• 本文概要地阐述了技术战争卫勤保障特点探讨了高技术战争军事预防医学人员影响及其培训工作的要求。

    The study briefly described the characteristics of the military health service in High-tech war and discussed the influences of High-Tech war on military preventive medicine personnel.


  • 公司需要改进员工的培训留用工作

    The company needs to improve its training and retention of staff.


  • 许多工人来说接受培训机会已经成为所有工作所能提供令人满意福利之一

    For many workers, the opportunity for training is becoming one of the most desirable benefits any job can offer.


  • 霍尔看到当前社会工作培训夸张描述,感到气愤。

    Hall is angry at what he sees as a caricature of the training offered to modern-day social workers.


  • 这种方法著名工具——包括简化工作员工进行培训,让他们更聪明地工作而不是更困难地工作——确实产生效果

    The well-known tools of this approachincluding simplifying jobs and retraining employees to work smarter, not harderdo produce results.


  • 提议客户实验室帮助他们项目工作他们进行应用程序方面的培训

    Offer to go to the customer's labs to help them with their projects or train them on your application.


  • 尽管同意汤姆合理所有工作需要大脑两个半球投入使用,但我越来越多公司开始认识艺术培训益处感到高兴。

    While I agree with Tom's sensible point that all jobs require input from both sides of the brain, I'm glad more companies have begun to recognize the benefits of artistic training.


  • 大学生总是自己第一工作抱有过高期望,比如说一份满意薪水在职培训以及快速晋升机会

    College students usually expect too much from their first job, such as a satisfying salary, on-job training and quick promotion, ” she explained.


  • 但是认为严格培训指导员获得自己工作更深层次的认识。

    But I saw that the training helped coaches gain a deeper insight into their work.


  • 同时我们设立了广泛的培训计划工人进行自己权力要求安全有尊严工作环境教育

    We have also created extensive training programs to educate workers about their right to a safe and respectful work environment.


  • 多数情况下多年工作经验以及职业熟悉程度远正规培训重要的

    Years of experience and familiarity with the profession are worth a lot more than formal training in most cases.


  • 现在感兴趣领域艾滋病HIV认识更多志愿工作,以此促进人们得到这方面知识的培训和身体的检测。

    An area of interest to me right now is AIDS and HIV awareness. I'd like to do more volunteer work encouraging people to get educated and tested.


  • 社区工作进行培训使预防卫生保健服务方面能够起到作用

    Train community workers so that they can play a role in preventive health care services.


  • 报告发现很多机构没有工作人员进行充分赛博安全培训

    The report also found that many agencies did not fully train their staffs in cybersecurity.


  • 那些不论何种原因赋闲在家的人来说,这更意味着他们加强帮助:免费培训伴之以积极的就业政策帮助他们找到工作

    And for those who lose their jobs-from whatever cause-it means beefing up assistance: generous training and active policies to help them find work.


  • 形成数据仓库第一版本过程中,最终用户培训可能重要工作因为大多数即使不是所有最终用户报告分析工具是不熟悉的。

    During the first release of a data warehouse, end user training can be a substantial effort because the reporting and analysis tools will be new to most if not all of your end users.


  • 为了避免应该如何完成工作误解所有地点执行的一致过程进行定义编制文档培训团队

    To avoid misunderstandings about how work should be done, define, document, and educate the team on consistent processes that will be followed across all sites.


  • 计划在下周初私立诊所卫生工作人员警察部门卫生工作人员进行培训

    Training for health staff in private clinics and for health workers in the police force is planned for early next week.


  • 拉脱维亚所世组织合作中心正在这样做,国家结核病规划工作人员进行多药结核病管理培训而且目前正在菲律宾建立类似的中心。

    This is under way at a WHO collaborating centre in Latvia where national tuberculosis programme staff are trained in the management of MDR-TB, and a similar centre is being set up in the Philippines.


  • 分配他们从事感染控制病例监测以及接触者追踪管理方面工作并且正在这些任务他们进行培训提供装备

    They have been assigned to work on infection control, surveillance for new cases, and the tracing and management of contacts, and are being trained and equipped for these tasks.


  • 多年工作经验以及职业熟悉程度远正规培训重要得

    Years of experience and familiarity with the profession are worth a lot more than formal training.


  • 这些工作包括每个节点进行调查指定报告安装测试设备进行培训

    The work includes conducting site surveys and project reports for each location, as well as installation, testing and onsite training.


  • 培训项目安全状况的改善可能确实减少死亡有所贡献,但劳工统计局报告表明,2009年美国人工作时数下降了6%。

    Though training programs and other safety improvements may have contributed to the decline, BLS reported that the total hours worked by Americans declined by 6 percent in 2009.


  • 预算成本可能包括工作人员专业培训——如果他们需要有关不熟悉操作系统应用程序速成培训的话。

    Budget costs may also include professional training for staff members if they need a jump-start on operating systems or applications with which they're unfamiliar.


  • 世卫组织儿童基金会一起培训记者其他媒体工作人员提高公众该病以及如何预防该病的认识。

    With UNICEF, WHO has also trained journalists and other media staff to increase public awareness about the disease and how to prevent it.


  • 他们最初重点放在了入职员工培训以及弥补他们的工作技术方面

    Their initial focus was on training new recruits and meeting shortages of entry-level skills.


  • 由于工作繁重,环境条件恶劣没有专业培训机会,因此偏远地区来说,医生留用一项难题

    Retaining physicians in remote Settings can be challenging owing to the heavy workload and harsh environmental conditions and to the lack of opportunities for professional development.


  • 最近,参加培训撰写调查报告科技文献之类工作尤为兴趣。

    These days the donors are particularly interested in niches, such as investigative reporting and science writing.


  • 最近,参加培训撰写调查报告科技文献之类工作尤为兴趣。

    These days the donors are particularly interested in niches, such as investigative reporting and science writing.


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