• 似乎戴维斯来说公平

    That didn't seem fair to Davies.


  • 据报道美国官方哈尔联系到死者家属,并希望他们放弃戴维斯先生起诉。

    American officials have reportedly approached the families of those killed in Lahore to offer money in the hope they would ask for the charges against Mr Davis to be dropped.


  • 在此基础戴维斯等级层次进行评价:等级层次观新的思路、一种新的方法、一种新的工具

    Then some comment on his view was made, that is, ranking arrangement is a new point of view, method and tool.


  • 乔治亚美国联邦参议员罗伯特·图姆斯(robertToombs)现在美国南部邦联国务卿戴维斯:“向萨姆特堡开火,就引发迄今以来世界上最大的一场内战,为此,我不能给你任何建议。”

    Former United States Senator Robert Toombs of Georgia was the Confederate secretary of state. He told Davis, "Firing upon that fort will begin a civil war greater than any the world has ever seen."


  • 戴维斯需要具有真正研究水平而不是一个梦想家去浪费资源地球生活满意

    Davies: You'll need people with real research skills, not a dreamer using up the resources. I'm very happy with my life here on Earth.


  • 为了找出个答案,科学家布莱恩戴维斯李刚博士以及威廉姆艾菲教授这些品种DNA进行分析

    So to find out more, scientists Mr Brian Davis, Dr Gang Li and Professor William Murphy conducted an analysis of the DNA of all these species.


  • 戴维斯大胆的冒险的事情美国已经失去主动权

    Davies: the us has lost the initiative when it comes to bold, adventurous things.


  • 我会尽量下去,现在有足够的动力今年划上一个圆满的句号—(捷克队)西班牙赢得戴维斯

    I'm going to play as long as I can and, right now, I feel motivated to finish the year well - and to win the Davis Cup for Spain [against the Czech Republic] next month.


  • 贾拉特南被判有罪之后里特的资深媒体顾问艾伦·戴维斯代表媒体表示:“普里特热爱他的工作,不论是现在还是将来,他都没有竞选国家公职的打算。”

    "Preet loves his job and has no desire to run for public office now or ever," his senior press adviser, Ellen Davis, said on his behalf after the Rajaratnam verdict.


  • 来自加州大学戴维斯分校研究者们29,662数据进行了分析,这些数据来自于国家酒精依赖相关特征的流行病学调查

    Researchers from UC Davis looked at data on 29,662 people from the the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions.


  • 不过戴维斯还说,“排放二氧化碳的建筑每天建造中,所有的建筑设施进行限制可能的。”

    But, Davis added, "there are things being built every day, and no real prospect that we're going to restrict emissions from all of those things."


  • 他们透露了一些有效细节例如戴维斯先生确实攻击12枪,其中3枪射中了名受害者背部

    It leaked telling details, such as the fact that Mr Davis had fired 12 bullets at his assailants, including three into the back of one victim.


  • 乔治华盛顿大学的乔治·戴维斯参与了血吸虫研究

    G.W. 's Davis is part of a project researching the disease schistosomiasis A.K.A.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校弗兰克·米特洛纳(FrankMitloehner)遏制肉食生产消费天气造成的有利影响人们宣称

    But curbing meat production and consumption would be less beneficial for the climate than has been claimed, said Frank Mitloehner from the University of California at Davis (UCD).


  • 戴维斯欧阳只要1012个主题里的样本足够使分子绘图和电路绘图系统高度可靠即使是第一次使用的人来说。

    Davis and Ouyang say that samples from only 10 or 12 subjects were enough to make both the molecular-sketch and circuit-diagram systems highly reliable, even for first-time users.


  • 相信,我贝琪·赖特迪克·莫里斯、戴维·沃特金斯有能力应付可能发生的一切但是担心切尔西其他人爸爸坏话有何反应

    I felt confident that Betsey Wright, Dick Morris, David Watkins, and I could deal with whatever came up, but I was concerned about how Chelsea would react to people saying bad things about her father.


  • 《卫报》记者尼克.戴维斯关于报纸产业讣告---《地球新闻》中,这样的伪记者有精彩详细地描述!

    No, this the churnalism so wonderfully detailed in the Guardian journalist Nick Davies's obituary of the newspaper industry, Flat Earth News.


  • 戴维斯先生警方行为属于自卫,因为当时那两个他认为要抢劫拿出

    Mr Davis has told police that he acted in self-defence when the men, who he thought were robbers, pulled out guns.


  • 老年夫妇,爱德华·戴维斯安妮·戴维斯告诉他们常常必须他们需要的处方药和买食品之间进行选择

    An elderly couple, Edward and Annie Davis, told me they often had to choose between buying their prescription drugs and buying food.


  • 盖尔先生以法国蒙彼利埃国家第一农学院美国加州大学戴维斯分校收集档案材料基础故事带来了新的见解

    He brings fresh insights to the tale based on material from the archives of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie in Montpellier and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).


  • 航迹云现场研究一直稀少威斯康星大学白水分校的戴维·崔维斯我们了解到的大部分航迹云的研究都基于模型研究的。

    Field studies of contrails are rare, says David Travis of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Most of our understanding of their effects is based on model studies.


  • 这部做作影片中的女吸血鬼奥德特由吉娜·戴维斯扮演,影片讲述了小报记者前往特兰斯·瓦尼亚寻找弗兰肯斯坦时遇到故事。

    Geena Davis plays the vampiress Odette in this campy movie about a pair of tabloid reporters who travel to Transylvania in search of Frankenstein.


  • 戴维斯国家保健服务所前缘技术成本效益进行评估一个国际财团成员

    Davis is part of a consortium to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of leading-edge technology in the NHS.


  • 最近出版的本书他们做了两份介绍:历史学家戴维德•R•考特斯塔叛逆巨人纽约作家埃德木•高坡尼克的《天使时代》。

    Two recent books give them double billing: historian David R. Contosta's "Rebel Giants" and New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik's "Angels and Ages."


  • 科赫密苏里州一位物理学家女儿玛丽·罗宾森(Mary Robinson)结了他们育有弗莱迪、查理斯双胞胎——戴维威廉姆

    Koch married Mary Robinson, the daughter of a Missouri physician, and they had four sons: Freddie, Charles, and twins, David and William.


  • 科赫密苏里州一位物理学家女儿玛丽·罗宾森(Mary Robinson)结了他们育有弗莱迪、查理斯双胞胎——戴维威廉姆

    Koch married Mary Robinson, the daughter of a Missouri physician, and they had four sons: Freddie, Charles, and twins, David and William.


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