• 对于纳税人来说还不是真正结束

    That is plainly not the end of it for the taxpayer.


  • 看起来对于纳税来说并不是桩买卖

    This does not look like a very good bargain from the taxpayer's point of view.


  • 对于纳税来说并不是件好事但是总的来说还是合理的。

    That would be a bad thing for taxpayers, but a good thing overall.


  • 小泽先生努力说服选民对于纳税税款收支方面毫无章法的现状,自民党天生没有能力去改变。

    Mr Ozawa will try to convince voters that the LDP and its allies in the bureaucracy are congenitally incapable of revamping the way taxpayers’ money is taken in and spent in unaccountable ways.


  • 早已不是第一这个城市面临公众私人事件了,很难说是第一次人们对于纳税是不是买单恼火

    This isn't the first time the city has confronted the public dimension of a semi-private event, and it's hardly the first time anyone was irritated over whether taxpayers should foot the bill.


  • 小泽先生努力说服选民对于纳税税款收支方面毫无章法的现状,自民党天生没有能力去改变。

    Mr Ozawa will try to convince voters that the LDP and its allies in the bureaucracy are congenitally incapable of revamping the way taxpayers' money is taken in and spent in unaccountable ways.


  • 依据WTO规则要求中国有关法律法规的规定,对于纳税人和税务机关违法侵权行为必须依法认定惩处

    The illegal tort act of the taxpayers and tax authorities must be maintained and punished according to the requirements of WTO regulations and provisions of Chinese legal rules concerned.


  • 对于纳税人来说,因为收回欠款如释重负早了一点因为他们还没有真正从这些“倒不起”银行的圈套中脱身。

    For taxpayers relief at being repaid should be tempered by the fact that they are still on the hook for these too-big-to-fail firms.


  • 税法公平价值核心税法本质公平,目前我国对于纳税权利保护缺失造成税法本质公平未能充分实现的重要原因。

    The core of equality value of tax law should be the nature of equality. But, at present, equality nature of tax law can not be fully realized due to the lack of taxpayer 's right protection.


  • 对于单个武士统治者来说增加他们的收入很困难的,因为农民可以用来纳税大米数量不是无限

    It was difficult for individual samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount of rice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited.


  • 不幸对于他们通常纳税人来说,我们能源系统有点艘航空母舰。

    Unfortunately for them (and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier.


  • 尽管出售股票对于那些计划申报纳税损失有利,但是很多已经资金转为储蓄货币市场基金

    Although selling shares in losing funds can be smart for those who plan to declare a loss on their taxes, many people have shifted money into saving accounts and money market funds.


  • 对于政策制定者来说也是如此如果事情做成了,他们宣称自己赢了,如果做不成,他们不用像纳税或者士兵那样承受损失

    It also is true of policy-makers who get to claim a win if things work out but who do not suffer the way that taxpayers or soldiers suffer if things do not work out.


  • 对于雇主而言,出于纳税原因这些工人容易聘用

    So employers would find them easier to employ also because of tax reasons.


  • 对于政客特别忠告:不要纳税人的银子你们的风流韵事买单

    And a special consideration for politicians: Don’t use taxpayerdollars to pay for rendezvous.


  • 美国军事运作中,对于合同工以及合同公司依赖的程度,在伊拉克阿富汗战时期间,大大地加大了,以至于目前纳税养活的、与战争和军事相关的赢利企业规模不断扩大

    Reliance on contractors expanded drastically during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, feeding what is now a large for-profit military industry funded by U.S. taxpayers.


  • 斯科特州长发言人赖恩•莱特对于法案好处这样颂扬道节省了纳税金钱”,这说法引起了人们的强烈质疑,因为许多人的利益就此被剥夺殆尽

    Lane Wright, a spokesman for Mr Scott, toutssaving tax dollars” as a benefit of the bill: this suggests a strong suspicion that it will knock a lot of people off the benefit rolls.


  • 对于长期旅居国外来说,双重课税尤其让人恼火,他们必须复一年美国纳税,但却享受不到什么好处

    The double taxation can be particularly vexing for long-term expats, who must pay U.S. taxes year after year without receiving much in the way of benefits.


  • 日本大学仍然对于从事正常资助程序之外或者没有承诺日本的纳税明显回报活动保持谨慎。

    Japanese universities remain cautious about committing to activities that lie outside the normal grant procedures, or that do not promise an obvious return for Japanese taxpayers.


  • 对于其他瑞士银行来说美国纳税作为具备资质中介人可能的合法的,但是相关规定十分繁琐。

    For other Swiss Banks it is possible and legal to deal with American taxpayers as a "qualified intermediary", but the rules are complex.


  • 对于银行来说,选择高风险策略理性之举,因为它们可以利润归为己有,纳税人承担大部分亏损

    It is rational for Banks to choose risky strategies because they take the upside and taxpayers much of the downside.


  • 总调查员尼尔·巴罗夫·斯基对于发生欺诈行为可能性表示关切,他呼吁接受救援资金银行报告它们如何使用纳税的资金。

    Inspector General Neil Barofsky expressed concern about the potential for fraud, and called on Banks receiving bailout funds to report on their use of taxpayer funds.


  • 延迟重组时间越久,不管对于现有债券持有人还是欧元核心国家的纳税最终后果会越来越严重。

    And the longer a restructuring is put off, the more painful it will eventually be, both for any remaining bondholders and for taxpayers in the euro zone's core.


  • 其中原因许多公司对于有着税率的复杂征税制度并不在乎,尽管它们的主张恰恰相反,通常是因为很少有公司纳税额会接近利润35%的最高联邦企业税率。

    One reason is that many corporations, despite claims to the contrary, don’t mind a complex tax code with a high statutory rate — often because few large companies pay anything close to 35 percent.


  • 当然对于那些遵章守法纳税来说,这不公平

    None of this is exactly fair on those law-abiding sorts who do pay their taxes, of course.


  • 与此同时对于行情良好保证收益、行情惨淡时将损失转嫁纳税人的少数幸运儿来说,紧急援助计划为他们带来了巨大收益

    Meanwhile, bailouts generate huge incomes for the lucky few who keep gains in good times and pass losses to taxpayers in bad times.


  • 总而言之,对于公司纳税情况,导致我们做出错误判断的罪魁祸首现金流转不是损益表显示的公司指定年里的额度。

    Adding to the confusion about who owes what to the IRS are numbers from cash flow statements (not to be confused with profit-and-loss statements) that show taxes companies paid in a given year.


  • 纳税对于“通向荒野”的不满之日益强烈。

    Taxpayers complained increasingly loudly aboutbridges to nowhere”.


  • 中国农业银行表示,房贷借款人必须提供在北京工作纳税证明对于在北京工作未满可能被贷。

    To no resident who apply real estate loan , It is necessary to afford one year's certificate of tax payment .


  • 企业纳税行为相当活跃对于我国的税收征管将一个考验

    The action of ratepaying was very active. It will be a challenge for the levy.


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