• 这些服务公众教育宣传措施旨在明显持续改善本港的市容。

    These services, as well as public education and publicity measures, aim to bring about visible and sustainable improvements.


  • 会员国着重提到有必要重振全球霍乱控制专题小组的活力,强调需要加强宣传措施

    Member States underscored the need to revitalize the Global Task Force on Cholera Control and emphasized the need to scale up advocacy measures.


  • 皮奥特呼吁针对这种情况采取相应宣传措施消除部分民众误解确保抗击艾滋病战役取得新的进展

    Piot urged, should address this situation to take the publicity measures to eliminate the misunderstanding of some people to ensure that the fight against AIDS campaign and make new progress.


  • 一些食品公司为了减少加工食品中的卡路里含量,采取了一些三心二意广为宣传措施

    There have been half-hearted but well publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods.


  • 一旦措施得以认证理所当然金钱所扮演角色推进了选举就如同政界所利用的广告宣传、拨打机械电话、不计一切代价获胜

    Once a measure qualifies, of course, the role of money only increases up to election day, as the various lobbies air their attack ads, place their robo-calls and do whatever it takes to win.


  • 因此调查小组一项重要建议紧急采取病媒控制措施社区深入宣传运动作为配合。

    As a result, a key recommendation from the investigation team is for urgent vector control measures coupled with an intensive awareness campaign in the community.


  • 个星期,南韩威胁说,作为报复措施非军事恢复高音喇叭进行宣传广播

    In one retaliatory measure last week, South Korea threatened to resume propaganda broadcasts from loudspeakers at the DMZ.


  • 这些规划包括动物人类卫生干预措施以及社区卫生保健专业中开展宣传提高认识运动

    These programmes include animal and human health interventions as well as sensitization and awareness campaigns at community level and among health care professions.


  • 与之相反电脑制造商则更喜欢强调问题规模——因为这样他们可以自然的宣传他们缓和该问题所采取的各种措施

    Instead,computer-makers prefer to emphasise the scale of the problemsince that leads naturallyto a sales pitch for the various technologies they have devised to mitigate it.


  • 这种策略以前抵制的,因为人们认为这种措施不仅有助于黑帮宣传,也承认了警察早前试图根除帮派的努力已经失败了

    This tactic has been resisted in the past, since to name a gang is to glorify it and to admit that previous efforts to eradicate it have failed.


  • 爱眼日目的在于宣传预防措施对于保护眼睛重要性

    National Eye-Care Day aims to promote awareness of the importance of preventive eye care.


  • 女士长期一来一直致力于这些疾病宣传工作,涉及的领域关爱艾滋病孤儿艾滋病毒检测以及采取适当保护性预防措施重要性不等

    Ms Peng has long worked on advocacy for these diseases in areas ranging from the care of AIDS orphans to the importance of HIV testing and taking appropriate protective precautions.


  • 也许投资商们认为比起旁的措施还是加强保护宣传更为有效。

    Perhaps investors feel better protected and better informed by some bourses rather than others.


  • 无线技术供应商应该采取有效措施终端用户宣传无线技术,从而促进市场扩大

    Wireless vendors should take effective steps to spread awareness about wireless technology to end-users, thus promoting market expansion.


  • 一般预防中,检察机关应从文化市场教育工作法制宣传方面入手,采取合理措施未成年营造良好外部成长环境

    In general prevention, the procuratorate should take reasonable measures from cultural market, education work and legal publicity and build a good exterior growth environment for the juveniles.


  • 每年,孟加拉都会制定严厉措施防止考试作弊通过报纸电视媒体进行大量宣传学生提出预先警告。

    Every year, Bangladeshi government takes strong measures to stop cheating and carries out a massive media campaign to forewarn students through print and television.


  • 因而谨慎采用机动车交通信号灯倒计时装置,并应辅以绿灯间隔时间调整、交通安全宣传教育明确交通规则措施

    So, the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration, propaganda of traffic safety and rules.


  • 尽管事实上许多组织采取措施企业文化的方向来宣传创造性

    Despite the fact that many organizations are now taking steps to reorient the business culture to promote creativity.


  • 我们应该宣传银行提供的免费服务各种鼓励措施

    We should advertise a variety of incentives and free banking services.


  • 加强业务组织宣传小额支付系统业务推广重要措施

    Strengthening the organizing work and the propaganda is an important measure of popularizing the small-amount payment system.


  • 技术汽车带来安全措施往往会驾驶员不良行为所抵消,所以通过加强宣传教育提高驾驶人员的素质便成为关键问题

    Safety precautions brought by new technologies to drivers sometimes counteract by inappropriate behaviors, so the key question is improving drivers' qualities by enhancement of education.


  • 这些措施主要包括:1加强宣传教育增强广大群众自然保护意识

    The measure as follows: 1 To enhance the propaganda and education and to raise the people's consciousness of protecting Nature.


  • 加强科普知识宣传阻断幽门螺旋杆菌传播途径及时幽门螺旋杆菌感染患儿有关措施

    To strengthen the promotion of popular science knowledge, to block routes of transmission of Helicobacter pylori, the timely treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in children, and other measures.


  • 任何疾病都是防范胜于治疗,端正大众艾滋病艾滋病人态度同时,宣传正确的预防措施至关重要

    Any disease is prevention better than cure, in correcting the public's attitude toward AIDS and AIDS at the same time to promote the proper preventive measures is also crucial.


  • 这些措施完善法律法规加强技术保护推行集体管理加大宣传教育

    These measures are as follows: To perfect legal laws and regulations, strengthen the technical protection, carry out the collective management, enlarge the propaganda and education.


  • 结论加强食品卫生监督监测卫生宣传教育预防食物中毒关键措施

    Conclusion To enhance sanitation surveillance of food and health propaganda is the pivotal step of preventing food poisoning.


  • 她说:“广告禁令为了阻止散播有关吸烟宣传、公关、赞助促销,还有一些提高税收和价格的措施。”

    "The ban of advertising so as not to promote smoking propaganda, publicity, sponsorship and promotion," said Vera Luiza da Costae Silva.


  • 该文通过对福州市公众环境意识调查分析探讨了应采取相应环保宣传教育措施

    Through the investigation and analysis of public environmental attitude in Fuzhou city, the paper discusses the relative environmental protection propagandism and education measures.


  • 本文简要论述了森林防火意义以及如何做好森林防火工作宣传工作具体措施

    This paper discusses the significance of forest fire prevention and how to do the work of forest fire prevention and make specific measures for publicity.


  • 传播媒介宣传上述措施揭发违规者,协助教育观赏艺术表演的大众。

    The media can help in educating the arts supporters by publicizing these new measures and exposing those who violate them.


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