• 脑中,平民精英这个概念来说

    As I know, the concept of civilian is opposition to elite.


  • 孟瑾作品观念波普作品,这类作品是对于精英时代强大精神体系的消解。

    Meng Jin's work is the conceptual pop work. Such work dispel the strong spirit system of the elite times.


  • 虽然这些机构对于精英们来说不过一个谈话场所,但它们确实促成汉族人的反抗行动

    Though these bodies were nothing more than talking shops for the elite, they did galvanise the Han gentry into action.


  • 对于精英群体、工人农民来说,答案大概会有所不同因为工人和农民利用这两者手段的能力远远不如精英团体。

    The answers presumably differ for elites, workers and peasants, with workers and peasants much less able to secure protection for (a) and (b) than elites.


  • 毫无疑问媒体力量来自于媒介对于精英打造权利,他们用以合法性环境中社会的维持统治,并且一些数据报表来收买人心

    Sure enough, the power of the media is the media, for the power elite to create the environment to maintain the legitimacy of the rule, with a variety of flexible reports buy people.


  • 特奥蒂瓦坎自然资源以及城市精英这些自然资源潜力认识似乎赋予了这座城市邻国竞争优势。

    It seems likely that Teotihuacán's natural resources, along with the city elite's ability to recognize their potential, gave the city a competitive edge over its neighbors.


  • 线希望:对于优秀学生进入精英商学院可能不会更加困难。

    One silver lining: For top students, getting into the elite business schools may not be any harder.


  • 房地产繁荣促进国内收入差别扩大,同时使国家对于最有钱的精英而言,变得非常脆弱

    The real estate boom has been a driver of inequality and makes the country very vulnerable to its wealthiest elite.


  • 然而对于5%的精英而言,财富分配遵循累托分布,也就是重对数图尺(onalog - logscale)上直线这种财富分配方式前一种不公平的多。

    For the top 5 per cent, however, wealth allocation follows a Pareto distribution, a straight line on a log-log scale, which is a far less equitable way of apportioning wealth.


  • 对于那些对自身精英主义高高在上引以为时尚奢侈品牌来说可能它们开展大众媒体策略最大挑战

    For luxury fashion brands that pride themselves on elitism and inaccessibility, this may be the most difficult challenge in developing a social media strategy.


  • 表面来说社交网络对于奉行精英制度的美国来说要次要一些

    On the face of it, networks are less important in more meritocratic America.


  • 相信一旦球迷看到整个计划,他们对于未来前景感到满意并且接受球场将会帮助热成为欧洲精英俱乐部的一员的说法。

    Tottenham believe that once they see the proposal, fans will be convinced by the vision for the area and accept the argument that it will help Spurs compete with Europe's elite clubs.


  • 来到牛津参观a shmolean博物馆游客或许会对这种极大的不公平有所思考:究竟会多少社会精英参与了这场对于传说中的英雄财富的掠夺呢?

    Visitors to the Ashmolean museum in Oxford may ponder the extraordinary unfairness: how many other "ambitious, ingratiating" social climbers have stolen so completely a hero's legacy?


  • 对于希望行业精英学习财务人员而言,辅导是个重要资源使辅导培训成为一项方便易行的固定服务

    The mentor is a key resource for the finance professional who wants to learn from the 'best'. Mentoring should be an established and accessible service.


  • 对于股票债券契约任何精英认为极移之后还值钱无数纸质资产来说也是这样的。

    This is also true of stocks and bonds, deeds, and any of the myriad paper assets that the elite assume will have worth in the Aftertime.


  • 对于商业精英们而言永恒话题:一个如何才能达到最佳表现

    It's a timeless question for the business elite: How does a person reach optimal performance?


  • 许多当地人认为新的建筑对于富有精英来说一个纪念碑驱使人们离开他们街区

    Many locals see new buildings as monuments to a rich elite that drives working people out of their neighbourhoods.


  • 时期变革固然意义重大,但主要集中精英阶层,对于大多数平民来说,他们的生活中世纪几乎无异。

    These changes, while significant, were concentrated in the elite, and for the vast majority of the population life was little changed from the Middle Ages.


  • 这种对于思想憎恶之心往往往被称为反精英主义。

    This antipathy to ideas is often expressed as anti-elitism.


  • 正如艾丽卡·戈登青年网站精英日报上写那样:“对于我们这一代女性来说,遇见放在首位而非看做一选择的男人,少见了。”

    As Erica Gordon wrote on youth website Elite Daily: "it's rare for a woman of our generation to meet a man who treats her like a priority instead of an option."


  • 中国年轻体育精英奥运会上摘金夺银,势不可挡对于中国的普通孩子来说,有组织体育运动没有真正进入他们的生活。

    China's elite young athletes may be winning a lot of MEDALS at the Olympics. But in China, organized sports still aren't really something for regular kids.


  • 一方面,大众文化紧逼带来主流精英文化对于自我价值的重新审定。

    On the other hand, been under the pressure of mainstream popular culture, elite culture, re-validation for the self-worth.


  • 对于有志于服装外贸事业精英公司扫榻以待。

    For each elites who aspire costumes foreign trade business, we will clean room for you.


  • 这个运动员不断地受伤每当每个星期超过80英里即使这样的跑量对于一个精英级的运动员适度的。

    This runner consistently got hurt whenever he ran more than 80 miles a week, even though that's a modest total for an elite 10-K runner.


  • 对于那些精英有天赋的平时已经很勤奋来说,要想再成功,对坚持和成功的要求就更高。

    With the elite and talented few who already have pushed long and hard in their battles for success, the last push demands even more persistence and luck.


  • 个人对于权力财富或者知识占有与会者渴望进入论坛。(让这个私人举办的论坛如此令参加者心仪完全是因为论坛聚集了一个个拥有权力、财富或知识的精英)。

    It's the sheer concentration of individuals in possession of power, wealth or knowledge that makes the privately run Forum so desirable to its participants.


  • 艺术公共性含义公众对艺术平等参与是公众对艺术互动理解。前者相对于传统艺术而言;后者则相对于现代以来的艺术精英化倾向而言。

    The artistic publicity has two implications: one is the equal participation of the public in artistic activities, and the other is the dynamic understanding of art by the public.


  • 艺术公共性含义公众对艺术平等参与是公众对艺术互动理解。前者相对于传统艺术而言;后者则相对于现代以来的艺术精英化倾向而言。

    The artistic publicity has two implications: one is the equal participation of the public in artistic activities, and the other is the dynamic understanding of art by the public.


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