• 然而这一种责任不管对于我们自己还是他人

    It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.


  • 而且记住通常对于他人真诚很容易较之对于我们自己选择俩者

    And remember that it is always easier to be honest about another than to be honest about ourselves... choose both.


  • 对于我们自己来说,或许创意因为会展这个行业实在年轻了。

    In our own, we perhaps have had to be more innovative as the industry is really so very young.


  • 找到这些难题答案,及时对于我们自己这样得一个高智能,善于解决问题物种而言,也是的困惑。

    Finding the answer to these tough questions makes a difficult puzzle even for a large-brained, problem-solving species like your own.


  • 对于我们自己而言,重要的保持稳定,有时我们踢得糟糕,赛季发生数次我们依然能在逆境分,这难度

    As for us we need to be consistent. Sometimes we won't play well. It has happened a few times this season but we still kept the points. It is very difficult.


  • 对于我们其余人来说,大脑自己方式来处理不好感觉

    For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings.


  • 对于我们近代历史我们正在形成自己不同观点

    We're getting a different perspective on our recent history.


  • 尽管比起去年RubyFringe,这次会议许多方面都堪称有很大进步,但是对于我们来说,FutureRuby拥有自己身份受众灵魂,这才是重要的。

    While in many ways this conference is an evolution of what started at RubyFringe last year, it's very important to us that FutureRuby has its own identity, audience and spirit...


  • Tajfel同事实验表明我们从属群体对于自己如此重要以至于我们在几乎没有受到任何激励的情况下还是会加入持续时间最为短暂群体

    Tajfel and colleagues' experiment shows that group membership is so important to us that we join the most ephemeral of groups with only the slightest prompting.


  • 未来——对于我们接下来的事忐忑不安、为可能发生的事或者一个即将到来的大事件忧心忡忡、担心自己会做错或者搞砸以及盼望好事降临。

    Worrying about things we need to do later. Worrying about what might happen, or a big event coming up.


  • 对于我们大多数来说,尤其是我们这种长长的名单,名单上的希望我们他们相互联系我们需要改善自己计划

    For most of us, and especially those of us who have long lists of people who expect us to be back in touch with them, we need "kaizen" programs of our own.


  • 凭借我们自己得出结论对于我们中的绝大多数来说,它确实这样的,并且带给我们生活意义深远的、丰富差异

    It is up to each of us to reach our own conclusion, but for many of us it is and can make a profound and enriching difference to our lives.


  • 里斯先生我们意识到我们对于我们生存世界我们自己多么的不了解然而我们仍旧存在

    Mr Ferris is reminding us of how little we know about the world we live in, and how little we know about ourselves within it, and yet we persist.


  • 我们面对这种欺骗可能性时,无论是对于自己推理能力,还是对于我们天生信任自己感官判断这一习惯的信心可能看上去变得颇为幼稚

    Our ordinary confidence in our ability to reason and our natural tendency to trust the deliverances of our senses can both come to seem rather naive once we confront this possibility of deception.


  • 球员时代结束了,显然失望然而我们每个人都会有一刻我们自己知道这一刻什么时候到来,对于来说,就是现在

    Obviously I am disappointed that my playing days are at an end, however it comes to us all, and it's knowing when that time is and for me that time is now.


  • 对于我们中的很多人来说,一个困难时期包括自己

    This is a hard time of year for many of us, me included.


  • 对于我们这些普通人我们需要并且依靠自己作为协作中的个体去集思广益。

    For all the rest of us, we need, and we depend upon, the diversity of thought created when we come together as a collaborative unit.


  • 如果开车时打着电话,你没有注意到自己如何分心是因为我们对于我们如何思考决策的记忆自信信仰

    If you're driving and talking on the cell phone, you don't realize how distracted you are, and that applies to memory and confidence and reasoning and our beliefs about how we think and decide.


  • 20多岁阅读《勇士》这本书时,令惊叹现在对新书有些失望对于我们会面,我很谨慎担心冷场尴尬但是亭亭真诚很显而易见,使人放弃戒备,当她把自己和莎士比亚和简.奥斯丁比较时,着实吓了一跳。

    Amazed by The Woman Warrior in my 20s, and disappointed by the new book, I was wary of our meeting, fearing silence and embarrassment. But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.


  • 同时他们通过对于我们要求不断拖延最后投降来作为回应尽管他们知道自己大势已去。

    At the same time they respond by dragging out their final capitulation to our demands, in spite of knowing that their cause is lost.


  • 对于我们样本应用程序我们创建了四个Struts模块以及它们自己Struts配置文件行为JSPs

    For our sample application, we created four Struts modules along with their own Struts configuration files, actions, and JSPs. The Struts modules are.


  • 对于我们当中绝大多数,如果我们谈论自己或者我们为中心的个人圈子我们不了任何事”(安东尼·德洛皮)。

    "For the most of us, if we do not talk of ourselves, or at any rate of the individual circles of which we are the centers, we can talk of nothing" (Anthony Trollope).


  • :“令人兴奋又令人担心,因为我们自己制造那些产品缺乏更多基础设施对于妻子来说很大压力……”。

    "It's been very exciting, but also tricky because we are manufacturing the products ourselves and we don't have much of an infrastructure," Pyles says. "That put a lot of stress on me and my wife."


  • 对于我们大多数人来说,心情不好自然的”,然而使自己心情好则不得不找出理由

    For most of us, feeling bad is "natural," yet we have to have a reason to feel good.


  • 对于我们大多数人来说容易因为我们已经习惯于相信我们想法感受反映了我们自己内心世界

    This is not easy for most of us, since we have been conditioned to believe that our thoughts and feelings reflect our own inner world.


  • 对于我们大多数人来说容易因为我们已经习惯于相信我们想法感受反映了我们自己内心世界

    This is not easy for most of us, since we have been conditioned to believe that our thoughts and feelings reflect our own inner world.


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