• 地区越来越来自中国印度韩国移民家庭欢迎

    The district has become increasingly popular with immigrant families from China, India and Korea.


  • 蔡妈妈叙述了决定中国方式抚养她的两个女儿不是移民家庭不可避免家庭衰落妥协

    Chua recounts her decision to raise her two daughters the "Chinese way", and not give in to the inevitable "family decline" that befalls immigrant families.


  • 克雷西发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺受过教育,并且家庭为单位组织行事

    Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 克雷西利用当代文学证据船运单海关记录发现大多数成年移民精通农业手工艺识字家庭为单位组织起来

    Using contemporary literary evidence, shipping lists, and customs records, Cressy finds that most adult immigrants were skilled in farming or crafts, were literate, and were organized in families.


  • 移民孩子往往会说两种语言而且精通英语,“到了第三大多数移民家庭丧失了原来语言。”

    The children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English, "by the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families".


  • 移民家庭父母可以谈论他们原籍国以及他们移民美国原因

    Immigrant parents could talk about their country of origin and why they emigrated to the United States.


  • 美国加拿大欧洲国家澳大利亚新西兰国家更加关心的是移民政策配额问题不是家庭人口限制

    Countries such as the us, Canada, European countries, Australia and New Zealand are more concerned with immigration policy and quotas rather than family limitation.


  • 记得没有感恩节时间,我一洛杉矶出生这个美国节日就已经成为墨西哥移民家庭传统

    I don't remember a time without Thanksgiving. By the time I was born, in Los Angeles, this American holiday had become a tradition for my extended Mexican immigrant family.


  • 记得没有感恩节时间,我一洛杉矶出生这个美国节日就已经成为墨西哥移民家庭传统

    I don't remember a time without Thanksgiving.By the time I was born, in Los Angeles, this American holiday had become a tradition for my extended Mexican immigrant family.


  • 然而虽然很多家庭饱受移民早孕离婚遗弃等问题的困扰,不少墨西哥人珍视父母和小孩组成的家庭

    But while many families have been fractured by migration, teenage pregnancy, divorce and abandonment, most Mexicans still cherish the ideal of a nuclear family.


  • 家庭房产救济债务雇佣纠纷移民以及医疗事故索赔方面的法律援助大部分取消

    Legal aid would be largely withdrawn from family law, housing, welfare, debt and employment disputes, as well as from immigration work and clinical-negligence claims.


  • 除了提高移民家庭消费水平外,汇款带来的稳定外汇流入还可以改善一个国家外债的资信度。

    In addition to raising consumption levels in the migrants' families, the steady stream of foreign exchange that remittances deliver can improve a country's creditworthiness for external borrowing.


  • 母亲个月,随着她的家庭东欧移民纽约市8年级时就放弃了学业,因为那时女孩儿期望接受更多教育

    My mother - whose family emigrated from Eastern Europe to New York City when she was six months old - also left after the 8th grade because girls were not expected to get much education.


  • 不久前,黄西首次亮相荧屏,出现美国哥伦比亚广播公司的著名午夜节目——《大卫·莱特曼秀》中,颇具冷面笑匠风范起了有关移民家庭生活开车等故事。

    Wong recently made his TV network debut on CBS 'Letterman show - the hugely popular US late-night talk show - with dead-pan delivery on immigrants, family life and driving.


  • 尽管教育工作结构总体来说处于劣势,但拥有农村移民背景黑人城镇家庭平均收入方面并不其他黑人城镇家庭要低

    Despite some overall disadvantage in education and job structure, black urban families headed by a migrant of rural origin did not experience lower average income than other black urban families.


  • 这个季节国家集体记忆忽略移民叙述的这个固有节日的成立本质,这个移民家庭中的缺席因而更加明显。

    This absence in immigrant families is all the more present this season, when the country's collective memory ignores the immigrant narrative inherent to its founding and intrinsic to this holiday.


  • 他们都出生于显赫上流社会家庭祖上都是17世纪北欧来到美国移民,幼时仆从环伺,锦衣玉食

    They belonged to prominent, upper-class families, which had come from Northern Europe to America in the 17th century, and grew up with servants in large luxurious houses.


  • 而且,随着移民不断到来,减缓了旧有社会问题的解决步伐,年轻人粗鲁无礼、酗酒作乐家庭功能下降等问题。

    And while new people were arriving, old problems were disappearing only slowly, including binge-drinking, crude, rude young people and dysfunctional families.


  • 数以百万计的非法移民仍然生活这个国家而签证政策诸多限制残酷的拆散家庭驱使年轻有为大学毕业生们转投其它国家。

    Millions live here outside the law. Visa policies are too restrictive, cruelly separating families and driving away talented university graduates to other countries.


  • 根据官方数据显示,1994年种族隔离体制结束以来,已经超过1000个农民家庭成员杀,平均每年70人,大部分都是布尔人,主要是荷兰移民的后裔。

    Since the end of the apartheid regime in 1994 more than 1,000 farmers and family members have been killed, an average of nearly 70 a year, according to official records.


  • 他们都出生于显赫上流社会家庭祖上都是17世纪北欧来到美国移民,幼时仆从环伺,锦衣玉食

    They belonged to prominent , upper-class families that had come from northern Europe to America in the seventeeth century and grew up with servants in large luxurious houses.


  • 迪蒙出生于纽约皇后区一个希腊移民家庭桑福德威尔(Sanford Weill)手下开始了职业生涯,并随同这位商界巨人让一些身处困境公司花旗合作,从而摆脱麻烦。

    The Queens, N.Y.-born son of a Greek immigrant stockbroker, Mr. Dimon began his career under Sanford Weill, as the famed deal maker snapped up troubled companies to stitch together Citigroup.


  • 就意味着将削减非欧洲移民数量。非欧洲移民方式进入英国:工作学习以及家庭团聚

    So that means cracking down on non-European migrants, for whom there are three legal ways in: work, study and family reunion.


  • 许多黎巴嫩富裕家庭或者中产阶级家庭的都雇佣这些移民家庭佣人,帮他们操持家务但是说到报酬,就那么乐观

    Many a well-to-do and lower middle class Lebanese family relies on migrant domestic workers to take care of their household, but when it comes to providing for these women, not all return the favour.


  • 生育率并非部分人士所声称的由移民家庭所致:最近的一份人口统计研究表明即便包括移民家庭的因素,法国的全国生育率应该会是1.9。

    High fertility is not just due, as some argue, to big immigrant families: a recent demographic study shows that the overall fertility rate would be 1.9 even without them.


  • 生育率并非部分人士所声称的由移民家庭所致:最近的一份人口统计研究表明即便包括移民家庭的因素,法国的全国生育率应该会是1.9。

    High fertility is not just due, as some argue, to big immigrant families: a recent demographic study shows that the overall fertility rate would be 1.9 even without them.


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