• 昨天晚上公司通过博客宣布公布四项新的公共数据包

    The company made a blog post last night announcing the availability of four new public data sets.


  • 菲尔·柯林斯上周宣布由于现场音乐会嗓音造成巨大的损伤,他可能会放弃巡回演出一消息公布后,医生们开始向明星们提供一些建议——关于护理声音方面的注意事项。

    After last week's announcement that Phil Collins might give up touring because live concerts are ruining his voice, doctors are counseling stars about the does and doesn't of voice care.


  • 一个女生宣布自己出柜就像公布时间那样随便

    One girl pronounced herself "out" as casually as if she'd announced the time.


  • 同样欧盟公布安全战略宣布国家衰败视为报警现象

    Similarly, the European Union's declared security strategy sees state failure as an "alarming" phenomenon.


  • 结果开普勒太空望远镜计划首次科学大会宣布,会议上还公布数量惊人候选行星

    The results were announced at the Kepler telescope's first science conference, alongside the staggering number of new candidate planets.


  • 由于PC价格迅速下滑分析师们现在预期戴尔惠普本月晚些时候公布季度业绩时会宣布PC利润下滑。

    Since PC prices dropped so quickly, analysts now expect Dell and H-P to announce slimmer PC profit margins when they report quarterly results later this month.


  • 周四宣布预计死亡人数前一天公布数字增加了两

    The new projected death toll announced Thursday is more than triple the figure given just a day earlier.


  • ing Direct3月14日公布第一季度成果宣布的利率差的大幅增长,这多亏近期美国短期利率下调

    ING Direct announced a sharp increase in its interest margin when it released first-quarter results on May 14th, thanks largely to the recent cuts in short-term American interest rates.


  • 制药业顾问、曾FDA邀请参与2008年调查的普莱斯(GilPrice)他们宣布调查结束了不过从来没有公布的。

    'they declared their investigation was over, but they never said who did it,' said Gil Price, a drug industry consultant who was asked by the FDA to help the 2008 investigation.


  • 不久之后戈尔巴乔夫宣布可对比苏联军费开支数额未来“年内公布

    Shortly afterward, Gorbachev announced that comparable figures for Soviet defense outlays would be made available within "two to three years."


  • CNN没有立即公布最终,下午6点26分,以UCLA医疗中心附近聚集人群为背景,沃尔夫·布利泽(Wolf Blitzer)宣布洛杉矶时报》CBS新闻已经报道杰克逊的死讯。

    Finally, at 6:26 p.m., over a picture of people gathering near UCLA Medical Center, Wolf Blitzer announced that the L.A. Times and CBS News had reported that Jackson had died.


  • 决胜结果本应在周四就要宣布临时选举委员会要求4周一公布代替性的初步结果。

    Results were supposed to have been announced Thursday. But the Provisional Election Council asked for four more days and will post preliminary results on Monday instead.


  • 过去几个月内,几游戏开发商相继宣布裁员公布损失以及取消了多项开发计划。

    In the past few months big games publishers have announced lay-offs, losses and the cancellation of many titles.


  • 就在发现宣布同时,加拿大专家公布他们自己非凡的发现:一种大陆或许不可怕食肉动物化石

    The discovery was announced as Canadian experts unveiled their own remarkable finding, the fossilised remains of what may have been the least fearsome predator ever to stalk the continent.


  • 上个月,惠普公布一个举世震惊的消息,宣布可能剥离卖掉销售PC硬件个人系统集团

    Last month, the company dropped a bombshell, announcing it might spin-off or sell its Personal Systems Group, which sells PC hardware.


  • 公司计划星期一宣布票价保护这项服务保证在网上公布的的票价一周有效否则机票预价没有什么用

    The company planned on Monday to announce fare Guard, a service that guarantees that an airfare listed on the site will remain valid for a week, or Farecast will make up the difference.


  • 奖学金细节奖励标准尚未公布不过格特已宣布丹格特基金会35位青年非洲人提供奖学金。

    Details of the fellowship as well as the selection criteria are yet to emerge, but Dangote promised that his Dangote Foundation will award the fellowship to 35 young Africans.


  • 订婚消息明确意愿宣布的,他的本意不是这样自己幸福公布于众

    It was at his express wish that the announcement had been made, and yet it was not thus that he would have wished to have his happiness known.


  • 事实魔术师一年获得奖励我们公布类别宣布我们新闻发布会

    The fact is that when the magician receives his award during that year, we publish the category and announce it at our press conferences.


  • 房利美上周公布去年四季度两百五十二亿美元的亏损,而不久之后房地宣布意料之中的灾难性消息时,预计也将再次寻求三百五十亿美元公共资助

    Fannie last week reported a $25.2 billion fourth-quarter loss. Freddie expects to seek up to another $35 billion in public funds when it announces results shortly that are expected to be disastrous.


  • 上周四美国铝业公司(AlcoaInc.)率先发布业绩,宣布当季1年来首次实现盈利随后公布业绩32家美国公司中78%业绩好于分析师预期。

    Starting with aluminum giant Alcoa Inc., which Thursday reported its first profitable quarter in a year, 78% of the 32 U.S. companies that have so far reported have beat analysts' expectations.


  • 这项国际电影界最高奖项组织者公布参加最佳外语片角逐的影片名单,现在离正式宣布第78奥斯卡金项奖入围影片还有3个月时间

    Organizers of cinema's top awards unveiled the entrants for the 2006 Academy Awards' foreign movie section some three months ahead of the announcement of the nominations for the 78th annual Oscars.


  • 蓝牙技术联盟(theBluetooth SIG)宣布4月21日公布蓝牙3.0全部细节,这意味着下一代蓝牙技术即将面世。

    The next generation of Bluetooth is almost ready, as the Bluetooth Special Interest Group said it would unveil the full details of Bluetooth 3.0 on April 21.


  • 手机制造商诺基亚股价上涨7.1%,至8.27欧元,诺基亚公布第三季度利润超过分析师预期同时宣布在全球裁减1800个工作岗位。

    Nokia jumped 7.1 percent to 8.27 euros after third-quarter profit beat analysts' estimates and the mobile phone maker announced 1, 800 job cuts globally.


  • 高盛公布令人失望的第二季度业绩后,宣布裁减1000个工作岗位

    After Posting disappointing second-quarter results Goldman Sachs said it would cut around 1, 000 jobs.


  • 进入俄罗斯市场不久后,法国零售巨头家乐福(CarrefourSA)周四宣布退出俄罗斯。此前家乐福公布第三季度销售额下降2.9%。

    French retail giant Carrefour sa Thursday said it is exiting Russia shortly after having entered the market, as it posted a 2.9% drop in third-quarter sales.


  • 就业市场失望消息公布数分钟英特尔公司宣布收购安全软件企业麦卡菲公司McAfeeInc

    The disappointing news about the jobs market came minutes after news that Intel Corp. was acquiring McAfee Inc.


  • 就业市场失望消息公布数分钟英特尔公司宣布收购安全软件企业麦卡菲公司McAfeeInc

    The disappointing news about the jobs market came minutes after news that Intel Corp. was acquiring McAfee Inc.


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