• 摄影师布莱克雨2000年最先密斯特克,从那时先后12次前往地区计划很多事情。

    Photographer Matt Black first photographed the mixteca in 2000. He has since made 12 trips to the region, and plans more. To contribute to the project, visit his Kickstarter project site.


  • 斯密说:“他们家养谷物以及潜力。”

    "They had wild sheep, wild grains that could be domesticated and the people with the potential to do it," Schmidt says.


  • 然后斯密,这些石阵完成古代建筑师就在那上面覆盖上泥土,最后再旁边或者上方另一个石阵

    Then, Schmidt says, once the stone rings were finished, the ancient builders covered them over with dirt.Eventually, they placed another ring nearby or on top of the old one.


  • 然后斯密这些石阵一完成古代建筑师那上面覆盖上泥土最后旁边或者上方个石阵

    Then, Schmidt says, once the stone rings were finished, the ancient builders covered them over with dirt. Eventually, they placed another ring nearby or on top of the old one.


  • 父母,米迟杰内斯,医生克里斯汀·罗密聪明并且有决心一个好女孩,警告过要注意酒精滥用危害

    Winehouse's parents, Mitch and Janis, heard her GP, Dr Christina Romete, describe the singer as intelligent and determined, and said she had been warned of the dangers of alcohol abuse.


  • 但是斯密,因为大自然务农和农业提供了原材料,歌贝克力山丘遗址建造者正面临着生活方式的巨变。

    But, Peters and Schmidt say, Gobekli Tepe's builders were on the verge of a major change in how they lived, thanks to an environment that held the raw materials for farming.


  • 所以,巴·斯密决定成为名大学教授

    So Ms. Bajtelsmit decided to become a college professor.


  • 斯密一个现实例子孟加拉这个国家沿海地区居民现在全力应付气候改变带来海岸线上升问题。

    A real-world example of this is Bangladesh, a country whose coastal inhabitants are currently struggling with climate change-related sea level rises, the University of Guelph's Smit said.


  • 因此职业昵称、家乡父亲的名字用来当作姓氏——例如,富勒和史密夫,利德·希斯福格林皮克灵,威肯约翰逊

    So trades, nicknames, places of origin, and fathers' names became fixed surnames - names such as Fletcher and Smith, Redhead and Swift, Green and Pickering, Wilkins and Johnson.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂安•博诺•孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smith’s opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂安•博诺•孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smith's opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot DE Condillac and the Baron DE Montesquieu.


  • 斯密看到的歌贝克力山顶遗迹倾斜石质地面一个石匠梦想

    The way Schmidt sees it, Gobekli Tepe's sloping, rocky ground is a stonecutter's dream.


  • 为了古风时期做个具体的说明我们可以提洛岛上所发现糟的阿耳密斯像为例。

    As an illustration of this early archaic period we may take the very crude statue of Artemis,discovered at Delos.


  • 达拉斯的研究室心理学家斯佩·史密致力于包括忧郁在内的情绪紊乱焦虑等症状的非传统治疗手段的研究

    At his research clinic in Dallas, psychologist Jasper Smits is working on an unorthodox treatment for anxiety and mood disorders, including depression.


  • 罗密怀恩·豪斯是否戒酒:“她知道。”

    When Romete asked Winehouse if she was going to stop drinking: "she said she didn't know."


  • 年后,斯密五个同事又回到了这里,然后他们就找到第一个巨石群,这个巨石群被在离地表近的地方以至于在挖掘它们的时候得过深,伤到了它们的表面。

    Schmidt returned a year later with five colleagues and they uncovered the first megaliths, a few buried so close to the surface they were scarred by plows.


  • 这个些时候,阿歇公司将加入企鹅出版集团、哈珀柯林斯集团兰登书屋进军印度行列首次在印度出版新书——印度专栏作家阿密·瓦尔玛的小说《朋友桑丘》。

    Later this month Hachette is joining the ranks of Penguin, HarperCollins and Random House by publishing its first new book in India - My Friend Sancho, by Amit Varma.


  • 埃里克·斯密(Eric Schmidt)喜欢说一句话互联网应当永远不会感到无聊,因为在网上找到老朋友,结识朋友查看眼下能激起你兴趣的事物。

    Eric Schmidt likes to say that with the Internet you should never be bored, because you can always find your friends online, make new friends, and see what's most interesting to you right now.


  • 怀恩豪斯罗密谈论一些有关未来事情”,说到:“期待的事情还有一些没有实现”。

    Winehouse had talked to Romete about looking forward to "future things" and said: "I have not achieved a lot of the things I want to."


  • 第一包含之前版本删去的内容相当于大概只有口述百分之五那么多,”自传总编辑哈里·E·斯密

    The material in Volume 1 that was omitted from previous editions amounts tomaybe as little as 5 percent of the dictations, ” said Harriet E. Smith, chief editor of the autobiography.


  • 因为这些人工制品附近经过碳定年确定公元前9000年左右遗迹里找到的制品如此相似斯密他的伙伴们估计歌贝克力山顶遗址和这个遗迹出自同一个时期的。

    And because those artifacts closely resemble others from nearby sites previously carbon-dated to about 9000 B.C., Schmidt and co-workers estimate that Gobekli Tepe's stone structures are the same age.


  • Lady Gaga谷歌公司董事长埃里克·斯密Backplane公司的投资人

    Lady Gaga and Google chairman Eric Schmidt are both investors in Backplane, a startup still in stealth mode ie.


  • 新书后来一次加州帕罗·奥图一家咖啡馆会面中,乔布斯告诉斯密对于达成诉讼和解兴趣。

    In a subsequent meeting with Schmidt at a Palo Alto, Calif., cafe, Jobs told Schmidt that he wasn't interested in settling the lawsuit, the book says.


  • 斯密大多数对手不是法国就是讲法语,包括哲学家艾蒂安博诺德孔狄亚克孟德斯鸠男爵

    Most of Smiths opponents were French or French-speaking, including the philosopher Etienne Bonnot de Condillac and the Baron de Montesquieu.


  • 尔修斯联合星座公牛之上,呈现毒蛇,只蝎子,一条狗只大乌鸦认为描绘星座

    Mithras is associated with Perseus whose constellation is above that of the bull. A serpent a scorpion a dog and a raven are present also thought to represent associated constellations.


  • 望远镜斯密屋脊棱镜表面镀相位,可提高望远镜观察效果。

    The phase film is a kind of special film coated the Shimite roof prism of binoculars.


  • 钻石,”美国哈佛史密桑尼安天文物理中心研究组组长拉维斯·卡夫

    "It's the mother of all diamonds," said Travis Metcalfe, who led the team of researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in America.


  • 钻石,”美国哈佛史密桑尼安天文物理中心研究组组长拉维斯·卡夫

    "It's the mother of all diamonds," said Travis Metcalfe, who led the team of researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in America.


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