• 富有市场划分三种趋势

    Richer Segmentation: Three Trends


  • 加拿大和美国有长的共同边境,而且大部分加拿大居民居住在边境地区。加美两富有市场拥有世界最大双边贸易

    Sharing a very long common border along which most of the Canadian people live, Canade and the United States, with their respective rich market, enjoy the largest single bilateral trade in the world.


  • 反过来这种转变又给“知识工人”带来了前所未有的好处,这是一个新的阶层富有受过教育流动性强的组成,他们认为自己卖方市场自由代理人

    That shift, in turn, place an unprecedented premium on "knowledge workers", a new class of wealthy, educated, and mobile people who view themselves as free agents in a seller's market.


  • 富裕国家津贴总是提供那些富有农夫这搅乱了全球市场,让贫穷国家的贫困农夫无法出口更多产品。

    Subsidies in rich countries, which invariably go to the better-off farmers, disrupt global markets and cut back the exporting prospects of poor farmers in poor countries.


  • 新兴市场中,地区常常最后可以享受看涨市场情绪带来果实,然而往往那些富有投资者落荒而逃,他们却最先受到影响

    Among emerging markets, the region is usually the last to enjoy the fruits of bullish sentiment and the first to feel the effects when rich investors flee to safety.


  • 中国相关表现新兴市场中出口额最大的国家,德国世界上最富有国家,最适用案例

    The relative performance of China, the leading exporter among emerging economies, and Germany, the rich world’s champion, is a case in point.


  • 他们已经控制边境上的市场并且富有的商人

    They already control the markets in Russian border towns, where they are the richest private business owners.


  • 这些办法原本是为了占领贫穷偏远的农村市场想出来的,如果可以在眼界甚、更为富有西方国家消费者得以应用,则其潜力必将得到进一步发挥。

    The techniques initially developed to reach poor and rural customers may have even greater potential when used to reach highly demanding, affluent, urban customers in Western economies.


  • 当2007年市场下滑,英国富有房地产企业家之一nick Leslau,退出了这市场

    Nick Leslau, one of Britain's wealthiest property entrepreneurs, got out of the market just before it turned down in 2007.


  • 19世纪90年代市场危机显现之时,许多富有国家削减对IMF的增资额度,因为它们担心资金充足的IMF引诱贫穷国家采取一些鲁莽轻率的决策。

    After the emerging-market crises of the 1990s many rich countries were keen to scale back the fund, for fear that a big IMF would tempt poor countries to run reckless policies.


  • 富有投资者看好这个市场英国集团创始人Richard Branson最近宣布计划投入4亿美元用于乙醇的生产

    Rich investors are also bullish. Richard Branson, a British entrepreneur who heads the Virgin conglomerate, recently announced plans to invest up to $400m in ethanol production.


  • 重述一下明显一个事实:尽管一些欧陆国家经济现在看起来萎靡不振,但作为这个世界最大富有共同市场的一成员还是划算

    To restate what ought to be obvious: weak as some of the continent's economies now look, the benefits of being part of the world's biggest and richest common market still outweigh the costs.


  • 再走一处便是地毯市场。这儿各种质地地毯它们色彩斑斓,花纹图案富有地方特色有的简单粗犷有的精巧和谐得令人吃惊。

    Elsewhere there is the carpet-market, with its profusion of rich colours, varied textures and regional designssome bold and simple, others unbelievably detailed and yet harmonious.


  • 然而几乎没能够阻挡这个市场最终成功不仅拥有世界上稠密的人口,也拥有广泛消费者基础——精明都市人群到新兴富有中产阶级

    Still, few are ruling out eventual success in the world's most populous market with its wide-ranging consumer bases of sophisticated urbanites and newly rich middle classes.


  • 自从这个调查开始起,英国富有的人的拾亿由于技术股持续繁华的股票市场

    Since the survey was compiled, Britain's richest have billions more to their wealth, thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market.


  • 冲击了一切收入阶级摧毁富有消费者市场萧条之中,简直没有平安避险之处。

    In a recession that hit all rungs of the income ladder and ravaged the wealthiest consumer markets, there were very few safe havens.


  • 富有懂得市场冒险,无论是经济还是经济糟糕时候,就是为了自己起来。

    Yet, one lesson emerged again and again: The wealthy understand the need to take risks in the market—in good times and in badin order to make their money work as hard as they do.


  • 一个经济力量转移标志投资者们对于富有国家忧心忡忡但是对于新兴市场危机非常有信心认为那些危机不会再发生。

    One sign of a shift in economic power is that investors expect trouble in rich countries but seem confident that crises in emerging markets will not recur.


  • 很多地方出现购房热的最大因素之一是中国买家崛起。由于中国内地房价飙升,催生出关于房地产泡沫担忧富有的中国买家因此直奔海外,来到那些与中国内地相比似乎合算的房地产市场

    As housing costs on China's mainland skyrocketraising concerns of a property bubble theremonied buyers are heading abroad, moving into markets that look, in comparison, like a bargain.


  • 很多地方出现购房热的最大因素之一是中国买家崛起。由于中国内地房价飙升,催生出关于房地产泡沫担忧富有的中国买家因此直奔海外,来到那些与中国内地相比似乎合算的房地产市场

    As housing costs on China's mainland skyrocketraising concerns of a property bubble theremonied buyers are heading abroad, moving into markets that look, in comparison, like a bargain.


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