• 那么他们那个努力对方网。

    And so they kick the ball and try to get it into each other's net, ok? It's called the net.


  • 比赛时运动员努力做到使自己适应对方而不对方适应

    During a competition, the athletes should make themselves adapt to the opponent's balls, rather than make the opponent adapt to your balls.


  • 对方正手方向。

    He served to his opponent's forehand.


  • 对阵双方一个蹦床每队试图击过对方场地

    Each side of the court has a trampoline and each team of 3 to 5 players attempts to hit or kick the ball over the net to the opposing team's side of the court.


  • 如果移动10就把队。

    If he doesn't move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.


  • 人们交谈的时候需要互相靠近这样他们才能交谈倾听对方

    People using it have to lean close to each other so they can talk and listen to each other.


  • 我们第一给了对方太多空间,而第二,我们未能处理干净,”这位58岁的教练说道

    "We gave them too much room for the first goal and we didn't clear the ball on the second one," said the 58-year-old.


  • 于是告诉我们一方的第三个人传中,对方前锋,然后他右边挡住那个高个子后卫。

    So I told the third man on our team to center the ball, let the rusher come after me, and go block the tall man defending the backfield to the right.


  • 反应速度灵活,以及化解对方单刀能力俱乐部国家队赢得“圣伊戈尔”的称号。

    His reflexes, speed, agility and the ability to shut down one on one threats has earned him the nickname Saint Iker by both club and national fans.


  • 利比亚左边防线受到对方员拦截转换速度连过名后卫地上将攻入右上角

    Trapped against the left touchline he showed a devastating turn of pace to speed in-between two defenders and slam a shot into the top corner from inside the box.


  • 门将斯托伊科维奇左侧扑,封出来塞尔维亚抵挡对方的大举进攻D悬念仍在。

    The goalkeeper, Vladimir Stojkovic, saved to his left and Serbia withstood a late onslaught to leave Group D wide open.


  • 这时对方投篮不中我们中锋随即抢下来,于是我们直到拖完全时间

    Then after the other team missed a shot, our center grabbed the ball so we could pass it around to kill the clock until all the time was gone.


  • 本来每个队伍9队员但是规则传向自己队伍队员然后设法投向对方筐子里。

    Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then.


  • 第23分钟,迪福中场米尔纳一记巧妙传中,将塞入对方门。

    He tucked in on midfielder James Milner's brilliant cross in the 23rd minute.


  • 比赛第一来自阿隆索配合,法国前锋48′将送入对方

    The first goal in the match came from a combination of passes between Benzema and Xabi Alonso, after which the French striker sent the ball into the back of the net from inside the box (48 ').


  • 如果发现某些的落点预判能力很强时,在使用时,你可以相应地做一部分调整(造成对方在判断上的失误,译注),

    But players like being able to anticipate where their kick will land, and the new ball will take some adjustment, Mehta said.


  • 红杉队女孩们却站攻方员的身前,直接阻碍对方

    The Redwood City girls, by contrast, played in front of their opponents, to prevent them from catching the inbounds pass in the first place.


  • 判犯规、或者越位时候对方会获得一个任意机会。

    When a player is penalized for committing a foul, handball or offside, a "free and unchallenged" kick of the ball is awarded to the opposition.


  • 由于控时间减少,佩特洛夫贝拉米的拿机会也开始稀少起来埃弗顿因而控制了场面,他们利用各种各样的直传绕过了曼城中场防守,让对方无论是进攻还是防守都变得一团糟。

    The supply lines to Petrov and Bellamy became scarce as Everton bossed the game, bypassing City's midfield with the alternative of the direct-ball approach as they mixed up their game.


  • 得分后卫过半场,控制在罚顶部对方篮筐24英尺处,然后正是启动本队演练了几百次战术。

    The point guard dribbled the ball up the court. He stood above the top of the key, about twenty-four feet from the opposing team's basket.


  • 鲍勃右边阻挡9岁的男孩,然后迅速往左边,我在对方前锋追上之前就会把

    I told Bob to block the kid to the right too, then run hard left, and I’d throw the ball to him right before the rusher got to me.


  • 上半场接近尾声时韩端一连突破对方几个防守,距离6米处劲射,打出界外

    Near the end of the period, Han Duan outdribbled several defenders but her shot from six meters (yards) veered just out bounds.


  • 赛季阿森纳115个都是对方通过定位打进的。

    Five of Arsenal's 11 goals conceded have come from set pieces this season.


  • 在第7分钟,寄诚开出的任意飞过了对方防守队员,传到隐蔽门柱的李正秀脚下,由他攻入粒入

    Ki Sung-yong's seventh-minute free kick went over a group of players and to an unmarked Lee Jung-soo at the far post to tap in and convert South Korea's first chance on goal.


  • 回到对方靠近地方。

    He played the ball back close to the net.


  • 因为羽毛可以训练我们对方的合作默契。

    Because it trains us to cooperate one to another.


  • 如果目标对方队员,那就会一个犯规

    If the object of your tackling is the other man, you may get a call.


  • 如果目标对方队员,那就会一个犯规

    If the object of your tackling is the other man, you may get a call.


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