• 一个全新家庭圣诞节反感现在开始展示

    A whole new scenario for the family Christmas now begins to open up.


  • 记得第一次碰少年时参加一个家庭圣诞晚宴,有人给了我一杯“7加7鸡尾酒,就是七喜加波本酒。

    I recall my first taste of booze was as a teenager at a family Christmas season dinner when I was offered a "7 and 7", a cocktail which was a mix of 7-up and bourbon.


  • 欢迎休战指出对于没有亲人共度圣诞家庭多少安慰

    He welcomed the truce, but pointed out it was of little comfort to families spending Christmas without a loved one.


  • 礼日是12月26日,起源于圣诞节时期,在这个时期许多富裕家庭会给必须工作的穷人送礼物。

    Boxing Day, the 26th of December, got its name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas.


  • 想象着,需要它的家庭享受圣诞布丁感受或者一个母亲早餐放在她饥饿孩子们面前时会多么高兴

    I imagined how a family in need would feel when they enjoyed my Christmas pudding, or how a mother would be happy to put breakfast in front of hungry kids.


  • 只要其他家庭一起过圣诞或者其他节日就知道他们怎样庆祝的了。

    You only have to spend Christmas (or another festival) with someone else's family to see how they celebrate it differently.


  • 人们家人朋友购买礼物他们长青树和彩灯装扮家庭店铺,他们还将举行晚会,准备特殊的圣诞食物。

    People have been buying gifts to give to family members and friends. They have been filling homes and stores with evergreen trees and bright, colored lights.


  • 大多数家庭复一年的唱祝颂诗、装饰圣诞交换圣诞礼物大型节日聚餐中欢庆他们的节日。

    Caroling, decorating the Christmas tree, exchanging gifts and large holiday feasts are common festivities that most families enjoy year after year.


  • 弗吉尼亚州里士满,很多家庭都聚集大街观看年度圣诞游行队伍中的各种巨型气球

    Crowds of families gathered to watch the annual Christmas parade in Richmond, Virginia, where a series of giant festive balloons were marched down the town's main street.


  • 然而,不管是谁,圣诞所有家庭来说都一个特殊的日子,大家都在准备食物交换礼物

    To all, however, it is a special day of family, food, and exchanging gifts.


  • 许多家庭储蓄了一整用于圣诞头牛所以突然间,乡村几乎每个院落出现荒谬的牛肉

    Many families saved all year to buy a cow at Christmas, so there was suddenly a preposterous amount of beef in almost every compound in the village.


  • 其他家庭所有礼物留在圣诞早晨打开

    Other families save all the gifts to be opened on Christmas morning.


  • 圣诞始终特殊时刻,在这一天加拿大人为家庭纽带信念友谊庆祝

    Christmas is always a special time, a time when Canadians celebrate the bonds of family, faith and friendship.


  • 圣诞乐曲褐色橡皮带捆起来黑色收音机里稀舒的传出来,这个家庭已经在考虑如何庆祝这个一年中的重要日子

    With a Christmas tune occasionally squeaking out of a small black radio held together by brown rubber bands, the family was already thinking how they would celebrate the biggest day of the year.


  • 一些选择一举两得做法:短期出国度假。这样一来,不仅避开冬季糟糕气候,还摆脱了家庭亲友共度圣诞的紧张气氛

    Some folk kill two birds with one stone: by booking a short holiday abroad they can escape miserable winter weather and the strained atmosphere of a family Christmas with the relatives.


  • 知道自己孩子多么喜爱圣诞礼物,于是,她总是两个贫困家庭寻求帮助

    Knowing how much her own children loved presents at Christmas, Ann always tried to seek help for one or two destitute families.


  • 许多西方家庭圣诞节期间松枝花环

    Many western families hang wreaths of pine branches on their doors at Christmas.


  • 但是同时因为1945年渥太华家庭和学校协会宣称:任何相信圣诞老人存在的孩子能力思考圣诞老人是不存在的。

    But he was also known for telling an Ottawa home-and-school association in 1945: "Any child who believes in Santa Claus has had his ability to think permanently destroyed."


  • 家庭一起买一头圣诞节用的山羊或者,宰杀之后肉平分

    A group of families may save money to buy a Christmas goat or bull and then share the meat.


  • 根据项目安排志愿者邮局(写给圣诞老人的)信件再从中挑出需要寄送圣诞包裹家庭

    Under the program, volunteers come into the post office and read through the letters and pick families to send packages to.


  • 圣诞这天衣服也是这里风俗,在圣诞节这一天,如果丈夫没有妻子买上新衣服,那么家庭气氛一定会变得相当紧张的。

    It is also customary to buy new clothes for Christmas and tensions have been known to run high if a husband does not buy his wife a dress for the occasion.


  • 对于许多家庭来说平安标志着圣诞老人深夜到来

    For many families, Christmas Eve also marks the late-night arrival of Santa Claus.


  • 2008年,西班牙数以百万家庭亲眼目睹了靠工资度日的人们下岗待业,圣诞更是雪上加霜

    For the million Spanish families who saw a wage-earner lose their job in 2008, Christmas was a lot grimmer.


  • 伴随失业率持续处于高位、更多家庭面临丧失抵押品赎回权、以及经济前景堪忧很多拜访圣诞老人孩子过于清楚维持生计艰难

    With unemployment stubbornly high, more homes in foreclosure and the economic outlook dim, many children who visit Santa are all too aware of the struggle to make ends meet.


  • 在整个欧洲许多美国家庭人们都会一起装饰圣诞

    Throughout Europe and in many last-minute American homes, too, families gather to set up their Christmas tree.


  • 留下来家庭成员开战一个沉重负担——而且特别圣诞

    Staying behind when a family member goes to war is a heavy burdenand it's particularly hard at Christmas.


  • 但是,记住一点,也许身着圣诞老人装、坐在女儿洞中做兼职,这不仅锻炼人际关系处理技巧,而且不失为有效的“相亲家庭组建计划

    But, don \ 't forget, any job can help you grow as a person - dressing up as Santa Claus and sitting in a fairy grotto can help develop people skills and be an effective form of family planning.


  • 但是,记住一点,也许身着圣诞老人装、坐在女儿洞中做兼职,这不仅锻炼人际关系处理技巧,而且不失为有效的“相亲家庭组建计划

    But, don \ 't forget, any job can help you grow as a person - dressing up as Santa Claus and sitting in a fairy grotto can help develop people skills and be an effective form of family planning.


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