• 见过BabyP每个人都社会工作者同样对于家庭评价——虽然混乱具有爱心,然而想到搬进来的会是两个罪犯

    Everyone who saw Baby P was aware of the initial, incorrect assessment by social workers that his family was chaotic but loving, and no one realised the two guilty men had moved into the home.


  • 同时出生胎次累积生育率比较评价最近家庭生育覆盖范围

    We also compared parity to cumulative fertility data to evaluate the coverage of recent household births.


  • 家长对于家庭附近公园客观评价关系孩子们会有多少时间家里

    Objective assessments of the nearby park opportunities were also linked to how much time children spent in sedentary behaviors.


  • 计划孩子家长老师们共同签署。计划明确规定“不用家庭作业作孩子的评价表”。

    The two-page plan, signed by the children, parents and teachers, stipulates that "homework will not be used as a form of evaluation for the children".


  • 好奇别人是不是感到吃惊你们一样推测家庭收入的评价标准更高了吗?

    I'm curious whether this is surprising to others, too? Would you, like me, have guessed the thresholds were higher?


  • 广告追踪公司德意志使用时,ARC这个广告曾经检验过评价最高家庭广告但局外人并不如此热心

    While the ad-tracking company Deutsch USES, ARC, said the commercial was the highest rated domestic AD it had ever tested, outsiders weren't so gung-ho.


  • 晚餐我们吃了顿“糊状或者美味的”——它到底“糊状的”还是“美味的”取决于家庭哪一给出评价之后我们房间

    After a dinner of "mushy" or "delicious" fish, depending on which side of the family was giving the critique, we repaired to our rooms.


  • 1964年特德·肯尼迪差一点丧命飞机事故,而一年前兄弟约翰遭到暗杀。罗伯特·肯尼迪是这样评价他们庞大的、令人眼花缭乱又多灾多难家庭

    When ted Kennedy almost died in a plane crash in 1964, the year after his brother John had been assassinated, Robert Kennedy commented on their large, dazzling, ill-fated family.


  • 哥伦比亚全国性家庭项目(Familias program)产生了重要积极的评价结果获得世界银行持续支持

    Colombia's nationwide Familias program has generated important and positive evaluation results and has received sustained support from the World Bank.


  • 此外我们家庭每周评价奖励惩罚我们认为

    In addition, our homes every week appraisal, rewards and punishment, we would consider it matter of.


  • 方法采用WHO推荐的Z评分方法儿童生长发育状况进行评价对儿童的家庭状况、膳食模式影响因素进行分析

    Methods: Evaluate the children's development status according to WHO "z" scores, and analyze influential factors include the children's family status, the diet model and so on.


  • SRHMS能够反映不同人群,不同年龄,不同家庭人均收入,不同文化程度,不同职业不同住地评价者间自测健康差异

    SRHMS can also discriminate that self rated health is significantly differential in different people, age, family income per person, educational level and profession and residence.


  • 同时家庭社会负担也是卒中疾病负担评价不可忽视方面

    Meanwhile, the social and family burdens are also not negligible aspects in the assessment of stroke burden.


  • 目的评价脑瘫患儿家庭康复护理效果

    Objective To appraise the effect of rehabilitation nursing of neonates with cerebral palsy.


  • 前言:目的:通过定性研究方法,客观、全面评价唐氏综合征患者家庭疾病负担相关政策制定提供依据。

    Objective: to evaluate the disease burden of Downs Syndrome (DS) both to the patient and to the family by qualitative study, and to provide references for policy making.


  • 结论离异家庭初中生家庭态度评价与其心理健康状况显著相关

    Conclusion the attitudes and evaluation of divorced family students were significantly related with their mental status.


  • 目的评价家庭社会经济状况生活事件学生心理健康影响

    Objective To evaluate effect of family socioeconomic status and life events on mental health of medical students.


  • 目的我国城市社区家庭医生签约服务模式服务连续性进行评价

    Objective To evaluate the continuity of community health services of community family physician model in city.


  • 产生自卑的原因有个人能力生理缺陷家庭条件自我评价专业选择社会评价方面。

    Self-abased mentality is caused by such factors as personal ability, physical defects, family conditions, self-assessment, choice of specialty and social evaluation.


  • 目的评价家庭语音训练模式腭裂术后患者语音康复干预效果

    Objective To evaluate the effect of model of triunity speech training in promoting speech development of children with cleft palate.


  • 他们评价家庭血压预测值有效证据还是不够因为除了一人发表研究结果外,所有基于相对事件

    They comment that the available evidence for the prognostic value of HBP is still weak because all except one published outcome studies have been based on relatively small numbers of events.


  • 交叉效度研究表明,使用判别模型236个家庭判别子女评价作的分类进行比较,结果有97.5%一致

    The study of cross-validity showed that the discrimination for 236 families through discriminate model accorded with the types of their children's evaluation by the degree of 97.5 %.


  • 目的了解离异家庭初中生心理健康状况及其家庭的态度评价关系

    Objective to investigate the status of the mental health of the students from divorced families and its related factors.


  • 约翰逊先生很严厉父亲一个体育明星这样家庭得不到很高的评价的。

    Mr. Johnson is a strict father, and in a family where a sports star is not so highly regarded.


  • 目的研究癫痫患儿生活质量影响因素评价家庭干预效果

    Objective to study the quality of life, influencing factors and the effects of familial intervention to children with epilepsy.


  • 在为这些病患引导家庭评价夫妇家庭疗法过程提供临床指南

    The book will offer clinical guidelines in conducting family assessment and couple and family therapy for these patients.


  • 目的评价电话远程胎儿监护系统临床上应用价值探索孕妇家庭自我监护的途径

    Objective:To evaluate the clinical value of telephone long-distance electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) home monitoring and to search for a new way of self-monitoring for pregnant women at home.


  • 目的评价电话远程胎儿监护系统临床应用价值探索孕妇家庭自我监护的途径

    Objective to explore the value of the long distance electronic fetal heart rate monitoring system by telephone and explore a new way of self monitoring at home for pregnant woman.


  • 本文力求评价荷兰学校室内环境质量在校学生健康之间关系并且将他们家庭环境个人身体因素考虑在内。

    The paper aims to assess the associations between indoor environmental quality in Dutch schools and pupils' health, also taking into account the children's home environment and personal factors.


  • 网友的感受评价李华可以谈谈你的家庭么?

    Would you tell me about family, Li Hui?


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