• 发表简短生硬声明他正和同事商讨自己未来,并说将于星期一宣布决定

    He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.


  • 1978年12月16日,中美发表联合公报宣布于1979年1月1建立外交关系

    December 16, 1978: China and the US issued a joint communique which called for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries on January 1, 1979.


  • 周三下午通用发表上述声明,并宣布将停产悍马越野车

    According to a statement released to the media Wednesday afternoon, GM will permanently wind down the off-road division as a result.


  • 报道称微软6月份的E3游戏大会发表正式声明,届时宣布产品的正式名称

    Microsoft is reportedly planning an official announcement during the E3 gaming convention in June, where its consumer name will also be announced.


  • 1850年3月3日,星期天,参议院宣布卡尔第二发表演讲

    On Sunday, March third, it was announced that Calhoun would speak in the Senate the next day.


  • 2001年4月科学家组织工程》(Tissue Engineering)发表了研究报告,宣布脂肪组织中充满了多能干细胞

    In April 2001, the scientists published in the journal tissue Engineering their discovery that adipose tissue is chock-full of stem cells.


  • 1998年,美国一家快餐连锁汉堡大王今日美国》报上发表整版广告宣布推出左手汉堡”,并声称这是320万“左撇子”特别设计的。

    Burger King, an American fast-food chain, published a full-page advertisement in USA Today in 1998 announcing the introduction of the "Left-Handed Whopper," specially designed for the 32 million left.


  • 离线阅读功能宣布在在份公开发表的声明中,Gmail的大部分功能比较安静的方式加入的。

    The off-line mail feature was announced in a press statement, but most other features to Gmail have been introduced more quietly.


  • Veronica当地新闻报道车前宣布是代表LincolnBurrows的律师,她希望就这起事件发表声明。

    Veronica stands before a local news van and announces that she represents Lincoln Burrows and she wants to tell her story.


  • 文章在杂志上发表对于整个学校来说都是个新闻有限广播系统宣布这个新闻。

    When they published it, it was big news for the high school - it was even announced on the P. A. system.


  • 克林顿发表最近宣布次访问美国国务卿50年内第一次并不代表美国终止缅甸的约束。

    Clinton has said her recently announced visit, the first for an American secretary of state in 50 years, does not mean the end of US sanctions on Burma.


  • 汤普森发表一份书面声明宣布退出竞选希望美国共和党竞选活动中受益

    Thompson issued a written statement withdrawing his candidacy and said he hoped the country and his party had benefited from his campaign.


  • 文章发表当天篇论文宣布文章是个骗局。

    On the day of publication, Sokal announced (in a different paper,) that the article was a hoax.


  • 巴马先生在协议宣布之后发表简短声明中大量充斥诸如妥协”、“领导奉献”这样振奋人心的词汇

    Mr Obama made a statement shortly after the agreement was announced full of stirring words such as "compromise", "leadership" and "dedication".


  • 伯克希尔一年一度的奥马哈市年会隆重召开公司对外发表此项声明,此时,距巴菲特向诸位投资人宣布索科尔离职已有四周之久,而消息一出则即引起震惊

    The company's statement comes three days before its heavily attended annual meeting in Omaha and four weeks to the day after Buffett shocked investors by announcing Sokol's departure.


  • 上月法官菲利普斯发表判决宣布“不要问,不要讲”政策侵犯原告自由言论以及依法履行正当程序的权利。

    Last month Judge Phillips found for the plaintiffs, ruling that the policy violated their free-speech and due-process rights.


  • 2004年5月,中德发表联合声明宣布中欧全面战略伙伴关系框架建立具有全球责任伙伴关系。

    In May 2004, both sides issued a joint statement, declaring the establishment of a partnership of global responsibility within the framework of China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.


  • 戏剧过后我们校长发表演讲宣布我们合格毕业所有学生欢呼,这我来说多么美妙的回忆啊

    After the drama, our headmaster made a speech and announced we were qualified for graduation, all the students cheered out, what a great memory for me.


  • 2010年1月对此发表过声明,现在你又要在2011年3月再次宣布这件事。

    You announced this in January of 2010, and now you’re going to launch it in March 2011.


  • 美国航天局官员其他研究团队成员周三宣布一新发现发现的研究结果发表自然杂志上。

    The finding was announced Wednesday by officials from NASA - the U. s. space agency - and other research team members. The discovery was also published in the journal Nature.


  • 一些行星去年宣布被发现,作者2月22日自然杂志发表论文发布了五个发现的行星。

    Some of the planets were announced last year, but the authors debuted five newfound ones in a paper published on 22 February in Nature.


  • 伊朗很快宣布有关条件内贾德星期三发表电视演讲表示世界强国最近伊朗实施的新制裁而受到惩戒

    Mr. Ahmadinejad said Iran would announce those conditions soon. Speaking in a televised address Wednesday, he also said world powers must be disciplined for the latest sanctions against Tehran.


  • Trapani今年年初宣布她将辞去主编职,并在发表长篇告别文章,回顾网站历史

    She posted a long goodbye and look back at the site's history two weeks later.


  • 阿森纳今天(原文发表于周一,2011年11月21号)宣布启动一个全新的计划,名为球场语音导航自助这个目前全英独一无二的计划将使阿森纳的支持者们能够通过自助游的方式去了解美轮美奂酋长球场背后的故事。

    Arsenal Football Club will today, Monday 21st November 2011, launch a new stadium tour which enables supporters to take a self-guided tour behind the scenes at the state-of-the-art Emirates stadium.


  • 阿森纳今天(原文发表于周一,2011年11月21号)宣布启动一个全新的计划,名为球场语音导航自助这个目前全英独一无二的计划将使阿森纳的支持者们能够通过自助游的方式去了解美轮美奂酋长球场背后的故事。

    Arsenal Football Club will today, Monday 21st November 2011, launch a new stadium tour which enables supporters to take a self-guided tour behind the scenes at the state-of-the-art Emirates stadium.


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