• 工人仍然冷却lhc个节点(sectors),它们规定为质子进入或者发生对撞地点。

    Workers are still finishing cooling down the eight sectors of the LHC, which are defined by eight points along the ring where protons may enter or collide.


  • 通过研究粒子对撞的结果,他们希望发现宇宙怎样含有形成星系恒星行星,或者至少是形成生命本身物质

    By studying what happens, they hope to discover why the universe contains the matter that has formed galaxies, stars, planets and, in at least one place, life itself.


  • 欧洲科学家他们世界最大原子对撞创下高能量质子对撞最新纪录,模拟创造宇宙爆炸”状态。

    European scientists say they have set a record for high-energy collisions of protons in the world's largest atom smasher, mimicking conditions close to the "Big Bang" that created the universe.


  • 如果对撞能量足够大可能制造出种“夸克——胶子等离子体”,宇宙爆炸之后高能环境下存在一种物质状态

    A "quark-gluon plasma" can be created if the collisions are energetic enough, a state of matter that existed during the high-energy conditions just after the Big Bang .


  • 对撞之后这些能量生成一些新的粒子,它们可以在围绕加速复杂粒子探测器测量跟踪

    After collision, the energy condenses to create new particles that can be measured and tracked inside the complex particle detectors around the accelerator ring.


  • 日内瓦时间下午1对撞操作人员操纵着数十亿个粒子组成质子束流,以接近光速的速度实现了首次对撞

    Collider operators steered the proton beams, comprising billions of particles accelerated almost to the speed of light, into their first collision just after 1 p.m. Geneva time.


  • 大型强子对撞达到操作的最大限度时——这个早些时候碰撞发生速度设置了一项记录——离奇古怪的结果必然越来越频繁地意外出现

    As the LHC reaches its operational capacity-earlier this month it set a new record for the rate at which collisions occur-curious results are bound to crop up more and more frequently.


  • 法国瑞士交界处地下深处,世界最大粒子加速器正在接近光速速度完美精确的将质子加速对撞

    Deep beneath the border of France and Switzerland, the world's most massive physics machine is sending subatomic particles smashing into each other at speeds nearing the speed of light.


  • LHC同样被计划用于离子相对论对撞帮助物理学家们窥探时间开始时的情形。

    But the LHC is also designed to collide heavy lead ions relativistically to help physicists peer back into the beginning of time.


  • 虽然不过而已,但大型强子对撞铅——铅对撞实验已经排除一些有关早期宇宙状态的理论

    Although it's only been three weeks, the lead-lead collision experiments in the LHC have already ruled out some theories about how the early Universe behaved.


  • 现在最大希望寄托新的粒子加速器上,位于瑞士日内瓦的大型强子对撞器(LHC)有史以来建造的最大的加速器。

    The best hope now could be a new particle accelerator - the large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland - that is the largest ever built.


  • 到目前为止质子与质子间的对撞计划用来产生可能导致神奇希格斯玻色子的现象能量

    So far, the proton-proton collisions have been designed to generate energies that might produce exotic phenomena like the Higgs boson.


  • 巴里·巴里斯:对撞电子正电子机器

    Barry Barish: it's a machine that will collide electrons and positrons.


  • 微观上,讲述的是飞机毁时一对夫妻他们儿子生活在下曼哈顿以及惨剧带给他们的生活上的涟漪

    On a micro level, it's about a couple and their young son living in Lower Manhattan when the planes hit, and about the event's rippling emotional aftermath in their lives.


  • 现在最大希望寄托新的粒子加速器上,位于瑞士日内瓦大型强子对撞器(LHC)有史以来建造最大的加速器。

    The best hope now could be a new particle accelerator? The large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland? That is the largest ever built.


  • 在用大型电子对撞创造了最高能量质子束流对撞记录瑞士科学家们他们“探索前人未曾涉足的领域。”

    Scientists in Switzerland say they are "going where nobody has been before" after setting a high-power collision record with the Large Hadron Collider.


  • 例如,发光效率欧洲对手更好。发光效率决定对撞速率进而决定了看到罕见粒子(比如:希格斯玻色子)几率

    For one, it still gets the better of its European rival when it comes to luminosity, a measure which determines the collision rate and thus the chances of seeing something rare, like a Higgs boson.


  • 尽管地毯上没有,但每位明星都会戴上条红丝带,以示对海底地震受难者支持。

    Whilethere were no duplicate dresses on the red carpet, almost everycelebrity adorned their outfits with a red ribbon to indicate theirsupport of the victims of the Haiti earthquake.


  • 根据欧洲物理研究所报道现在大型强子对撞已经打破了迄今为止世界上密集对撞粒子记录,超过台质子-反质子对撞机。

    CERN reports today that the LHC has broken the record for the world's most intense beams of colliding particles, snatching the title from the Tevatron.


  • 而且,现在大型强子对撞每秒粒子对撞处于世界最高,一状况可能推动一些发现

    The LHC had already broken the record for collision energy, but now it has the highest rate of particle collisions per second as well, which should speed up new discoveries.


  • 事实上它们应该目前能制造出来的热量最高对撞

    In fact, they should be the hottest collisions created yet.


  • 对撞合并能量高达七万亿电子伏特,是之前世界纪录3.5

    The beams collided with a combined energy of seven trillion electron volts, about 3.5 times more powerful than the previous world record.


  • 他们通过一个巨大圆形对撞管道内发射不同方向光线来模拟实验。

    They will eventually send beams in different directions around a huge, circular, "collider" pipe.


  • 通过正面相互对撞原子粉碎物理学家意图重现爆炸宇宙形成一刹那情形。

    By smashing protons into one another in head-on collisions, physicists intend to recreate conditions that occurred a fraction of a second after the universe was created in the Big Bang.


  • 事实上学校任何感到不舒服事情都避之不及- - -在校车上和同学们的交流;操场上玩耍时的你推我撞。

    In fact, he was avoiding things in school that made him uncomfortable - interactions on the bus, jostling on the playground.


  • 那些高能态的离子对撞持续时间上很但是对撞产生的热量却会持续很久

    Those higher energy ion collisions are short in duration but long on heat.


  • 布什劳拉关系因为布什次把撞向车库大门而变得牢固起来,而布什这么做则是因为劳拉对他的首次并不成功国会竞选活动中的一篇软弱无力的竞选演讲进行了批评

    Bush cements his relationship with Laura by ramming his car into a garage door because she has criticized a weak campaign speech in his first, unsuccessful campaign for Congress.


  • 这两个女孩儿分别是现年7岁的科莉·摩根现年3岁的莎迪娅·摩根,她们是一对亲姐妹。据房东主人的女儿切莉萨·摩尔表示房子是在凌晨4:30被撞毁的,两个孩子恰好在此前不久卧室“转移”到了客厅

    Cori Morgan, 7, and her sister, Shadia, 3, had left their bedroom for the living room just before the 4:30 a.m. crash, said Cerrisa Moore, whose mother owns the house.


  • 欧洲粒子物理研究所一个控制室内成功记录第一对撞爆发出一阵热烈的掌声。

    Scientists at a control room at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, or CERN, broke into applause when the first successful collisions were recorded.


  • 欧洲粒子物理研究所一个控制室内成功记录第一对撞爆发出一阵热烈的掌声。

    Scientists at a control room at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, or CERN, broke into applause when the first successful collisions were recorded.


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