• 优先考虑他们有利重要因素

    Prioritize what is essential to their best advantage.


  • 人们认为正在进行选举的条件政府过于有利

    It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being held are too favourable to the government.


  • 亚当斯做了一连串他很有利工作

    Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead.


  • 良好管理雇主雇员同样有利

    Good management benefits employers and employees alike.


  • 大部分人观点似乎极为有利

    The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.


  • 温暖气候多种热带植物生长有利

    The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.


  • 那一信息核心和平绝不应该成为任何人有利不利根源

    The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disadvantage for anyone.


  • 陪审团作出了被告有利的裁决。

    The jury found for the defendant.


  • 很多关节病效果的药品主要尿的功效。

    Many remedies effective in joint disease are primarily diuretic.


  • 大多数案件都是法院判决当时环境铁路公司有利

    Most of the cases were decided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides.


  • 陨石撞击某些物种有利它们会茁壮成长其他物种则是灾难性的,它们会灭绝

    Meteorite impacts can be advantageous for some species, which thrive, and disastrous for other species, which become extinct.


  • 然而有趣的是认为其他可能有利特征参与研究寿命没有影响

    Interestingly, however, other characteristics that you might consider advantageous had no impact on whether study participants were likely to live longer.


  • 如果参赛者企图犯规时弄伤了自己,裁判不会采取有利行动

    If a contestant injures himself while attempting to foul his opponent, the referee will not take any action in his favor.


  • 这个实验强调道德重要性如果没有道德,一个机器人怎么决定拯救或者什么人类有利尤其是不能计算生存几率的时候?

    The experiment highlights the importance of morality: without it, how can a robot decide whom to save or what's best for humanity, especially if it can't calculate survival odds?


  • 此外岛屿栖息地食物资源有限因此更小体型更少资源的需求有利

    Additionally, island habitats have limited food resources, a smaller body size and a need for fewer resources would thus be favored.


  • 13时候公司市值就达到了数百万美元因为公司发明种超级甜食,不仅不会破坏孩子们的牙齿而且有利

    By the time she was 13, her company was worth millions of dollars with the invention of a super-sweet treat that could save kids' teeth, instead of destroying them.


  • 这种具有异国情调的面料需求最终创造有利可图贸易路线,即现在所说丝绸,这条路线丝绸带向西方,羊毛带到东方

    Demand for this exotic fabric eventually created the lucrative trade route now known as the Silk Road, taking silk westward and bringing gold, silver and wool to the East.


  • 安德鲁·劳本博格称,这次交易英航和国际航空有利投资者此事态度由于缺少细节尚不明朗。

    Andrew Lobbenberg said the deal would be positive for BA and IAG, but investors' view of the transaction was hampered by a shortage of detail.


  • 科学家农业世界上人类环境有利最佳技术之一

    Scientists say Low Till Agriculture is one of the best examples in the worlds of technologies working for both people, and the environment.


  • 美国不会农民麻烦——生物燃料工业他们来说已经证实真正有利可图的。

    In the USA, I wouldn't say that farmers are having problemsthe biofuel industry for them has turned out to be really profitable.


  • 尽管产量较低有机农业农民来说有利可图因为消费者愿意支付更高的价格。

    Despite lower yields, organic agriculture is more profitable for farmers because consumers are willing to pay more.


  • 为了确保简历有利不是不利),建议你把得更提案不是一份工作描述

    To ensure that your resume works for (and not against) you, I recommend writing it more like a proposal than a job description.


  • 首先我们现实直觉错误的时候,真的有利揭露现实。

    First, it's really good at exposing when our intuitive view of reality is wrong.


  • 越早学会独立,你的未来就越有利

    The earlier you learn to be independent, the better it is for your future.


  • 的确随着发展国家人们农村城市这种转移可能减少土地压力反过来可能有利环境

    It's true that as people in developing nations move from the countryside to the city, the shift may reduce the pressure on land, which could, in turn, be good for the environment.


  • 陪审团作出有利结论

    The verdict of the jury was given in his favour.


  • 控制相关基因及其分子机制进行研究有利我们深入了解多指(趾)畸形的形成机制,揭示肢体发育过程和机理。

    Study the genes of polydactyly and molecular mechanism can help us to know how limbs form and reveal the producing process of limbs.


  • 控制相关基因及其分子机制进行研究有利我们深入了解多指(趾)畸形的形成机制,揭示肢体发育过程和机理。

    Study the genes of polydactyly and molecular mechanism can help us to know how limbs form and reveal the producing process of limbs.


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