• 有些种类食物容易被吸收

    Some kinds of food assimilate easily.


  • 有些食物容易被吸收

    Some foods assimilate easily.


  • 肉的肉丝鲜嫩营养价值容易被吸收

    The goose fresh pork, high nutritional value, easy to absorb.


  • 较长波长进入狭小隧道时更加容易吸收或者阻挡

    Long wavelengths tend to be absorbed or blocked as they try to enter the smaller tunnel.


  • 功效:最容易吸收油,调节皮肤油脂水分含量

    Benefit: is absorbed well by the skin, regulates the lipid and moisture content of the skin.


  • 发现平底锅烹制食物,不用油炸要比油炸的容易吸收

    He found that the pan variety was more easily broken down for assimilation than when deep fat was employed.


  • 饲料的营养容易被吸收,他们不能得到足够矿物质维生素维持生命健康

    Nutrients (the few that there are in the usual "kitchen" food) will be poorly utilized, and will not supply all the minerals and vitamins he needs to stay healthy.


  • 因此远红外线容易被吸收渗透身体深处振动血液器官组织细胞

    Thus, FIR is easily absorbed and penetrates deep into the body and vibrates fluid, blood, organs, tissues and cells.


  • 生吃或者熟食都可以增加槲皮素的摄入量,而且的过程可能皮素容易被吸收

    Eat them raw or cooked, though cooking foods with quercetin may make the antioxidant more easily absorbed.


  • Floradix公式包含了丰富的酵母草本精华,是容易吸收有机化合物

    Floradix Formula contains iron rich yeast and herbal extracts in an easily assimilated organic iron compound.


  • 尽管工厂食物容易被吸收研究表明素食主义者,没有容易遭受来自缺铁素食者。

    Despite iron from plant foods being less readily absorbed research has shown that vegetarians are no more likely to suffer from iron deficiency than non-vegetarians.


  • 金星自转一周需要243个地球日,因此来自太阳热量悠闲、更容易观察到速度被吸收分配

    The planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis, so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely, observable pace.


  • 名义GDP快速增长意味着资产价格无需下调回到均衡水平,坏账容易被抵消,日益增长的需求迅速吸收过剩产能

    Rapid growth in nominal GDP means that asset prices do not need to fall so far to regain fair value, bad loans are easier to work off and excess capacity can be more quickly absorbed by rising demand.


  • 聚积着颗粒非常氧化铅容易因此释放出来后人吸入或是人体吸收

    The lead plates collect a layer of very fine lead oxide that is often simply shaken off, freeing it to be inhaled or otherwise absorbed into the body.


  • 谷物或者叶子煮熟之后会变得更加容易消化从而使得更多营养物质能够肌体吸收

    When grains are ground, or leaves are cooked, they become more digestible, allowing more nutrients to get absorbed by the body.


  • l牛奶作为容易消化吸收食物之一含有组织生长和细胞修复所需大量营养。

    Milk is one of the most easily digested and assimilated foods, containing ample amounts of substances required for the growth of tissues and organs and the repair of worn-out cells.


  • 作为补救一种办法专家推荐食用肉,它们是最好铁质来源也是唯一容易身体吸收的铁质来源。

    As a way to remedy iron deficiency, experts recommend meat, chicken and fish, the best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body.


  • 作为补救一种方法专家推荐食用肉,它们是最好铁质来源也是唯一容易身体吸收的铁质来源。

    As a way to remedy iron deficiency, experts recommend meat, chicken and fish, the best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body.


  • 胡萝卜包含聚糖容易被身体吸收对于促进能量立刻锻炼

    Carrots contain a high concentration of sugars which are easily absorbed by the body for an instant workout energy boost.


  • 研发出来流程所生产产品将会容易细胞吸收,这个流程用到细菌电磁旋转一个电解矿物溶液诞生了。

    The process he developed to produce a product the cells would readily absorb involved water, bacteria and electromagnetic spinan electrolytic mineral solution was born.


  • 木材吸附性非常对于吸水来说,无论是气态还是液态水分容易木材吸收

    Wood adsorption is very strong, for water, whether in gaseous or liquid state water are easily absorbed by the wood.


  • 研究人员发现他们测试所有品牌电子烟含有的尼古丁都是游离态尼古丁类型药性最强的,且容易身体吸收

    Of the three types of nicotine, researchers found that all the brands of e-liquid they tested were the strongest form - free-base nicotine that is easily absorbed by the body.


  • 容易皮肤吸收,有效修护软化修复肌肤天然湿膜,肌肤24小时得到滋润。

    It absorbs into the skin easily to condition, soften and help restore the skin's natural moisture barrier and provides moisturisation that lasts up to 24 hours.


  • 中链脂肪酸 (MCT容易不成熟的消化系统新生儿吸收

    MCT are more easily absorbed by the newborn infant with an immature digestive system.


  • 德说:“失业率高,人们那些青少年就越容易反叛分子吸收雇用。这就是为什么安全形势日益恶化。”

    "The higher the unemployment rate goes, the people and the youths are going to be absorbed or employed by insurgents, that is why the graph of insecurity rises the same," Raaid said.


  • 入睡皮肤毛孔全部放开护肤品所含营养成分此时容易皮肤吸收

    Because people fall asleep after all the skin pores open up, skin care products contained in the nutritional content of this most easily absorbed by the skin.


  • 一些来源可以包含数百化学物质,这些化学物质可以更容易吸收,而不是食物

    Some sources of water can contain hundreds of chemicals and many of these chemicals can be more easily absorbed from water than from food.


  • 一些来源可以包含数百化学物质,这些化学物质可以更容易吸收,而不是食物

    Some sources of water can contain hundreds of chemicals and many of these chemicals can be more easily absorbed from water than from food.


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