• 领导这项调查来自密歇根大学施密特:“美国数学科学教育实践中,没有种理智而统一的观念。”

    Schmidt of Michigan State University, who led the new analysis, said, "no single intellectually coherent vision dominates U.S. educational practice in math or science."


  • 美国密歇根大学亚伦·利恩·哈特教授认为,本身不能改变科学家亚原子微粒的物理学认知。

    That in itself does not alter scientists' understanding of sub-atomic physics, according to Professor Aaron Leanhardt of Michigan University in the US.


  • 美国密歇根大学社会学教授罗伯特·g·纽拜博士相信男人女人撒谎

    Dr. Robert G. Newby, the professor of sociology at Central Michigan University, believes that men lie more than women.


  • 克里斯多夫·霍茨同事欢喜美国密歇根大学工作,他们惊奇发现这个问题上还没有进行太多的研究于是他们决定解决这个问题。

    Christopher Honts and his colleagues at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant were surprised to find that there was not much research on this question and decided to put that right.


  • 密歇根大学2007年美国客户满意度指数显示有线卫星电视遭受了所有参与调查行业最低的客户满意度”。

    The University of Michigan's 2007 American Customer Satisfaction Index said that cable and satellite TV suffered "the lowest level of customer satisfaction among all industries covered."


  • 根据密歇根大学美国客户满意度指数》(ACSD)报道,苹果连续年在PC行业超越竞争对手获得了86分(总分100评级指数。

    For the seventh straight year, Apple has topped its competitors in the PC industry in the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), achieving a score of 86 out of 100.


  • 美国汽车总裁,现身为密歇根大学教授格雷•勒斯(Gerry Meyers)提醒人们:这位八十多岁的投资者一位对付的工头”。

    The octogenarian investor isa difficult taskmaster”, cautions Gerry Meyers, a former chief executive of American Motors and now a professor at the University of Michigan.


  • 密歇根大学14年来连续发布美国消费者满意指数述评》(American Consumer Satisfaction Index;ACSI)中,Publix位列榜首,沃尔玛则屈居最末

    Publix has ranked number one out of supermarkets on the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, published by the University of Michigan, since it began 14 years ago, whereas Wal-Mart ranks last.


  • 2003年6月美国最高法院判决了密歇根大学(UM)入学纠纷案例,分别涉及本科生院(Grat z v . B ollinger)法学院(Grutter v .Bollinger)。

    In June 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court decided two admissions cases involving the University of Michigan (UM), the undergraduate program (Gratz v. Bollinger), and the Law School (Grutter v. Bollinger).


  • 美国密歇根大学门诊保健政策中心主任、约翰·博克梅厄博士对此研究发表评论,“某种意义说,他们发现并不令人惊讶。”

    Commenting on the study, Dr. John Birkmeyer, director of the Center for Healthcare Outcomes and Policy at the University of Michigan, said that "in some respect their finding isn't surprising."


  • 库萨不仅卡扎菲关系密切美国有着长期联系,他曾密歇根大学获得过硕士学位

    Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U. S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.


  • 库萨不仅卡扎菲关系密切美国有着长期联系,他曾密歇根大学获得过硕士学位

    Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U.S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.


  • 英国亨利商学院学生一般具有丰富经验,平均年龄为37岁相比之下,有点像暴发户美国密歇根大学学生平均年龄则只有29岁

    At Britain's Henley Business School the average age of students is an experienced 37, compared with an upstart 29 at the Ross School at the University of Michigan.


  • 就读美国密歇根州立大学时,凯特学习两个专业:专业写作物理学

    She graduated from Michigan State University with a dual degree in professional writing and physics.


  • 这项研究瑞典卡罗琳·斯卡研究所乌普萨拉大学美国密歇根韦恩州立大学科研人员开展,认为迄今为止一领域全面的一项研究。

    The study, by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and from Wayne State University in Michigan, is thought to be the most comprehensive of its kind.


  • 这项研究瑞典卡罗琳斯卡研究所乌普萨拉大学美国密歇根韦恩州立大学科研人员开展,认为迄今为止一领域全面的一项研究。

    The study, by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and from Wayne State University in Michigan, is thought to be the most comprehensive of its kind.


  • 图像由美国密歇根大学的科学家马克·弗兰纳绘制,他表示过去30年里北半球降雪量虽然增加但是春季降雪量下降

    In the past 30 years, fall snow cover has increased in the Northern Hemisphere, but spring snow cover has decreased.


  • 而本文开始提到的这位密歇根大学Muneio同学这样说道申请美国银行信用卡因为已经张Visa了。

    Mr. Muneio, the Michigan State student, said he did not apply for a Bank of America card because he already had two Visa cards.


  • 于上世纪七十年代美国密歇根大学取得硕士学位两个孩子都美国出生并已经成为美国公民

    He got his master's degree at Michigan State University in the 1970s, and both his children, born in the United States, are American citizens.


  • 美国密歇根大学研究表明男女不同购物习惯根植我们基因可以进化论找到原因

    A survey done by the University of Michigan, the US, showed that male and female shopping styles are in our genes - and we can look to evolution for the reason.


  • 就是鲸鱼美国国家地理学会密歇根大学的考古学家发掘

    This is the "Whale Valley". It was discovered and excavated by the archaeologists from "American National Geographic Society" and Michigan University.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道称,美国密歇根大学科学家近日发明世界最小计算机系统用来治疗青光眼患者

    Scientists from University of Michigan have created the world's smallest computer system to help treat glaucoma patients.


  • 克里斯多夫·霍茨同事欢喜美国密歇根大学工作,他们惊奇发现这个问题上还没有进行太多的研究于是他们决定解决这个问题。

    Christopher Honts and his colleagues at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant were surprised to find that there was not much research on this question, and decided to put that right.


  • 克里斯多夫·霍茨同事欢喜美国密歇根大学工作,他们惊奇发现这个问题上还没有进行太多的研究于是他们决定解决这个问题。

    Christopher Honts and his colleagues at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant were surprised to find that there was not much research on this question, and decided to put that right.


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