• 农业科学基础研究提出许多探索和尚解决的理论问题带动了基础研究深入进行。

    The agricultural science raised many new theoretical problems which need to be studied in the basic research and drove basic research in a deepgoing way.


  • 这项基础研究中,研究人员认为,在fMRI扫描图像中的动态变化反映大脑交响乐不同段落作出动态响应

    In this foundational study, the researchers conclude that dynamic changes seen in the fMRI scans reflect the brain's evolving responses to different phases of a symphony.


  • 复合材料修补技术低温性能测试技术性能表征质量控制以及应用基础研究作了简要介绍

    Repair technology, property testing techniques at high and low temperature, characterization and quality control as well as ap-plied basic research of composite materials are also briefly introduced.


  • 期望不仅凝集素生物学基础研究而且生物技术免疫临床实践追求一些应用具有价值高级研究具有很高的价值。

    It is expected to be of high value not only for basic study in lectin biology but also for advanced research in pursuing several applications in biotechnology, immunology, and clinical practice.


  • NCO关键优势之一在于有能力通过全球分析师整个市场进行基础研究不是简单地局限窄小地理范围内。

    One of NCO's key strengths is its ability, through its global analysts, to conduct fundamental research across markets and not simply within the narrow confines of geographic borders.


  • 不同领域基础研究流行病学临床心脏病学近期进展进行深入研讨。

    In-depth discussion of recent developments in the various fields of basic science, epidemiology and clinical cardiology.


  • 目的激光生物体作用所产生各种生物效应的角度所进行的研究加以综述,从而体现激光在医学基础研究诊断治疗等方面应用

    OBJECTIVE: To research and review studies based on the biological effects of laser on organisms and show the applications of laser in research of fundamental medicine, diagnosis and treatment, etc.


  • 后来许多基础研究工作调查不同的变量乳化质量影响发表了许多关于LEE论文

    Later, I conducted a lot of basic research work to investigate effects of variables on emulsion quality and published many papers on LEE.


  • 结论使用颅脑组织横断切片重建脑室结构,应用于基础研究教学工作中,提高加深脑室形态位置关系理解。

    Conclusion Reconstruction of lateral ventricles through transverse section can be used in basic research and teaching for good comprehension of the positional relation of ventriculus appearance.


  • 振动流化床基础研究资料进行分析归纳,结合实际选型经验,提出振动流化床的设计计算方法

    Analyze and sort out basic research information of vibrating fluidized bed, put forward design calculation method of the vibrating fluidized bed.


  • 讨论测量颗粒质量方法,以此为基础研究了细颗粒藏量、流反应气速固定空隙细颗粒质量流率的影响

    Based upon above research, effects on the mass flow rate of powders of inventory of powders, fluidization gas velocity, reaction gas velocity and void of packed bed are discussed e.


  • 本文用吹吸气隔断局部空间气流运动进行基础研究

    This paper presents the basic studies of push-pull flow separating a local part of space without partitions.


  • 但美乐托宁心血管系统疾病确切作用机制及安全性有效性,尚需要广泛的基础研究和大规模的临床验证

    The exact mechanisms of melatonin on cardiovascular disease, its safety and efficiency call for extensive basic studies and large scale clinical trials.


  • 文章通过山西省基础应用基础研究十五计划总结回顾,提出了“十一五”规划展望

    This article, from a review of the "Tenth Five-year Plan" of the base and basic applied study of Shanxi Province, has given a prospect of the "Eleventh Five-year Plan".


  • 介绍山西省基础研究专家咨询服务平台设计思路体系结构功能进行了阐述分析

    This paper introduces the design mentality and system architecture of the fundamental research experts consulting service platform of Shanxi Province, and expounds and analyzes its functions.


  • 本文结果低温物理基础研究以及宇宙模拟低温真空绝热技术等应用领域具有一定的指导意义

    The results in this thesis have an instructive meaning for fundamental study of low temperature physics, and for the technological applications of space simulation and vacuum insulation.


  • 经过分析算家递加性质讨论,认为属于晚清割圆术基础研究

    In this paper, the ancient Chinese mathematicians discussion on the properties of Dijia Shu being probed, it is taken as the basic studies of the late-Qing cyclotomy.


  • 脐血移植临床上应用主要依赖脐血造血细胞基础研究工作,包括脐血的生物学活性采集保存输注

    The clinical application of cord blood transplantation mainly depends on base study of hematopoietic cell, including biological activity, collection, retention and infusion of cord blood, and so on.


  • 研究成果在一定程度上克服传统准则确定LE1鲁棒性较差缺陷,混沌动力学基础研究具有一定的理论意义。

    Conclusions of the paper improve robustness to erect LE1 by old rule and are useful to basic theoretic research of chaotic dynamics.


  • 图象质量评价研究已成为图象信息工程中重要的基础研究课题之一。

    Researches on evaluation of digital image quality are meaningful and basic for the image processing engineering.


  • 方法查阅国内外文献结合基础研究成果各种药物治疗消化不良中的地位疗效进行讨论。

    METHODS: the role and curative efficacy of different drugs in the treatment of dyspepsia were discussed by reviewing literature both at home and abroad combined with the results of basic research.


  • 该文基因芯片癫痫基础研究临床研究药物研究等方面应用进展作一综述

    This paper reviews the advances in gene chip application in the basic research, clinical research and pharmaceutical study of epilepsy.


  • 目的了解电刺激小脑基础研究临床应用研究进展,以期发现该疗法中枢神经神经源性保护作用的机制。

    OBJECTIVE: to comprehend the development of basic research and clinic application of fastigial nucleus electrostimulation, so as to find the neuroprotective mechanism for central nervous.


  • 使用网络成本工程学方法电信网络成本进行研究可以电信管制经济学基础研究方面有所突破。

    Using the cost engineering models to study the cost of telecommunications networks could get a breakthrough in the research of telecommunications regulation economics.


  • 猿猴多个文化领域都有着各自位置因此基础研究角度中国猿猴绘画中的文化内涵作一个全面梳理很有必要的。

    The Monkey has positions in many different cultural fields, thus it is essential that to arrange Chinese Monkey Painting Culture all-sided by the aspect of basic research.


  • 猿猴多个文化领域都有着各自位置因此基础研究角度中国猿猴绘画中的文化内涵作一个全面梳理很有必要的。

    The Monkey has positions in many different cultural fields, thus it is essential that to arrange Chinese Monkey Painting Culture all-sided by the aspect of basic research.


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