• 最后开始吟唱,低垂脑袋颤抖声音,- - -但是极其敏锐意识到,屋子里,再没有人比对于表演更为肝肠欲断的了。

    And at last, with bowed head and quavering voice I would have to make a beginningbut too keenly conscious that to none else in the room but me was this performance sufficiently heartrending.


  • 勒卡对于这个关系理解敏锐复杂

    Nilekani's understanding of the relationship is sensitive and sophisticated.


  • 被问及有关问题时,盖茨对于微软谷歌网络搜索方面一些敏锐尖刻意见

    Gates had a few observations on the Internet search efforts of Microsoft and Google that were, by turns, acute, sardonic and tart.


  • 对于头条敏锐洞察力有意思,但是不能解决保加利亚问题

    His flair for headlines is entertaining, but it may not solve Bulgaria's problems.


  • 现在很多球员对于这一招术的运用非常老到因此需要裁判员敏锐的观察力作出正确的判罚。

    The methods have become sophisticated though so it often takes a sharp-eyed referee to make the right call.


  • 本片导演寇班是英籍荷兰裔人,摄影师的身份成名,2007年他拍摄了一部名为控制”的电影,电影展现了他对于人物地点敏锐视觉风格

    Corbijn, a Dutch-born U.K. resident best known as a photographer before making his directing debut with "Control" in 2007, displays a keen visual style with people and places.


  • 因为精力用来试图抑制自己强烈情感了,以至于你的感觉敏锐了——对于真实发生事情注意力减少了。

    So much energy is spent trying to suppress the strong emotions that your sensory acuity is diminished - you are paying less quality attention to what is actually happening.


  • 老年痴呆症流行增加了人们对于大脑敏锐程度的担心。

    The growing prevalence of Alzheimer's has also heightened anxiety about mental acuteness.


  • 话说,他们会本能地削减解决方案空间而且对于一部分有可能产生结果,他们感觉更加敏锐

    In other words they instinctively pare down the solution space and have a well-developed sense of which parts of it are most likely to yield results.


  • 护理行业已经敏锐注意到这些趋势对于卫生保健、相关费用以及你们日程工作更多要求意味着什么

    The nursing profession is acutely aware of what these trends mean for health care, the costs, and the added demands on the daily practice of your work.


  • 也许觉得敏锐愚蠢”本身就是一种矛盾修饰法,不过这个定义对于发现oxymoron语源大有帮助。

    You might think that being subtly foolish is an oxymoron in itself, yet this definition goes a long way to uncover the etymology of oxymoron.


  • 欧盟已经敏锐意识到了这个障碍因此对于任何一次设想中的条约修改,欧盟尽量范围缩小包括英国在内欧元区进行

    The eu is acutely aware of this obstacle, so where treaty change is envisaged, it is trying to focus it as narrowly as possible on the euro zone, of which Britain is not a member.


  • 对于媒体人来说,敏锐市场嗅觉独到新闻眼光,深入的调查分析种成熟标准

    To some media editors, penetrating market olfaction, original insight to news and wide investigation, all of these are the standards of being mature.


  • 面对混乱选择对象对于何种商业模式应当归属在一起敏锐哲学家不会草率做出判断。

    Faced with this untidy set of choices, a sensible philosophy would not make hard-and-fast judgments about what businesses belong together.


  • 帮助人们获得心灵安宁更多健康对于生活更加敏锐获得一种不断增加内在幸福感

    It helps in more peace of mind, better health, more keenness for life, and an ever-growing sense of internal well-being.


  • 第二类是“沟通型”艺术家他们对于人世间事物敏锐观察力描述能力这样艺术家作品不仅激发观众的某种情结,甚至能体会时代痛楚

    These artists usually have keen observations and power of description for earthy things, and their works not only able to stimulate audience, but also let them feel the pain of an era.


  • 杰迪纳克的敏锐的自我感觉也许对于证明条规则是个例外

    Jedinak's astute self-perception may be the exception that proves the rule.


  • 对于视觉把握有独到的见解开拓性思维敏锐时尚触觉色彩风格

    For the visual grasp insights, pioneering thinking, keen fashion sense and color style.


  • 设计师独特的视角通过作品阐述了自身对于设计敏锐观点以及深厚的认知

    From a unique perspective, designers are demonstrating their acute senses and extraordinary cognition towards designs.


  • 对于MS来说精神敏锐相当于法力消耗降低百分之10 !

    The main brush for the MS ring, the spirit of sensitivity is equivalent to let you reduce the power consumption value of 10%!


  • 一种对于城市社会历史结构稀有敏锐浸透他们作品中。

    It also imbues their work with a rare tenderness for the social and historic fabric of the city.


  • 生命可以缺少运动的。对于艺术比较敏锐的触感。

    Sport is very important in my life and I also have a sense of art.


  • 对于日常生活中,看似平凡细节她纤毫不漏的敏锐视觉一直引导着故事狡黠幽默感为充满各种可能的隐喻想象增添了光彩。

    An unerring eye for the seemingly mundane details of everyday life guides her story, and a sly sense of humor graces an imagination busily occupied with the possibilities of metaphor.


  • 同时,中国敏锐认识到了太空对于军事重要性

    The Chinese are also keenly aware of the military significance of space.


  • 眼睛对于日光闪耀不甚敏锐一样,我们灵魂中的理智对性质昭然若揭万物也时常分辨不清。

    For as the eyes of bats are to the blaze of day, so is the reason in our soul to the things which are by nature most evident of all.


  • 网易娱乐那么警察印象最深刻的是《神探》,你扮演位为了痴迷于办案最后付出生命的“疯子”,一个对于犯罪心理有着敏锐直觉天才

    Do you play: netease entertainment of so many police, I most impressive ton, you are addicted to playing a case of "mad last give life", a crime psychology has super sharp instincts of genius.


  • 井训志十五开始油彩创作,其后试验金箔为创作材。探索过程中,他敏锐掌握各项艺术流派对于人体表现的独特处理方式

    Experimenting with the oil medium at the age of 15 and later with gold leaf, Kanai astutely observed how various art movements prompted unique approaches to figurative representation.


  • 年纪尚幼时,丽萨就已经意识到父亲对于饮食执着反映了这样一种人生哲学秉持苦行主义的人才提升自身敏锐度。

    Even at a young age Lisa began to realize his diet obsessions reflected a life philosophy, one in which asceticism and minimalism could heighten subsequent sensations.


  • 年纪尚幼时,丽萨就已经意识到父亲对于饮食执着反映了这样一种人生哲学秉持苦行主义的人才提升自身敏锐度。

    Even at a young age Lisa began to realize his diet obsessions reflected a life philosophy, one in which asceticism and minimalism could heighten subsequent sensations.


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