• 1977年,韩国首尔久负盛名梨花女子大学宣布亚洲开设第一个女子研究课程

    In 1977 the prestigious Ewha Women's University in Seoul, Korea, announced the opening of the first women's studies program in Asia.


  • 3个月苏格兰研究小组宣布他们克隆了只成年绵羊震惊了全世界时,克林顿总统迅速采取了行动

    When a Scottish research team startled the world by revealing 3 months ago that it had cloned an adult sheep, President Clinton moved swiftly.


  • 今年早些时候美国国防高级研究计划局宣布计划出资,请波音公司研究编队飞行不过计划尚未启动

    Earlier this year the country's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced plans to pay Boeing to investigate formation flight, though the program has yet to begin.


  • 挪威科技大学的研究人员领导的一项新的大脑研究宣布了同样的结论:比起使用键盘,选择手写会带来更好的学习和记忆效果。

    New brain research, led by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, announces the same: choosing handwriting over using a keyboard results in better learning and memory.


  • 进行试验研究小组宣布此试验完美成功

    The research team conducting the experiment declared the run a success.


  • 二月世界最大制药公司辉瑞制药有限公司宣布大幅缩减研究预算其中受到影响项目就包括抗生素相关项目。

    In February Pfizer, the world's biggest drug company, announced deep cuts in its research budget. Among the programmes affected is the company's antibiotics effort.


  • 研究人员宣布令人困惑发现接受疫苗试验志愿者感染艾滋病病毒人数接受安慰剂的志愿者中受感染的人数要高

    The researchers announced a troubling finding: the number of HIV infections among the trial volunteers who received the vaccine was higher than the rate among those who received a placebo.


  • 比如说一个英国研究小组宣布通过观察大脑中的血液流动他们能够识别出计算机生成虚拟环境中的主体

    For example, one British group announced that they could discern where subjects where in a computer generated virtual environment by looking at where blood flowed in their brains.


  • 本月初,英国研究人员宣布,跟现在流行看法相反研究鸡蛋作用有好处的。

    Earlier this month, British researchers proclaimed that, contrary to popular perception, it is healthy to go to work on an egg.


  • 美国破产协会周二依据来自美国国家破产研究中心数据宣布上个月共有111,693起消费者破产申请,较1月增加9%。

    There were 111,693 consumer bankruptcy filings last month, up 9% from January, the American Bankruptcy Institute said Tuesday based on data from the National Bankruptcy Research Center.


  • 通过单个DNA通过纳米直径荷兰研究人员宣布他们找到新的技术原理,可用于检测DNA序列

    By feeding individual strands of DNA through nanometre-sized holes, researchers in the Netherlands say they have proved the principle of a revolutionary new DNA sequencing technique.


  • 目前密苏里老年痴呆症研究中心科学家们宣布他们已经找到新的检查方法可以解答包括这个问题在内的很多问题。

    Now scientists at the Alzheimer's disease research centre in Missouri report that they have developed a new test that could answer this question and many others.


  • 高兴宣布经过数年研究之后我这方面变得相当在行了(尽管一直在失败着)。

    I'm happy to report that after years of studying it, I've become fairly good at it (though happily failing all the time).


  • ·伯格计划2012年初宣布入选的团队。他说希望研究所能2013年他离任动工

    Bloomberg is expected to announce his pick by early 2012 and has said he hopes the winner will break ground on the new facility before he leaves office in 2013.


  • 过去一周Facebook个人身份信息泄露事情闹得沸沸扬扬,今天Facebook开发者博客上宣布正在研究方法解决这个问题。

    Following a number of stories over the past week about the release of personally identifiable information, Facebook announced on its developer blog today that it looking into ways to address this.


  • 如果年前宣布我们今天研究img标记bold标记HTML版本,那么大多数Web开发人员都会怀疑的眼光看着您。

    If, two years ago, you had announced that today we'd be looking at a version of HTML without an img tag or a bold tag, the vast majority of Web developers would have looked at you in disbelief.


  • 2008年7月IBM宣布计划研究机构建立一个新的数据中心NorthCarolinaDataCenter使用客户销售计算服务

    In July of 2008, IBM started announcing plans to establish a new data center at its research facility the North Carolina data center - and to use it to sell cloud computing services to its clients.


  • 此外澳大利亚研究人员宣布一杯可能成为一个打击皮肤癌强劲武器

    In addition, researchers in Australia announced that a cup of tea could be the next weapon in the fight against skin cancer.


  • 这项研究发布几天前,气象学家宣布全球进入一个新的厄尔尼诺暖流期。

    The study comes within days of announcements from climatologists that the world is entering a new el nino warm spell.


  • 2006年,日本一个研究宣布他用遗传学方法重组了老鼠纤维原细胞——一中皮肤细胞——使具有多潜能

    In 2006 a researcher in Japan announced that he'd genetically reprogrammed mouse fibroblasts-a type of skin cell-to make them pluripotent.


  • 2006年,日本研究宣布实验鼠成纤维细胞(一种表皮细胞)进行重编程,使之成为多能性的细胞。

    In 2006, a researcher in Japan announced that he'd genetically reprogrammed mouse fibroblasts-a type of skin cell-to make them pluripotent.


  • 今年年初,研究人员宣布他们已经制造出了机器人科学家”——完全能力自己思考机器人。

    Earlier this year researchers announced they had created robot 'scientists' - complete with the ability to think for themselves.


  • 今年早些时候美国国防部高级研究计划局宣布出资让波音公司研究编队飞行的计划,项目现在还没启动

    Earlier this year the country's Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency announced plans to pay Boeing to investigate for mation flight, though the programme has yet to begin.


  • 研究人员宣布,完全失明可以试用一种先进"仿生"恢复视力

    Profoundly blind people could get their best shot yet of restored vision with a more advanced "bionic eye", researchers have announced.


  • 欧洲核物理研究组织宣布目前更加精密测试已经确认了至少部分实验准确性

    The European Organization for Nuclear Research said more precise testing has now confirmed the accuracy of at least one part of the experiment.


  • 印第安纳大学研究员们最近宣布了他们完全虚拟世界中进行的一项学术研究成果

    The economics of virtual worlds act just like real one's, according to a new study's totally predictable results.


  • 在对一系列经济指标进行颇为精确分析之后,美国国家经济研究正式宣布经济衰退的到来。

    America's National Bureau of economic Research has officially declared a recession based on a more rigorous analysis of a range of economic indicators.


  • 美军艾滋病毒研究项目(mhrp)研究人员上个月宣布试验取得成功

    Last month's announcement of success (PDF) was made by researchers from the US Military HIV research Program (MHRP).


  • 美军艾滋病毒研究项目(mhrp)研究人员上个月宣布试验取得成功

    Last month's announcement of success (PDF) was made by researchers from the US Military HIV research Program (MHRP).


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