• 客户希望网站主导闪光

    The client wanted the site's primary navigation to be in Flash.


  • 因为不能继续填写预订表单并且需要具有较高优先级客户启动预订过程,所以他希望稍后继续处理原来的预订表单。

    Because he cannot continue filling out that booking form, and needs to start the booking process for the higher priority customer, he wants to be able to continue with the previous one later.


  • 它们需要一种网关设备网关设备可以安全客户希望使用格式转换自已网络中使用的ltpa

    They want a gateway device that can translate security tokens from whatever format the client wants to use into an LTPA token for consumption within their own networks.


  • 假定某个应用程序使用这些磁盘存储数据并且客户希望使用HACMP实现应用程序的可用性

    Say an application is using these disk to store its data and the customer wants to make this application highly available using HACMP.


  • 完成表单之前一位客户进入办公室希望预订机票

    Before he can complete the form, a customer enters his office who wants to book a flight, too.


  • 如果应用程序Web应用程序,可能希望频繁推出更新添加功能或者获得客户反馈改进应用程序。

    If your application is a Web application, you might want to push frequent updates to add new features, or improve the application as you get feedback from customers.


  • 例如如果客户最好客户之一,也许希望客户提供20%的折扣

    For example, if the client is one of your best, perhaps you want to give him or her a 20% discount.


  • 如果他们希望特定客户订单那么系统会提供他们一产品列表,他们可以从中为客户选择个特定的产品。

    If they wish to place an order for a particular client, then they are presented with an item list from which they can select a particular item for that client.


  • 很多情况下系统应用维护很关键的,但是希望客户应用程序带来任何负面影响

    In many cases it is critical to apply maintenance to a system, but you don't want any negative impact to the client applications.


  • 如果负责其中一个服务器磁盘空间耗尽,您希望情况影响用户客户之前了解情况。

    If one of the servers you are in charge of runs out of disk space, you want to know about it before it starts to affect your users and clients.


  • 如果希望传入参数可以添加一个方法客户可以使用方法来查询调用程序线程ID

    If you don't want to pass in a parameter, you could add a method with which the client can query the thread ID of the called program.


  • 而且希望Web应用程序使用Web服务时,您只需要Web服务向导指向WSDL文件向导就会创建定位调用这些服务客户代理

    And when you want to use a Web service in a Web application, you just point the Web service wizard to the WSDL file, and the wizard creates the client proxy to locate and invoke the service.


  • 企业希望支持许多基于标准服务调用机制客户接触时,建议使用esbibmWebSphere ESB。

    When the enterprise wants to reach out to multiple clients that support a multitude of standards-based service invocation mechanisms, the recommended ESB is the IBM WebSphere ESB.


  • 如果希望使用教程附带. Net客户需要安装了. NetframeworkV1.1Windows计算机(2000或者XP)。

    If you want to use the.net client supplied as part of this tutorial, you'll also need to a Windows machine (2000 or XP) with the.net framework V1.1 installed.


  • 我们希望试点能够成为组织高效经济有效使用Linux客户开端

    Our hope is that this pilot can be the start of a productive, cost-effective, and efficient use of a Linux client in your organization.


  • 客户希望能够数据库发出稍微复杂查询

    The customer would like to be able to issue somewhat sophisticated queries against this database. He would, for example, like to enter a query of the form.


  • 虽然业务估计价值目前无法确定,但消息人士透露说帐户“非常重要因为客户希望整个市场的业务于同一家机构”。

    While the value of the business could not be confirmed, a source said it was of "great importance as the client is looking to appoint one agency for the whole market".


  • 因为我方客户急需希望尽快装运。

    As the goods are urgently required by our customers, we hope you will deliver them promptly.


  • 希望坚持已故亲人我们客户通过一个指令所以基金释放你的指示

    I want you to stand in as the next of kin to our late customer through my instructions and directives so that this fund will be released to you.


  • 希望坚持已故亲人我们客户通过一个指令所以基金释放你的指示

    I want you to stand in as the next of kin to our late customer through my instructions and directives so that this fund will be released to you.


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