• 企图干涉他人内部事务行为表示怀疑

    He is suspicious of attempts to meddle in the internal business of others.


  • 囚犯对企图逃脱一事不再抱有希望

    The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to get free.


  • 部队挫败了该岛南部渗透企图

    Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.


  • 迎客主人一把抓过账单出租司机大骂不止,一文不值的寄生虫说他企图游客多收费,真是丢尽了他们国家的颜面。

    The host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors.


  • 他们企图政府军手中夺取这个城镇控制权。

    They attempted to wrest control of the town from government forces.


  • 如果参赛者企图犯规时弄伤了自己,裁判不会采取有利行动

    If a contestant injures himself while attempting to foul his opponent, the referee will not take any action in his favor.


  • 如果通道企图使用一个已撤销证书启动CRL本地副本检查生成一个错误,这个连接将被拒绝

    If a channel start is attempted using a revoked certificate credential, the check of the local CRL copy will generate a hit and the connection will be refused.


  • 有些硅谷复制企图以色列最为著名,成功

    A few attempts to replicate Silicon Valley, most notably in Israel, have succeeded.


  • 赞同客观概率论批评,有人企图它来减少现实世界不确定性,使其趋近于确定的世界。

    I would also endorse Rizzo's critique of attempts to use objective probability theory as a way of reducing the real world of uncertainty to certainty equivalents.


  • 监管部分计划联合国开发计划署,曾企图掩盖这类新闻限制审计结果外传,并且拒绝媒体来调查

    The United Nations Development Program, which oversees that part of the program, tried to bury the news, limiting circulation of the audit and refusing media inquiries.


  • 谢尔曼法案第二部分于1890年通过垄断企图垄断”判为重罪;1914年的莱顿法补充了价格歧视其他削弱竞争活动

    Section Two of the Sherman act, passed in 1890, made it a felony to "monopolize, or attempt to monopolize"; 1914's Clayton act added price discrimination and other activities that reduced competition.


  • 重要是,那些企图统一量子机制爱因斯坦引力理论研究人员来说,全息原理验证提供非常有用的帮助

    More importantly, confirming the holographic principle would be a big help to researchers trying to unite quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of gravity.


  • 一份随访研究报告中,同事们山东省汶上兖州嘉祥县240企图自杀者作了分析。

    In a study that included follow-up interviews, su and his colleagues looked at 240 cases of attempted suicide in counties including Wenshang, Yanzhou and Jiaxiang in Shandong province.


  • 迎客主人一把抓过钱钞,出租司机不止,一文不值的寄生虫说他企图宰国外来客,真是丢尽了他们国家的面子。

    But the host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors.


  • 如果企业未来担忧(可叹那些动物精神),为什么那些企图财政货币方向进行的刺激,名义影响支配而是实际影响支配呢?

    If businesses are worried about the future (ah those animal spirits), why won't ANY form of attempted stimulus-fiscal or monetary-be dominated by nominal effects rather than real effects?


  • 超级市场持批评态度者企图商业成功大众合理性分隔开来

    The response from supermarket-critics is to try to detach commercial success from popular legitimacy.


  • 有些硅谷复制企图以色列最为著名,成功

    It is also the most instructive. A few attempts to replicate Silicon Valley, most notably in Israel, have succeeded.


  • 枫叶集团企图压过伦敦证券交易所LSETMX发起友好收购报价

    Maple is trying to trump a friendly offer for TMX from the London Stock Exchange.


  • 显然,保罗收敛了,律法激进言论,企图加以区别,提出问题

    What's clearly going on is Paul is backing off the more radical things he's said about the law and trying to nuance this, and that's the question I'll ask.


  • 这些冲突模式不管是军事的还是口头的,显示太平洋战场很大企图

    The pattern of these skirmishes, both naval and verbal, indicated that both sides have some pretty heavy plans for the South Pacific.


  • 基因组解密项目企图遗传密码关于个人健康揭示的问题与否作出解释

    The Genome Unzipped project intends to explain what genetic code can and cannot reveal about an individual's health.


  • 人们问题回答从来不会感到满足哲学来讲似乎种趋近事物底层企图

    One is that I was never satisfied with the answers that were given to questions, and it seemed to me that philosophy was an attempt to get down to the bottom of things.


  • 一般说来女人提供给男人请求建议企图帮助男人时,完全知道而言,她可能太过挑剔、缺乏爱心。

    Generally speaking, when a woman offers unsolicited advice or tries to "help" a man, she has no idea of how critical and unloving she may sound to him.


  • 党内一部分成员企图利用德国日益高涨怀疑主义情绪议会投票中纾困计划

    Some in the party want to capitalise on growing Eurosceptic sentiment in Germany by voting against bail-out plans in parliament.


  • 定义名称函数时,读者企图函数名输入/记忆中,没有必要复杂化读者程序理解

    Whenever you define a named function, your reader attempts to put that function name in his or her brain cache, which needlessly complicates the reader's understanding of the program.


  • 定义名称函数时,读者企图函数名输入/记忆中,没有必要复杂化读者程序理解

    Whenever you define a named function, your reader attempts to put that function name in his or her brain cache, which needlessly complicates the reader's understanding of the program.


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