• 文章服务技术特征功能分类发展趋势进行了综述。

    In this paper, we discuss the service and technology of middleware including it's feature, function, classification and future.


  • 如果早上第一不是微笑,你就是在你们关系剥夺能量

    If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking energy out of your relationship.


  • 如果早上第一不是微笑,你就是在你们关系吸收能量

    If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking the energy out of your relationship.


  • 日本的历史记载,唐朝曾将一熊和七十皮草作为国礼赠送给日本。

    In Japanese history records, the Tang Dynasty sent a couple of bears and seventy pieces of fur as national gifts to Japan.


  • 年年初,这位艺术家制作了一名为“吸管末日”的作品,这是一10英尺高的塑料波浪,在撞击过程冻结了。

    At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called "Strawpocalypse", a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash.


  • 创建这个模型能够我们帮助事情工作状态(SOW)。

    One thing that helped us in creating this model was the statement of work (SOW).


  • 股票投资者来自各个领域,但是最近震荡他们都认同:如果财务公司有疑问,卖空, 然后在去了解你问题.

    STOCKMARKET investors come in all shapes and sizes, but in the current turmoil they agree on one thing:if in doubt about a financial firm, shoot first and ask questions later.


  • 服务进行组合部署平台上意味着那些服务必须在体系结构蓝图环境创建并组合。

    The assembly of services and their deployment to a middleware platform implies that those services must be created and combined in the context of an architectural blueprint.


  • 乔布斯演讲观众的到来简单表示欢迎,表达诚挚的谢意观众打成一之后,就迅速切入,“今天你们。 现在开始吧。”

    In Jobs's case he gave a simple welcome, built a little rapport with a humble thank you, and then boom!: "I've got four things I'd like to talk about with you today.


  • 物质世界另一影响两者之间时间空间距离的增大衰减。

    In the physical universe the effect that one event has on another tends to decrease with the distance in time or in space between them.


  • 我们来说,创造全新的音乐,古典乐曲获得灵感非常有挑战性的事。

    It was a challenge for us to create something new and different, taking inspiration from classical melodies.


  • 基本关切之事已经开始概括大部分南海领土要求,是向其他国家外交官敲响警钟的新的表述方式。

    China has also begun to include territorial claims over large parts of the South China Sea among its six "primary concerns" -new language that has alarmed diplomats.


  • 党内国家未来大方向达成共识好事,毕竟党的机构没有人希望会陷入四分五裂,群龙无首境地

    There's a good deal of consensus within the Party about the general direction of the country-no one in the Party apparatus wants to see it implode and the nation left leaderless.


  • 评估可吸入颗粒健康影响棘手工作——通常说来颗粒越小,那么就容易被吸入肺然后进入血液

    Measuring the health effects of particulate pollution is a tricky businessgenerally speaking, the smaller the particle, the more easily it can get inside your lungs and into your bloodstream.


  • 党内国家未来大方向上达成共识好事,毕竟在党的机构没有希望会陷入四分五裂,群龙无首境地

    There’s a good deal of consensus within the Party about the general direction of the countryno one in the Party apparatus wants to see it implode and the nation left leaderless.


  • 用户鼠标指向结果页面某家航空公司的图标,就会出现一些附加营销信息——例如,乘坐阿拉斯加航空吧,用户将发现该公司行李加收托运费。

    Hovering over a carrier's logo in the results page allows for some additional marketing messaging - try Alaska for example, and you'll see that they don't charge for the first bag.


  • 而言,生活重要尽可能做到正常完成我能够完成事情,不是浪费时间自怨自艾

    What's important to me in life is trying to be as regular as I can be, up to the fullest point, do everything I can - and don't waste time or sit around moping.


  • 重要4 - 5事情写在前面保证你一天完成你来说最重要的事情。

    Incorporate the short list of 4-5 most important things above, to ensure that you are spending your day doing what's most important to you.


  • 可以使用技术服务进行组合,服务特定功能进行访问控制

    Middleware technology is available to orchestrate services and control access to specific functionalities in the service.


  • 意识到的选秀虽然享受发现支持培养新的天才选手,但我认为品头论足甚至有时伤害到他们感情来说很难完成的事。

    I also realized this season that while I love discovering, supporting and nurturing young talent, it was hard for me to judge people and sometimes hurt their feelings.


  • 培训女人生涯发现要想男人倾心,事情必须做。

    In all my years of coaching women, I've discovered that there are four things you MUST have in order to have guys falling over themselves to be with you.


  • 而丰田不再供应商当作是单独商业伙伴,而是它们当作网络的一个节点,为它们提供培训,使他们生产出更优质的零部虽然他们知道竞争 手也会从这些零部厂商进货。

    Toyota, instead of treating its suppliers as a marketplace, treats them as a network and trains them to produce better, even as they also training them to produce better for their competitors.


  • 不是我们应该立即做出选择变化的事”,因为利美和房地美房地产市场恢复变得“必不可少”,Kanjorski采访说道

    "This is not something that we should make sudden turns and changes on," since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are "essential" to the housing recovery, Kanjorski said in an interview.


  • 有时我们逼迫自己个环境工作,而这个环境又冥冥告诉我们在这种环境不能工作。” 这我们自己很糟糕的一

    Sometimes the hardest thing we do to ourselves is try to force ourselves to work in an area that is subconsciously telling us, “I can’t work here.”


  • 过去几天已经商讨过很多机会指赴意打球非常有可能并且我来说好事

    There's an opportunity that we've been discussing over the last few days. It's very possible and that's good news for me.


  • 我们使用Fabric3该特性装配进行分析确定服务需求并且动态地提供相应运行时基础设施

    We use this in Fabric3 to analyze an assembly and determine the middleware requirements of a service and dynamically provision runtime infrastructure accordingly.


  • 这些工具源代码作业控制语言(Job Control Language,JCL)、配置元数据其他分析捕获数据库

    Their analysis of source code, Job Control Language (JCL), middleware configuration metadata, and other artifacts is captured in a database.


  • 行业其他类似行业盛行需求掩盖Web服务和紧耦合实际XML开发的作用的常识。

    The prevailing needs in this industry and others like it belie the conventional wisdom about Web services and the role of tightly-coupled middleware in real-world XML developments.


  • 行业其他类似行业盛行需求掩盖Web服务和紧耦合实际XML开发的作用的常识。

    The prevailing needs in this industry and others like it belie the conventional wisdom about Web services and the role of tightly-coupled middleware in real-world XML developments.


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