• 建议英语家庭英语相当于告诉他们不要自己孩子交流互动

    Advising non-English-speaking families to speak only English is equivalent to telling them not to communicate with or interact with their children.


  • 如果家庭自己英语或者英语能力有限又怎么能用英语交流呢?

    If families do not know English or have limited English skills themselves, how can they communicate in English?


  • 荷兰专家坚持合法化没有提高安乐死率:主要结果改善医生病人家庭之间交流

    Legalisation has not made euthanasia more common, Dutch experts insist: the main effect is to improve communication between doctors, patients and families.


  • 我们交流方式已经发生了变化家庭不能离开了科技泡沫里。

    "The way we communicate is changing and your family can't live in a bubble and ignore technology, " she says.


  • 有时候,缓解关系危机保持亲情关系健康需要只是开诚布公的交流而在一些情况下家庭疗法或者其他类型咨询会有所帮助。

    Sometimes, honest communication is all it takes to weather relationship crises and maintain healthy relationships. In other cases, family therapy or other types of counseling can be helpful.


  • 补充道:“一些家庭孙子辈无法祖母交流因为他们不会印尼话。”

    She added: "In some families, the grandchildren cannot speak with the grandmother because they don't speak Bahasa Indonesia."


  • 一个忙忙碌碌的家庭一天中好的开头同时也保证大家从开始就能互相交流

    This is a nice way to start the day and a good way to ensure open lines of communication in a very busy household.


  • 大多数家庭父母孩子之间极少交流

    Parents and their kids hardly communicate with each other in most families.


  • 作为中情局和这些家庭联络人,本·德费利多年来他们——尤其是唐尼母亲——进行过成千上万次的电话交流

    As the Agency's point of contact for the families, Ben DeFelice held thousands of phone conversations over the years, especially with Downey's mother.


  • 评估家庭成员互动交流方式青少年家庭暴力的表现,抑郁症状严重侵犯行为霸凌青年犯罪行为

    He also assessed the styles of family interaction and communication, adolescents' exposure to domestic violence, depressive symptoms, serious aggression, bullying and delinquent behavior.


  • 我们群体中解离出来——办公室咫尺之遥的同事用电子邮件交流更为显著是它家庭的影响。

    It has untethered us from our groupings - in the office, where email has disconnected us from what the people who sit three feet away do all day, and even more significantly, at home.


  • 车轮边缘我们交流家庭人际关系的统感,但是轮毂是所有辐条交汇点,是灵魂所在

    The rim of that Wheel is our living sense ofcommunity, family, and relationship, but the common hub where all the spokes joinis the one center where all souls meet.


  • 所拍摄的视频可以看出,高收入家庭家长其他家长倾向于用动作孩子交流

    The videos revealed that parents from wealthier families gestured more with their children than the other parents.


  • 现在起,开始观察生活思考生活节奏家庭气氛交流信息

    Right now, take stock of life and think about the speed at which you live, the tone that exists in your home and the messages that are being Shared.


  • 这种遗传成分AUDs患者他们家庭成员交流

    This genetic component should be communicated to patients with AUDs and to their family members.


  • 入选人家提供单独客房家庭成员身体健康至少一人能用外语与客人交流等,报名截止日期为430日。

    Families that are able to provide a separate guest room can apply before the April 30 deadline, but only if all family members are in good health and at least one member can speak a foreign language.


  • 如果或者某个朋友面临着家庭问题如何沟通、如何某个人进行交流方面一个以较好的认识也许会到你。

    If you or a friend are having problems at home, it may help you to have a better understanding of how to communicate and with whom.


  • 所有都拥有推动他们交流方式期望不论他们家庭聚会参加会议进行项目管理业务或者甚至领导国家

    All people have expectations that drive the way they interact, whether they are at a family gathering, attending a meeting, working on a project, managing a business, or even leading a country.


  • 可以信任家庭成员或者亲近的好朋友交流,谈谈感受有助于减轻压力焦虑

    Talking with people about how you feel, such as trusted family members and friends, can help reduce your stress and anxiety.


  • 关掉电视我们会发现自己家庭成员间少了多少的交流我们之间的关系发生了多么大的改变。

    Since we've turned off the TV we've noticed big changes in ourselves and our interactions with our family members.


  • 我们美国人正在重新认识餐饮家庭社会寓意,家人亲朋好友共晚餐已被视为一种享乐交流的极好机会。

    We Americans are rediscovering the family and social significance of the dinner table. We regard dining with family, relatives and friends as a special way of enjoying and sharing.


  • 家庭医生或全科医生交流时间有限预备一个问题清单帮助有效利用段时间。

    Your time with your doctor is limited, so preparing a list of questions can help you make the most of your appointment.


  • 家庭医生或全科医生交流时间有限预备一个问题清单帮助有效利用段时间。

    Your time with your doctor is limited, so preparing a list of questions will help you make the most of your time together.


  • 通过互联网可以轻易找到一个母语的家庭教师语言交流伙伴

    I can easily find a native speaker tutor or language exchange partner via the Internet.


  • 由于智能仪表其他设备的出现,这些企业和家庭将来可以动能化的植物双向交流

    And thanks to smart meters and other devices, they'll be able to have two-way conversations with the power plant.


  • 中国作为亚拉家庭员,一贯重视积极参与亚拉论坛领域交流合作

    As a member of the East Asia-Latin America family, China values and has actively participated in FEALAC exchanges and cooperation in various fields.


  • 他们必须学会影响学习社会活动前提下融入父母新的家庭,保持和父母双方的交流沟通。

    They must be able to go back and forth and fit into each household without disruption of educational and social activities.


  • 他们必须学会影响学习社会活动前提下融入父母新的家庭,保持和父母双方的交流沟通。

    They must be able to go back and forth and fit into each household without disruption of educational and social activities.


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