• 投资者兴致关注对审计人选派以及他们报酬是否充足。

    Investors would take a much keener interest in the appointment of auditors and the adequacy of their remuneration.


  • 发现东南融通存在会计不正当行为德勤今年早些时候辞去公司审计职务。

    Deloitte resigned as Longtop's auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company.


  • 也许审计人应该建立一个类似RogerEbert四星等级制的机制

    Maybe auditors should adopt something similar to Roger Ebert's four-star rating system.


  • 审计授权或委托审计之间由于信息不对称形成审计委托—代理关系

    Because of the asymmetry of the information between the audit authorizer and the auditors, the relation of principal-agent is formed.


  • 审计财务报表中由于欺诈失误而导致重大漏报误风险进行评估,从而选择合适审计程序

    The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.


  • 作为评论员审计人拥有相当的报告自由度有机会全面深入地阐述作的执业判断的精巧微妙。

    As a commentator, the auditor has considerable reporting freedom and the opportunity to communicate the subtlety of his own judgments in full.


  • 审计契约制度中,为了维护特定产权,针对审计委托审计人可以采用不同的方案,契约期限予以适当选定。

    In the audit contracts system, different designs can be applied to clients and auditors for the purpose of maintaining certain property rights and then the term of contracts can be set properly.


  • 检察官两名利比里亚世界展望组织食物援助几乎卖了;审计说三分之一粮援分发子虚乌有的镇子

    Prosecutors said the two Liberians had sold nearly all of World Vision's food aid; auditors said a third of it was allocated to towns that did not exist.


  • 记录一个何时为什么变更工件的的审计痕迹

    Records an audit trail of who changes what artifacts, when they change them, and why they change them.


  • 1999年的审计发现另一个用149张彩票兑换了237,000美元,赢得奖励最多前十名总共赢了842,兑走将近价值达180万美元。

    A 1999 audit found that another person cashed in 149 tickets worth $237,000, while the top 10 multiple-prize winners had won 842 times for a total of $1.8 million.


  • 审计意识到,伯尼·麦道夫不过坑蒙拐骗了许多许多,而美联储通过摧毁我们货币价值欺骗了我们每一个

    An audit would make people realize that, while Bernie Madoff defrauded a lot of investors for a lot of money, the Fed has defrauded every one of us by destroying the value of our money.


  • 如果会计账目审计过,无论怎么认为审计师们同样也是

    WHATEVER you might think if your accounts have ever been qualified, auditors are only human.


  • 作为计划一部分绿诺科技纽约有了新的经理律师事务所一家投资者关系公司,一位新的审计员。

    As part of the plan, Rino got new handlers in new York: a law firm, an investor relations firm, a new auditor.


  • 哈蒙德国家审计办公室报告称超支经费够第八艘“机敏级潜艇的说法错误的,不过他承认国防部需要努力工作才能纳税觉得

    Hammond said that the NAO was wrong to state that the overspend could have paid for an eighth Astute submarine, but admitted the MoD still had much to do to give taxpayers value for money.


  • 审计单个得到高额奖金归因于专门兑奖存在。

    The auditor attributed the high number of payouts going to single individuals to professional cashers.


  • 一个神色紧张纳税闷闷不乐地前来查帐国税局税务审计员交谈

    A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS tax auditor who had come to review his records.


  • 莱恩·豪尔,审计最近报告加利福尼亚满为患的监狱中,171,500名囚犯中的四分之一(43,500)是因为三振出局

    Elaine Howle, the state auditor, recently reported that of the 171,500 inmates in California's overcrowded prisons last year, a quarter (43,500) were sentenced under the three-strikes law.


  • 一位苹果发言周三公司已经严密追踪公司供应链定期审计

    An Apple spokesman said Wednesday that the company had been aggressively monitoring factories in its supply chain with regular audits.


  • 如果出版社盼望iPad帮助唤醒(扩展)杂志销量,那美国发行量审计局(abc)近期公布数字乐观。

    If publishers are looking to the iPad to help revive (or extend) magazine sales, recent figures released by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) aren't good news.


  • 一些知识审计看作商业需求评估文化评估以及什么样知识需要、是有用的、在丢失、被应用包含的检测。

    Some people view the knowledge audit as being the business needs assessment, cultural assessment, and an examination of what knowledge is needed, available, missing, applied, and contained.


  • 审计多夫会计报表的三会计师事务所一直索要各种信息

    The three-person accounting firm that audited Mr. Madoff's books has been subpoenaed for information.


  • 是否相信审计可以经济依赖位委讬仍然保持独立性

    Do you believe that an auditor can be economically dependent upon a client but still retain independence?


  • 一个神色紧张纳税闷闷不乐地前来查帐税务审计交谈着

    A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS tax auditor who had come to review his records.


  • 合伙制让合伙以无限责任形式自己的审计失败承担风险有助于注册会计师行业的自律,从责任制度安排上保证注册会计师行业的诚信

    This new system requires the partner undertake all the responsibility for auditing risks and it helps to restrict the certificated public accounting career, which will ensure integrity.


  • 当今纷繁复杂经济环境下有限理性前提下只有审计程序合理过程规范,才审计结果的理性可言

    Under the complicated economic environment, the audit results cannot be expected to be impartial unless the procedure and process are reasonable and normative on the premise of "limited reason".


  • 客户有应付审计收费并且在下一次审计仍未支付,客户某种程度上说成为事务所债务独立性损害

    Fourthly, if the payable audit fees aren't paid, and they aren't paid until the next auditing time, then the clients become to be the debtor of the firms to some extent, so it can harm independence.


  • 选择供给商处理承包的(垃圾处理)操作必须进行审计

    Audits must be made of selected supplier operations and all disposal contractor operations.


  • 选择供给商处理承包的(垃圾处理)操作必须进行审计

    Audits must be made of selected supplier operations and all disposal contractor operations.


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