• 也许它们争辩这种对半策略既避免了完全孤立斐济妥协敞开大门,例如选举时间表上

    It might be argued that this half-and-half approach avoids isolating Fiji completely and so leaves the door open to concessions, for instance on the timetable for elections.


  • 家公司上周广州成立了一家对半持股的合资企业推出了

    The two companies launched Lipton's iced tea in Guangzhou last week in a 50-50 venture.


  • 10月份澳大利亚召开一次会议上将对威德尔海洋保护区提议作出决定,不过之后才会保护区作出决定。

    It will decide on the Weddell Sea sanctuary proposal at a conference in Australia in October, although a decision on the peninsula sanctuary is not expected until later.


  • 研究遮荫IAA含量不同器官图形变化影响。

    Study the effect of shade on the content of IAA and the figure changing of different organs in Pinellia ternata.


  • 猴子长到10左右、发育完全成熟时,研究人员猴子的饮食进行了限制,将热量摄入削减30%。

    Researchers beg an restricting half the monkeys' diets, reducing their calories by 30%, when the monkeys were fully grown, or about 10 years old.


  • 公司目前正向客户提供一项特别服务,这项服务针可供选择语言包括运费

    The company is currently offering new customers a special offer of half off the language of your choice including free shipping.


  • 全程马拉松训练跑步者应该强度训练之外增加一次45分钟的轻松

    Runners training for a half or full marathon should add an easy 45-minute run into the week, along with the intensity run.


  • 张照片显示船上对半一个海湾视野

    This photo shows the view from his ship toward a small bay in the peninsula.


  • 泡沫塑料泳池里的条条对半切开然后孩子在室内这个条条气球曲棍球

    My kids love balloons. I cut foam pool noodles in half, and they play hockey inside with the pool noodles and balloons.


  • 糖浆果子冻其中任一种硼砂对半混均,然后放在蚂蚁可能到达的地方。

    Mix together equal parts Borax and either syrup or jelly. Then, place where the ants will find it.


  • 电视台说:“任何包括上述要点提案不可接受的,而且没有愿意出台这样提案打扰。”

    "Any proposal that does not include these points is unacceptable and no one should bother by presenting such proposals, " he told al-Jazeera TV.


  • 发现浏览器使用XSLT最佳实践之一交付结构化数据报告

    One of the best uses I've found for XSLT in the browser is to deliver reports against semi-structured data.


  • 阿夫拉姆博士估计这种服用两次的药物让80%正常服药的患者停止脱发患者来说,这种药物还能促进头发生长

    Dr. Avram estimates that thedrug, which must be applied twice a day, stops hair loss in 80 percentof the women who use it properly and it can actually stimulate hairregrowth in about half the users.


  • 巴德学院已经对半学期科学课程一般教育要求,,尽管对于非科学领域专业的人严格,但是学院已经提出一些精明举措

    Bard already has general-education requirements that include a semester of science, and the college has come up with some clever, though still rigorous, science courses for the nonmajor.


  • 150厘米纤维衣片上只要100厘米麻缎,对半剪成细条,然后小心翼翼地磨损两边纤维,就能一套简单的女制造出前后图案衣片的外形。

    By using only a 100cm by 150cm fabric piece, slicing it in half and meticulously fraying the fabric at the edges, I created the shape of the front and back of a pattern piece for a simple shift dress.


  • 发达国家历来初级产品保持关税,而成品制成品保持着很高的关税。

    Developed countries have traditionally maintained low tariffs on primary products and much higher tariffs on semi-manufactured and manufactured goods.


  • 年前开业澳门博物馆过去现在提供了好的介绍

    The Macau Museum, which opened two years ago, offers an excellent introduction to the peninsula's past and present.


  • 添加删除操作的开销很大的,只主要是因为对半查找平衡性决定的。

    Add and Remove operations are typically expensive since Binary Search Trees require that a tree be balanced.


  • LCROSS探测器自身月球进行撞击之前,的探测仪器对半人马座火箭撞击造成月球进行检测。

    The resulting plume of lunar soil was examined by instruments on the LCROSS probe before it too crashed into the moon.


  • 半岛台这么做了尽管许多阿拉伯人包括改革派,都岛台能让以色列人出现节目中大感惊讶,而现在这已经该台家常便饭了。

    It did this even though many Arabs, reformers included, remain deeply shocked by al-Jazeera's now well-established practice of letting Israelis appear on its shows.


  • 冰岛货币克朗价值危机鼎盛时期对半使得通胀一路高达18.6%。

    The halving of the dollar value of the Icelandic krona at the height of the crisis pushed inflation as high as 18.6%.


  • 我们相信门票打包产品网上销售额门店销售额对半

    We believe sales will be about 50-50 through the internet and through our high-street shops.


  • 一些阿拉伯记者比如约旦阿曼网电台创始人、阿拉伯媒体界举足轻重评论家DaoudKuttab方法不屑一顾

    Some Arab journalists, such as Daoud Kuttab, the founder of Jordan's Ammannet radio station and an influential commentator on Arab media, are dismissive of al Jazeera's approach.


  • 7月份时候,接受缅因州班戈日报记者的采访,他让对半岛电视台全球声誉进行评价

    I was interviewed in July by a reporter at the Bangor Daily News in Maine, and asked to comment on the global reputation of Al-Jazeera.


  • 如果向量原点处没有定义其他地方有定义,是不能Stokes定理,但还是有办法的,可以对半球面用的。

    If your vector field is not defined at the origin but defined everywhere else you cannot use this guy, but maybe you can still use, say, the half-sphere, for example.


  • 如果向量原点处没有定义其他地方有定义,是不能Stokes定理,但还是有办法的,可以对半球面用的。

    If your vector field is not defined at the origin but defined everywhere else you cannot use this guy, but maybe you can still use, say, the half-sphere, for example.


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