• 对比强烈的色彩搭配效果明显

    The effect with comparative and intense tie-in colour is more apparent.


  • 广告上对比强烈红色紫色混搭显示了力量自信

    The rich red and purple contrasting combination exudes power and confidence!


  • 对比强烈蓝色白色反射内心冲突孩子容易被说服。

    They like dark blue, blue, pale yellow. Contrast of black and white – reflexion of internal conflict a child cannot consult in any way.


  • 纯粹色彩对比强烈色彩较平面上的色彩缓和的多。

    Dinkum colour and comparative and strong colour is the colour to ease the plane.


  • 对比强烈颜色涂装陈列珍品橱窗内部突出收藏珍品,以形成视觉焦点

    Painting with a contrasting color inside the window display of treasures, outstanding collection of treasures, to form a visual focus.


  • 主厅中,两种对比强烈材料通过其他原木物品中性色调进行适度的调和

    These two distinctive materials are also harmonized by the neutral color of wood from the furniture and lightings in the main hall.


  • 然而连绵不断“白色套白色”毕竟对比强烈用色有效烘托了死亡的气氛。

    At the same time, however, the unbroken colour of the almost white-in-white paintings underlines the state of death more strongly than a clearly differentiated palette of multiple contrasts.


  • 角落对比强烈黑色截住,似乎无路可逃,一丝黄绒偷偷溢出,越过了霸道的黑

    The yellow is cornered with a strong contrast of black blocking its dispersion, but the glimpse of yellow subtly seeps through the dominating shades of black and blue.


  • 建筑物结构两种对比强烈的元素构成严谨的几何立方体外壳造型以及内部中央自由布局。

    The edificial structure consists of two formally contrasting elements: A geometrically stringent, cube-like shell volume and a freeform positioned centrally in the interior.


  • 那些盘子桌布颜色对比强烈餐桌吃饭同样分量食物但颜色对比明显的人吃得更多

    Those who were served food on tables with a higher color contrast between the plates and the tablecloth also ate more than those who were served the same amount of food without a noticeable contrast.


  • 对比强烈色彩装饰浴室装饰线将门和装饰线涂成深色烘托墙面涂层突出瓷砖颜色

    Decorated with a contrasting color of the bathroom door and decorative lines, decorative lines will be painted doors and dark to set off the wall coating, and highlight the color of ceramic tile.


  • 罗马,教堂手机技术备具争议重要对比强烈大场景:非常古老一个则面目崭新

    The church and cellular telephone technology are arguably the two most important and contrasting institutions here in Rome: one very old, the other very new.


  • 白色牛皮纸外,一般牛皮纸底色深,因此比较适宜印刷深色文字线条设计一些对比强烈色块

    In addition to the white kraft paper, kraft paper, general color is deep, therefore, more suitable for text and line printing, dark, can also design some strong contrast color.


  • 事物感觉一般更加强烈

    I definitely feel things more strongly than the average person.


  • 比方亮暗对比特别强烈场景就得作选择

    In especially high contrast scenes, for example, you have choices.


  • 欧洲其他地区形成强烈的对比

    The contrast with other parts of Europe is sharp.


  • 这里生命春天万物复苏气息与死亡的象征形成强烈对比决定张照片,永远留住幅画面。

    The contrast of these symbols of life and springtime next to a symbol of death was so striking, I decided to take a photograph of it.


  • 互补强烈对比营造出一种生机活力,特别是饱和状态下使用

    The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look especially when used at full saturation.


  • 工作场所阅读为了能提供强烈的对比亮度,应该购买标明日光”标签开尔文温度节能灯

    To provide sharp contrast in workspaces and under reading lamps, buy a CFL labeleddaylight, ” or with a higher Kelvin temperature.


  • 不得不习惯警笛、家犬、除雪声音,还有一般而言轻微车辆嘶嘶声。这一切与完全的和平静止宁静星辰森林浓浓的甜味形成了强烈的对比

    I had to get used to the sounds of sirens, dogs, snowplows and the general low-level hiss of traffic, a contrast to the utter peace, stillness, silence, stars and dense sweet scent of the forest.


  • 就是这种强烈的对比使乡村中的庄园犯罪小说占据着非常重要的地位。

    It is that contrast which makes the country house so important to crime fiction. And Pemberley is the ideal country house in every sense.


  • 例如视觉更快注意到比较元素或者背景强烈对比的元素,或者具备暖色调的元素。

    For example, the eye will notice faster the elements that are larger or having greater contrast with the background color or having a hot color.


  • 这部作品其中明暗对比的反差白昼光还来的强烈我们能够因此而抓住希望反抗和斗争。

    Here is a work which, in a chiaroscuro more gripping than the light of day, permits us to seize man's struggle against his hopes.


  • 希拉里在南卡罗来纳州因为种族原因惨败巴马所提倡种族和谐主题形成了强烈对比并且使肯尼迪一边倒的支持了奥巴马。

    Mr Clinton's race-tinged dismissal of the South Carolina result contrasted strongly with Mr Obama's theme of racial reconciliation, and is thought to have tipped Mr Kennedy into endorsing Mr Obama.


  • 拍照小技巧如果用上三角架,然后放慢快门速度拍摄移动对象可以一张有强烈对比的照片,有清晰的部分有模糊掉的细节

    Photo Tip: If you use a tripod and a very slow shutter speed to shoot a moving subject, you can get a dramatic contrast between sharp and blurred detail.


  • 弗罗斯特对比强烈的

    The contrast with Frost is powerful.


  • 与世界其他发达国家形成了强烈对比他们对于转基因的东西有着苛刻的限制完全禁止因为他们认为转基因的东西已被证实安全

    This is in sharp contrast to most other developed nations around the world, where there are significant restrictions or outright bans on GMOs because they're not considered proven safe.


  • 两个物体色度质感上发生对比时候,层次感非常强烈

    Layering is particularly effective when there is a notable contrast in the shade or texture of two overlapping objects.


  • 两个物体色度质感上发生对比时候,层次感非常强烈

    Layering is particularly effective when there is a notable contrast in the shade or texture of two overlapping objects.


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