• 理查德科尔最近发行所有录像评论

    Richard Coles reviews all the latest video releases.


  • 作者书里某些评论淡然处之

    The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book.


  • 两个之间商业合作我们没有什么评论

    We do not have any comment on the business cooperation between the two.


  • 除了个人他们不着因为宿舍昆虫飞来飞去,其他人(住宿环境)的评论基本上还可以

    The reviews for that one are mostly OK except for one person who said they couldn't sleep because there were insects flying around in the dormitories.


  • 你看上周报纸这部电影进行精彩评论

    Look, the film got a fantastic review in the paper last week.


  • 得到更多消息之前,我无法该项声明发表评论

    I can't comment on the statement until I have got further information.


  • 不便评论政府进一步提供资金承诺

    He says that it is not his place to comment on government commitment to further funds.


  • 评论看成主席冒犯

    His comments were seen as an insult to the president.


  • 新书负面评论使难过

    The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her.


  • 评论误解这个项目批评

    His comments were misinterpreted as a criticism of the project.


  • 由于这个评论含义确定赖尔选择了保持沉默

    Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent.


  • 品味高雅评论轻蔑地表示,节目深奥”,大部分观众没有吸引力

    Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was "too sophisticated" to appeal to most viewers.


  • 那位批评家这部戏剧评论不过发泄怒气

    The critic's review of the play was just a paragraph of bile.


  • 觉得无法他们的决定作出评论

    I don't feel I can comment on their decision.


  • 评论表演赞不绝口

    The critics went into raptures about her performance.


  • 开头这个报告几点概括性评论

    He began by making a few general observations about the report.


  • 鲍登无知不合时宜评论公开道歉

    Bowden issued an apology for his mindless and untimely remark.


  • 评论认为等于是非法移民变相特赦

    Critics say this amounts to a backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens.


  • 评论几乎一致做出这本新书轻蔑的评价。

    Reviewers have been almost unanimous in their disparagement of this book.


  • 发生灾难原因评论

    Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster?


  • 觉得如此严肃问题来说评论不恰当的。

    I feel the remark was inappropriate for such a serious issue.


  • 始终无法忍受评论刻薄抨击。

    He never grew used to the lashings he got from the critics.


  • 评论以及作出那些评论情境已经非常清楚详细的说明

    He has given a very clear explanation of his remarks and the context in which they were made.


  • 评论最近出版一部小说作了详细剖析。

    Her latest novel was dissected by the critics.


  • 我们看看约翰逊博士18世纪尔顿的《利西达斯》所做评论

    Let's look at the comments that Dr. Johnson made about Milton's Lycidas in the eighteenth century.


  • 然而无论后续建议评论表明与否,学生教室里的现状感到不满

    Nevertheless, whether the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel dissatisfied with things-as-they-are in the classroom.


  • 这些评论当地记者经常提出的特定问题回应

    These comments came in response to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.


  • 我们存在内心混蛋我们自己产生负面想法我们不必的肮脏评论

    We all have an inner jerk that feeds us negative thoughts about us, but we don't have to listen to its nasty comments.


  • 这种观点批评态度评论认为不可能令人难以置信的。

    The critics of this point of view would say that's impossible and inconceivable.


  • 这种观点批评态度评论认为不可能令人难以置信的。

    The critics of this point of view would say that's impossible and inconceivable.


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