• 深绿色明亮宽敞卧形成鲜明的对比

    The dark green spare bedroom is in total contrast to the lightness of the large main bedroom.


  • 以逸待劳乃百战百胜之势。

    We are as hosts at home awaiting the arrival of our weary visitors. This will give us victory in every battle.


  • 感谢为了我们黑暗西马尼

    We thank Thee for our dark Gethsemane.


  • 难怪现在有了他们自己的消费者类别——极时尚——商人他们提供商品广告讨好他们。

    It's no wonder that geeks now have their own consumer category - geek chic - with merchants gearing products toward them and advertisers courting them.


  • 而且小说当即成了美国流行文化一部分,是当年十月份《纽约》的话题

    The book also immediately became part of America's pop culture as the subject of a New Yorker cartoon that October.


  • 不仅到了夺冠大热门巴萨而且还是先第二回合普进行

    Not only are they up against the clear favourites in Barcelona but they will play their second leg in the Nou Camp.


  • 这种安排妙处在于已有企业(方)默许下,新企业(方)立刻触及大量概率的潜在

    The beauty of this arrangement is that the startup (the beneficiary) can instantly reach large Numbers of highly qualified prospects with the tacit endorsement of the established business (the host).


  • 发言者记者罗伯特·库鲁未瞿,他的电台节目Radiolab通过电视广播和在线电台已造成轰动

    The keynote speaker was Robert Krulwich, a journalist whose radio show and podcast Radiolab has become a sensation both over the airwaves and online.


  • 运行OS/400 的分区需要至少 256MBLinux分区需要至少 64 MB 存(推荐使用 128 MB或者更多)。

    The primary partition that will be running OS/400 requires at least 256 MB of main memory, and the Linux guest partition requires at least 64 MB of main memory (128 MB or greater is recommended).


  • 乡里布置,先铁岭一顿,便,按照安排吧。

    I was appointed to arrange a meal for you in tieling. Just follow me.


  • 然而时间以来,《纽约》杂志原先写作”实际上是艺术

    And yet The New Yorker's most original business "writing" has for a long time been in its art.


  • 接近来勤。读书用意千金

    Guan Qingmin is close to the ground, the main yake. Reading should mean, the word is worth.


  • 四百勒银子的一块田,在你我中间算什么呢?只管埋葬死人吧

    Listen to me, my Lord; the land is worth four hundred shekels of silver, but what is that between me and you? Bury your dead.


  • 对于虚拟化程序来说,一个基本功能就是能够轻松方便地操作系统操作系统之间分享文件

    An essential feature for Virtualization programs would be an easy method of sharing files between the host and guest operating systems.


  • 文章社会互动角度,提出自我概念包括”、“我”,并进一步探讨了自我概念人际互动中的作用

    From the social interactive aspect, the author insists that ego should include "I", "me" and "he", furthermore he explores the role ego plays in interactive interpersonal relations.


  • 数码图形艺术已经超越传统相对式审美方式,在很大程度上实现了欣赏层面的互动情景交融

    The art of digital graphics has surpassed the traditional aesthetics of setting subject against object, and realized the interactivity and blending of subject and object.


  • 野、关系入手,在与人类学比较中,讨论口述历史与口述传统特色所在。

    Starting with the relations between the formally civilized and uneducated, and self and other, this article discusses the characteristics of oral history and oral tradition.


  • 四百银子的一块田、在中间还算甚么呢、只管埋葬死人罢。

    Listen to me, my Lord; the land is worth four hundred shekels of silver, but what is that between me and you? Bury your dead.


  • 我们像祂西马尼园胜者祷告阿们

    The Lord desires us to have the prayer of an overcomer! The Prayer in Gethsemane! Amen!


  • 仁一旦体化可能构成-二元对立现代发蒙框架从而难逃现代学问论固疾。

    Once the main body of the kernel, it could form a subject - object dualism of modern enlightenment framework to escape the diseases of modern knowledge of the solid.


  • (宾)特性通过虚拟的本体改变吗?

    Is the identity of subjects and objects transformed by that which is virtual?


  • 冠军联赛抽签分配切尔西需要克服赛事,才可以打进决赛。何塞·里尼奥对此并感到遗憾

    Jose Mourinho has no regrets that the Champions League draw requires Chelsea to overcome two second-leg matches away from home in order to make the Final.


  • 冠军联赛抽签分配切尔西需要克服赛事,才可以打进决赛。何塞·里尼奥对此并感到遗憾

    Jose Mourinho has no regrets that the Champions League draw requires Chelsea to overcome two second-leg matches away from home in order to make the Final.


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