• 一般认为新教改革马丁·路德第一点亮了书上的烛光

    Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, was the first to add lighted candles to the tree.


  • 一般认为新教改革马丁·路德第一个点亮了书上烛光

    It is believed that Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, was the first to add lighted candles to the tree.


  • 雕刻马丁·博伊斯获得特纳的代表作人造倾斜垃圾箱

    Sculptor Martin Boyce, whose works include artificial trees and a leaning litter bin, has won the Turner Prize.


  • 1968年,美国民权活动马丁·路德·汽车旅馆房间枪杀

    In 1968, American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed outside his motel room.


  • 我们实体虚拟化,然后再造出实体。”66岁的MIT住校教师艺术马丁解释道。

    "We took something real and virtualized it, and then made it real again," explains Martin, 66, an MIT instructor and artist in residence.


  • 教育马丁·斯凯尔顿(MartinSkelton)参与编写了国际小学课程,该课程简称IPC。

    Educator Martin Skelton co-wrote the International Primary Curriculum, or IPC.


  • 摄影马丁·牛津饥荒救济委员会合作了项目为名人们假如他们遭遇洪水时会抢救一个物品照片。

    The photographer Martin Parr has teamed up with Oxfam to take portraits of celebrities with the one item they would save if their home were flooded.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,英国著名小说马丁·阿米斯(见图)日前言辞激烈地抨击王室成员,他们是一群俗人

    One of Britain's most famous novelists has launched a scathing attack on the Royal Family, calling them philistines, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  • 评论作品马丁•埃米斯的相提并论

    The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis.


  • 马丁一百四十万美元他们房子了。

    The Martins sold their house for about 1.4 million dollars.


  • 什么资格认为所做的一切都是应该的,马丁

    What right has the family to take me for granted, Martin?


  • 虽然这笔凯特琳来说并不但它马丁带来了更多食物使能力支付学费

    While the money was not much to Caitlin, it meant more food for Martin's family and enabled him to pay his school fees.


  • 是由马丁·波斯马于2009年在阿姆斯特丹开设的。

    The first one was opened by Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009.


  • 迈克尔·克雷格-马丁说:“在这个艺术在学校里被降级的时代,安德里亚让来自各个领域的艺术与儿童直接接触,这样出色的项目特别受欢迎。”

    Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: "Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools."


  • 顾客包括Target(零售商),洛克希德·马丁(飞机制造公司)耶鲁大学

    Its clients include Target (a retailer), Lockheed Martin (an aerospace firm) and Yale University.


  • 马丁告诉这位客户:“位竞争对手进行过交流,了解另外。”

    "I've talked to three of your competitors," Martin told the client, "and I've read about four others."


  • 很少接受访问但是马丁盖福德一位弗洛伊德先生画成“带蓝色头巾男人艺术评论,却无阻碍地这位接触几个月。

    He rarely gives interviews. But Martin Gayford, an art critic who Mr Freud transformed into the painting "Man With a Blue Scarf", enjoyed several months of uninhibited access to the painter.


  • 有人马提尼加州淘金发明的,当时马丁内兹名暴富的矿工当地酒吧酒吧特色饮品庆祝,这种饮品就是马提尼。

    Some say that the Martini was invented during the gold rush period when a miner struck it rich in Martinez, ca and celebrated at a local bar by ordering the house special, a Martini.


  • 卫森批发饮料站买了瓶陈年葡萄酒,大胜瓶装,一手一瓶上了教会电车马丁拿了夸脱装威士忌紧跟在后

    At a wholesale liquor store he bought two gallon-demijohns of old port, and with one in each hand boarded a Mission Street car, Martin at his heels burdened with several quart-bottles of whiskey.


  • 28岁马丁内斯纽约保险公司职员。有一孙子可能会他们祖父又平庸,直到满是灰尘的、显示我“当年勇”的东西拿出来给他们看。

    'One day my grandchildren might think their granddad is old and lame, until I bust out the dusty box of old flings,' says Mr. Martinez, 28, who works at an insurer in New York.


  • 西班牙创建高科技公司阿根廷马丁·瓦萨·夫斯基认为公司之外缺少企业

    Martin Varsavsky, an Argentine who founded three high-tech companies in Spain, thinks that outside the big companies there is a lack of entrepreneurship.


  • 著名瑞士手表制造商积奢侈品牌阿斯顿·马丁1920年开始合伙关系。自始,阿斯顿·马丁汽车手表就配套一起。

    The partnership between famous Swiss watchmaker Jaeger LeCoultre and luxury car brand Aston Martin started in 1920's, since Aston Martin cars were equipped with Jaeger Speedometers.


  • 中介机构曾致信康州大学,确认马丁所说是否属实,并附上美国国际留学中心信函

    An agent wrote the university seeking confirmation that American International Student Centers was representing it. The agent attached a letter she had received from the company.


  • 一些德高望重的观察金融时报》的马丁.沃尔夫指出,可以通过所有成员国债券提供整体担保的方式结束危机

    Esteemed observers such as the Financial Times’s Martin Wolf have argued that blanket guarantees of all members’ bonds would end the crisis.


  • 篇研究报告通过采样调查方法确定出排名最靠前的公司是:雷声公司、诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司洛克希德马丁公司、通用动力公司ITT公司

    As determined by the sampling within this study, the top five are Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and ITT.


  • 得到很多消息,” 67岁的马丁内斯说,2005年4月接受了《企业杂志社采访并且无数的电视广播电台对其做了特别报道。

    "I got a lot of news," says Martinez, 67, who was interviewed by Entrepreneur magazine in April 2005 and has been featured on countless TV and radio stations.


  • 虽然马丁2001年主持奥斯卡收视率出现了戏剧化的下降但是2003年主持却受到批评们的赞赏。

    Martin was popular with the critics during his last stint as host, though his 2001 tenure coincided with a dramatic drop in ratings.


  • 或许正是这种敏锐的听觉,再加上一些想象力才使得马丁罗伊弗雷成为美国伟大作曲之一

    Maybe it was keen sensesplus a touch of[14] imagination—that enabled Martin Loeffler to become one of America's great composers.


  • 画的买名叫戴维马丁内斯,他名金融

    In a private deal brokered by Sotheby's, the painting 'No.5, 1948', has been bought by David Martinez, a Mexican financier .


  • 画的买名叫戴维马丁内斯,他名金融

    In a private deal brokered by Sotheby's, the painting 'No.5, 1948', has been bought by David Martinez, a Mexican financier .


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