• 合装货柜汽车运输这一选择,公司可以合并来自多个客户货物

    With the LCL container car shipping option, shipping companies consolidate items from multiple customers.


  • 邮件合并譬如市场营销活动中人们样式表将客户文件中的姓名地址信件模板合并起来。

    A mail merge, such as a direct mail marketing campaign, where the stylesheet merges names and addresses from a customer file with a letter template.


  • 示例场景中公司合并要求数据库字段TOT_CUST(每位客户总收入)的长度8增加10

    In the example scenario, a company merger requires the length of the database field TOT_CUST (total revenue per customer) to be increased from 8 to 10.


  • 瑞士信贷集团递交客户报告中表示,“两家公司的合并依然存在障碍但是此举的风险回报颇具吸引力。

    There are still hurdles to the merger, but the risk/reward looks very attractive,” Credit Suisse wrote in a report to clients.


  • 瑞士信贷集团递交客户报告中表示,“两家公司的合并依然存在障碍但是此举的风险回报颇具吸引力。

    There are still hurdles to the merger, but the risk/reward looks very attractive, ” Credit Suisse wrote in a report to clients.


  • 投行专注于中级市场德国客户所需比如外汇产品举债合并收购咨询业务。

    The investment bank will focus on the things that its mid-market German clients want, such as foreign-exchange products, debt-raising or mergers and acquisitions advice.


  • 客户不复存在了,还有客户不是客户公司收购合并了。

    One of his clients no longer exists, others have been bought up or merged into companies that aren't his clients.


  • 如果产品打算客户环境实现自动化,那么需要自动化的,特殊化的,探查以及客户场景的测试进行合并

    If your product isn't meant to be automated in the customer's environment, then you want a combination of automation, AD hoc, exploratory, and customer scenario testing.


  • 由于合并收购法律法规市场竞争客户需求等各种原因业务不断发生变化

    Business is constantly changing due to mergers, acquisition, regulation, market competition and customer demands.


  • 迭代方法早期原型演示大量的客户参与合并所有的这些可以帮助降低项目风险

    The iterative approach, combined with early prototypes, demonstrations, and heavy customer involvement, all helped reduce project risk.


  • 使公司能够根据监视对象清单检查身份或者发生公司合并通过比较客户清单判断客户群体重叠部分——这些过程采用匿名方式。

    This allows companies to check identities against watch lists or to compare customer lists to determine the overlap in the customer base in case of a merger - all anonymously.


  • 使用客户id合并customerinfofeedorder feed。

    Merging of the customerinfo feed and the order feed will be done using the customer id.


  • 客户端的主要挑战对发起请求(fork)合并响应(join聚合并行处理和编排

    The [main] client app’s challenges are aggregation, parallelization, and orchestration of forks and joins.


  • 一部分中,看到复杂部分(合并调用)客户端转移服务器可以帮助减少远程调用的数量

    In this section, you have seen that moving complexity (combining the calls) from the client to the server helps reduce the number of remote calls.


  • NAS通过网络存储合并以便不同类型客户文件级别进行访问

    NAS is a consolidation of storage over a network for access by heterogeneous clients at the file level.


  • 我们最初方法尝试提供一种方式客户运行一些登录模块服务器上也运行一些登录模块,然后在服务器上结果进行合并

    Our original approach was to try to provide a way to run some login modules on the client and some on the server and combine the results on the server.


  • 服务不仅复用代码组件,更是运行程序一部分客户可以不必合并它自己代码直接调用该程序。

    More than just a component of reusable code, a service is part of a running program that can be invoked by a client without having to incorporate the code itself.


  • 测试计划解决合并基于风险客户分析产生一个更加实际实用的测试计划。

    Incorporating both risk - and customer-based analysis into your test plan solution will yield a more practical and pragmatic test plan.


  • 直接测试计划合并客户使用知识以及缺点筛余机制提高了预测客户影响缺点相关风险概率

    Incorporating customer usage knowledge directly into your test planning and defect triage mechanism improves your ability to predict the customer impact and risk probability associated with a defect.


  • 然后它将来自客户端的信息缓存记录进行合并首选调用创建操作(使用ID),请参见5

    It then merges the information from the client with the cached record and invokes the create operation (with ID) on the preferred source (see Figure 5).


  • BPEL客户显示合并生产流程收到响应

    The BPEL client will also display the response received from the merged production workflow.


  • 标识了此类资产,会合并客户解决方案中。

    When such an asset is identified, it is incorporated into the customer solution.


  • 通过组织层次结构合并客户数据中,从而使得客户信息有意义更有用

    Make customer information more meaningful and useful by incorporating organizational hierarchy into customer data.


  • 一个或者多个类似的业务可以进行合并并且所有的业务在表现相同实体(客户)时,可能会存在一些不同数据

    One or more similar businesses merge, and all have somewhat dissimilar data representing the same entities, such as customers.


  • 事实上行业我们进行这种类型没有达到我们客户们的预期效果

    The truth is that the kind of integrations we've been able to achieve in the industry have not met the expectations of what our customers have wanted.


  • 合并位列欧洲银行削减国内客户交易费用努力拓展海外业务。

    The new bank, in the euro area's top five, will have scope to cut costs at home and be well placed to do deals abroad.


  • 由于XML输入stage相同客户生成多个,因此需要使用一个聚合器stage为“CUST”stage合并客户冗余信息

    Because the XML input stage will generate multiple rows for the same customer, an aggregator stage is needed to consolidate redundant information of customer for the "cust" stage.


  • 使用会话bean作为JMS客户允许将JMS通信合并一个大型企业事务上下文环境中

    Using a session bean as your JMS client also allows the JMS communication to be incorporated into the context of a larger business transaction.


  • 清单7显示了如何使用关系xml谓词合并J SONx每个PurchaseOrder返回POID和客户

    Listing 7 shows how to use a join with both relational and XML predicates and return, for each Purchase Order, the POID, and customer name.


  • 我们需要密切关注那些弱小其他图谋合并的广告公司,这些公司现在关注于自身而非他们客户,我们赢取他们要毫不留情。

    Look closely at the weak and the merging, those that will be focused on themselves not their clients, and go after their business mercilessly.


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