• 对于那些想要一夜人来说,睡前一杯牛奶一直最好选择

    A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night's sleep.


  • 对于这些景象反应通常低声的咒骂然后快速灌下一杯速溶咖啡

    Her reaction to such sights is often to murmur a curse and fetch a cup of instant coffee.


  • 对于我们中的大多数人来说,一杯暖和的咖啡仅仅无害享受方式开启一天的工作或者借口休息一下。

    For most of us, the humble cup of coffee is simply a harmless and enjoyable way to kick-start the day or give us an excuse for some time out.


  • 对于采纳我们建议读者,或许海滩睡椅上,吸一杯冰冷的饮料笔记本阅读本文,那么您觉得最棒服务器性能技巧什么呢?

    For the readers who took our advice and are stretched out in a beach chair, sipping a tall iced drink, and reading this on their laptop, what are some of your coolest server performance tips?


  • 一项来自台湾研究表明,每日饮用一杯绿茶可以减少肺癌风险特别是对于身体中有癌细胞的抑制效果更为显著。

    Green tea is especially high in polyphenols.A recent study in Taiwan found that drinking one cup of green tea a day can reduce the risk of lung cancer, particularly for those carrying a certain gene.


  • 对于很多来说,吃饭时一杯酒会感觉食物顺利地流到胃里去。

    For many people, a glass of wine helps make food feel like it's going down more smoothly.


  • 内科医生警告说喝酒对于年轻饮酒者的威胁更大,同样中层社会的妇女每天都喝酒也是很常见的,她们经常工作之后都会喝一杯葡萄酒

    Younger drinkers are particularly at risk, the physicians warned, with daily drinking also common among middle-class women who often have a glass of wine after work.


  • 每个接受检查的,他们先一杯水,两个小时医生测量他们的血糖水平对于疑似糖尿病患者,则让他们吃下一个小甜饼。

    For each person, doctors measured blood sugar levels up to two hours after subjects had swallowed a sugar solution or, in cases where diabetes was suspected, eaten a bun.


  • 饮酒不是男人的专利,对于女性来说,安全的饮酒量每日一杯一杯的红酒。

    For women, the recommended safe daily intake is three units — about one-and-a-half glasses of wine.


  • 对于上市公司的竞争过于激烈以致于他们无缘这些公司,更不要提分一杯羹了

    Competition was so fierce for new listings that they had trouble getting a glimpse of them, let alone being allocated shares.


  • ,‘对于起名字一切你钱包里的东西,我请你一杯。’

    He said, 'For everything I name that you have in your purse, I'll buy you a drink.'


  • ,‘对于起名字一切你钱包里的东西,我请你一杯。’

    He said, 'For everything I name that you have in your purse, I'll buy you a drink.


  • 对于体重不足150的,半个柠檬榨汁兑上一杯就可以了。

    For those who weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemon's worth of juice into a glass of water.


  • 对于许多人来说如果早起喝上一杯咖啡感觉像是人类了。

    A lot of people just don't feel quite human without that morning cup of coffee.


  • 含有燕麦水果健康早餐吧!或是对于那些上班族来说,一杯奶昔也是一个不错的选择。

    Make breakfast healthy with a bowl of oatmeal, fruit, or for those on-the-go, a healthy meal replacement shake.


  • 同时豆类被公认为能降低肝脏胰腺炎硬化发病率,这对于那些喜欢熬夜常常靠早晨一杯咖啡提神的人来说无疑是个绝好消息

    Something in the beans is also thought to ease the onset of cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatitis, good news for those who like to party hard all night before their morning caffeine boost.


  • 不过很舒服由于昨天水下检验一点累,所以早上起来感觉嗓子有一点疼,不过对于我而言,这种小问题容易解决的,只要一杯淡淡的盐水然后再打一杯西红柿就可以了。

    Comfortable! Because of underwater inspection yesterday, I feel a little sore throat. But for me, it is not a problem. A glass of light salt brine, and tomato juice will solve it.


  • 对于比较顽固污渍一杯酒精、一小匙清洁剂混合后,用喷雾器污渍毛巾覆盖,污渍就轻易去除了

    For stubborn stains, with a glass of alcohol, a mixed t detergents, airbrush in stains Department, and then covered with hot towels, stains can be easily removed.


  • 分享一杯牛奶巧克力曲奇饼干吧,有助于保存我们转瞬即逝的对于童年幻想

    Share with me a glass of milk and a couple of chocolate chip cookies as we help preserve the fleeting illusions of childhood.


  • 一杯咖啡时光成就好多笔大生意比起台湾那种休闲散漫日常咖啡馆意义对于每个城市一样的。

    A cup of coffee time, achievement many big business, the kind of leisure lax than Taiwan the significance of daily, or cafe for every city is not the same.


  • 想象詹姆斯·邦德一杯巧克力奶油糖果马提尼一杯苹果马提尼、柠檬马提尼、又或者是仙人掌果马提尼的情景吗?对于这个温文尔雅的超级间谍来说似乎不大可能。

    Can you imagine James Bond asking for a chocolate butterscotch martini, or an apple martini, lemon drop martini or prickly pear martini? Unlikely for the suave superspy.


  • 研究发现对于所有形式白酒有相同的作用,发现每天饮用超过一杯的(某用品,如红茶菌等)此种物质会有额外降低饮用白酒危险性(如饮酒导致的中风等)的作用。

    The new study found similar results for all forms of alcoholic drinks. But the study found no additional reduction in risk from more than one glass a day.


  • 对于其他一些咖啡爱好者快速把咖啡放入咖啡机,然后分钟内即可享受一杯咖啡,对他们来说简直无与伦比的感受。

    For other coffee lovers, being able to quickly insert a pre-packaged, single portion pack into their coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in a few minutes is a match made in heaven.


  • 对于其他一些咖啡爱好者快速把咖啡放入咖啡机,然后分钟内即可享受一杯咖啡,对他们来说简直无与伦比的感受。

    For other coffee lovers, being able to quickly insert a pre-packaged, single portion pack into their coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in a few minutes is a match made in heaven.


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