• 这个寒冷世界到达另一个

    And passing from one frigid world to another.


  • 寒冷世界一个温暖

    In a world of coldness it is a dream of warmth.


  • 寒冷世界极力寻找一个美丽的出口不在,让不在,可吗?

    Strongly in the cold of the world want to find a beautiful export, so that heart was not in pain, so the situation does not float, are there any way?


  • 严重19年因为寒冷天气无风条件污染空气覆盖城市震惊了整个世界

    The heaviest, which shocked the world, was in 19 because of cold weather and windless conditions, polluted air covered the city.


  • 某些时期世界海洋底层来自遥远北大西洋下沉寒冷稠密

    During some periods, the bottom layer of the world's oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking in the far North Atlantic.


  • 云遮住我的脸时,世界就会变得寒冷

    When Cloud covers my face, the world grows cold.


  • 亚当夏娃离开伊甸园之后,他们外边寒冷艰难世界里,第一次尝到痛苦艰苦劳动滋味。

    When Adam and Eve left the garden, they had their first experience of pain and hard work in the cold hard world outside.


  • 所以决定亲自前往雅库茨克,探明这个世界寒冷的地方人们怎样设法生存下来以及他们日常生活的种种。

    So I decided to come to Yakutsk for myself to find out how people manage to survive, and go about something resembling daily life, in the world's coldest place.


  • 开始,这么做仅仅只是为了驱走天气寒冷,那时世界刚刚进入冰期时代

    At first, this was merely for function: to keep out the cold weather of the world only beginning to emerge from the great ice age.


  • 穿着短裤爬上寒冷勃朗峰打破了诸多世界记录之后,还是时刻准备迎接新的挑战

    He climbed the Mt. Blanc in shorts in the icy cold, harvested world records and always stands for new challenges.


  • 事实上行星可能会接收火星同等数量太阳光照意味着即使一个固体表面这个世界过于寒冷而不能支持生命的存在。

    In fact, the new planet likely receives about the same amount of sunshine as Mars, which means that, even if it had a solid surface, the world would be far too cold to support life.


  • ,“库人自己周围世界大自然极为崇敬,因为他们知道自然的力量多么强大,但是寒冷本身我们传统影响不大。”

    "Yakuts have always had a tremendous respect for the world around them and for nature, because they know how powerful it can be," he says. "But cold itself doesn't play a huge part in our traditions."


  • 如果真是这样,那么我们知道那个恒星,没准儿还满是生命的宇宙也将只是寒冷黑暗无尽虚空世界中的短短一瞬

    If so, the cosmos as we know it-full of stars and, maybe, full of life-will be a fleeting moment in an endless duration of cold, dark nothingness.


  • 可怜人们总是习惯于抱怨这个世界寒冷我们大部分疾患的成因直接归罪于寒冷——既有自然的寒冷,也人际的冷漠。

    The poor man is wont to complain that this is a cold world; and to cold, no less physical than social, we refer directly a great part of our ails.


  • 半个世纪世界很多地方寒冷白天和夜晚变得更加少见,而热天气则更加常见

    In many parts of the world, cold days and nights have become rarer, and hot days and nights more common, over the past half-century.


  • 这里北极光世界拉莫先生看见人们寒冷夜晚呆在户外满怀希望地仰望星空由此想出了建造玻璃房的主意

    This is northern lights country, and Mr. Eiramo said he got the igloo idea after seeing people outside in the cold at night, staring at the sky in hope.


  • 酒精世界葡萄成熟度较低含糖量较少因为它们往往种植于较寒冷地区,而新世界葡萄生长于较温暖地区。

    Sugar and alcohol: Old World grapes are less ripe and lower in sugar, because they tend to be grown in cooler-weather regions.


  • 其他人则将全球变暖合理化认为可能会造福这个世界寒冷国家之一,融化北极,有利于石油天然气开发延长这个国家短暂作物生长季节

    Others rationalise that it might bring benefits to one of the world's coldest countries, freeing up a melting Arctic for oil and gas exploration, and extending the country's brief growing season.


  • 由于冰岛阴暗寒冷韦纳先前这个国家世界快乐国家之一感到很怀疑

    Because the country is dark and cold, Weiner was initially skeptical about Iceland's ranking as one of the happiest nation in the world.


  • 马戏团蒙古首都乌兰巴托为期一周马戏表演做准备时,遇到一个难题怎样才能两只亚热带动物在这个世界上最为寒冷国家仍然保持兴奋状态呢?

    As the circus prepared for a weeklong program in Mongolias capital Ulan Bator, they faced an awkward problem how to keep the two tropical animals happy in one of the worlds coldest environments.


  • 即使这个逐渐变暖世界里,在这个充斥二氧化碳甲烷世界里,寒冷仍在努力存活”,写道

    "Even in a warming world, a world choked by carbon dioxide and methane, cold persists," he writes.


  • 即使这个逐渐变暖世界里,在这个充斥二氧化碳甲烷世界里,寒冷仍在努力存活”,写道

    Even in a warming world, a world choked by carbon dioxide and methane, cold persists, ” he writes.


  • 生活寒冷地带人们常常忘记疟疾世界上的很多地方一个传染病根据世界卫生组织的数据,每年感染疟疾的案例3-5亿。

    Those of us in cooler climes often forget that malaria is an epidemic in many parts of the worldaccording to the World Health Organization, 300-500 million cases are diagnosed each year.


  • 洋流变化造成不可意想不到的后果一些地区暖化的世界甚至寒冷

    Changes in wind and ocean circulation could cause unexpected effects, with some areas even cooling down in a warmer world.


  • 世界变得寒冷的时候。

    But as the world gets older and colder.


  • 世界著名圣诞歌曲《平安》(SilentNight)日前迎来192岁的生日。首歌寒冷夜晚诞生于奥地利一个村庄教堂

    Born on a cold night in the chapel of a small Austrian village, Silent Night, the world's most famous Christmas carol, is celebrating its 192nd anniversary.


  • 这个寒冷贫瘠世界,绝大部分地貌是干草原、苔原大片冻土冰川山脉

    A mostly cold and barren world of steppes and tundra, with vast frozen regions and glaciated mountain ranges.


  • 冰岛Katla火山爆发可能性世界包括美国,于持续漫长的寒冷中。

    The potential eruption of Iceland's volcano Katla would likely send the world, including the USA, into an extended deep freeze.


  • 冰岛Katla火山爆发可能性世界包括美国,于持续漫长的寒冷中。

    The potential eruption of Iceland's volcano Katla would likely send the world, including the USA, into an extended deep freeze.


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