liability system's research mentality.


  • 这里颇有些企业自救意味,特别是花旗而言其他任何银行更深地涉足资产担保商业票据市场如图)。

    There is a whiff of self-rescue about the enterprise, especially with regard to Citigroup, which is more exposed to the asset-backed commercial-paper market than any other bank (see chart).


  • 金融衍生品银行人士收入进行集中票据清算的申请最近几周内推迟两次,在本月有望提上议程。

    Proposals on the central clearing of derivatives and bankers' pay, among others, have been twice delayed in recent weeks and are now expected to emerge later this month.


  • 而言,当看到票据记录从混乱慢慢变得有序,我感到相当兴奋。

    For me, it was rather exhilirating to watch things slowly becoming ordered where there was only chaos before.


  • 外管局美国国债购买爆发性增长(图标)但是后来他们购买的几乎短期票据

    Its purchases of Treasury bonds have surged (see bottom chart) but of late they have been almost exclusively short-term bills.


  • 之后金匠将其记录一张票据上,交给个人并且:“保留好票据。”

    Then he'd write on a little note "and hand it to the guy and say just keep this note."


  • 索罗斯在他新书最后章里提出了些小建议例如建立一个适当保证金要求票据交换所,以此缓解订约金融衍生品市场恐慌

    The last two chapters are peppered with smaller suggestions, such as the creation of a clearing house with proper margin requirements to ease counterparty fears in derivatives markets.


  • 索罗斯在他新书最后章里提出了些小建议例如建立一个适当保证金要求票据交换所,以此缓解订约金融衍生品市场恐慌

    The last two chapters are peppered with smaller suggestions, such as the creation of a clearing house with proper margin requirements to ease counterparty fears in derivatives markets.


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