• 根据实验数据分析结果,建立了煤自然发火的预报系统

    Based on the experimental data and analysis results, a prediction system for spontaneous combustion was designed.


  • 实验结果表明基于神经网络预报技术准确有效地预报机组振动趋势

    The result of experiment show the trend prediction technology with neural network can reflect practical vibration trend prediction of machine accurately and effectively.


  • 本文给出平板边界层第一模式稳定性分析转捩区数值预报结果,与已有的实验结果一致。

    The result in this paper about the first mode of stability and the numerical transition prediction about plate fit the result of experiments very well.


  • 林火预测预报主要方法经验、数学方法、物理方法、野外实验法和室内测定法等。

    The main method of estimate forecast of forest fire have empirical method, mathematics method, physics method, field experiment method and Laboratory method etc.


  • 唯有通过船模允许甲板强迫实验才能获得真实非线性模型,据此才能进行可靠的巨幅横摇响应预报

    Through the forced rolling experiments of ship model with deck into water, the realistic nonlinear roll model can be obtained, and the reliable roll response with large amplitude can be predicted.


  • UCI数据大脑胶质瘤数据实验结果表明算法提高分类器在不均衡数据集的分类性能预报能力

    Experimental results on UCI data sets and dataset of brain glioma show that MIEE improves the classification performance and prediction ability on the imbalanced dataset.


  • 此次发射之前,中国成功的发射过小型卫星这些卫星被应用科学实验资源勘探自然灾害预报环境保护监测

    China had successfully sent into orbit small satellites for the purposes of scientific experiments, resource survey, natural disaster forecast and environment prospecting and monitoring.


  • 工艺实验证明系统能够较好地实现磨削温度在线监测预报

    It is proved by technological experiments that the monitoring system can better realize on line monitoring and forecasting for grinding arc temperature.


  • 预报结果实验结果具有良好一致性

    The prediction results were in conformity with the experimental results.


  • 本文综述了日本近期岩石破裂实验结果尤其是地震预报有关一些进展

    This paper overviews the experiment results of recent rock fracture in Japan, especially some progress relating to earthquake prediction.


  • 同时进行编织结构复合材料力学性能实验理论预报试验结果符合好。

    In addition, the mechanical experiments of braided structural composite materials are carried out. The theoretical prediction shows reasonably good agreement with the test result.


  • 进行的升温氧化实验通过分析煤氧化释放气体随煤温变化规律确定自然发火预测预报指标气体

    The indicator gases predicting coal spontaneous combustion were determined based on the law of gas released from oxidizing coal with temperature.


  • 实验结果表明:动力系统的预报时效不仅初值误差有关,而且一定条件下敏感依赖于计算采用时间步长计算精度

    From the result we found that the predictability time is not only depend on initial error but also sensitive to the precision and the time step-size used in the computation.


  • 并与实验数据进行比较,结果验证了分置混响模型能够准确预报海底混响强度

    Comparing to the data of experiments, the model of the bistatic reverberation can be forecasted intensity of the oceanic reverberation.


  • 计算结果与实验文献报道吻合很好可以模型分析预报陶瓷过滤器气体流动情况

    The results showed good agreement with the (experiment) and literature data and the model was capable to predict the gas flow condition in the ceramic filter vessel.


  • 对于旋流燃烧室内温度模拟预报表明DO模型的计算结果实验值相吻合明显高于SHF模型计算所得的温度值。

    For swirl combustor, the predicted temperature distribution of DO model were in good agreement with those measured by experiment and were better than those of the SHF model.


  • 为了建立精纺织造过程实际预报模型采用BP神经网络模型企业所提供的数据给出实验验证。

    The researchful aim of this paper is to establish an effective and practicable forecast model in weaving processing based on BP neural network and the data sets collected from a wool worsted mill.


  • PP G电泳实验每周中取的样品实验常常生产线出现问题之前预报

    Samples from the tank, which are tested weekly at the PPG Electrocoat Laboratory, often predict problems before they appear on the line.


  • 文中指出类似基于受迫振荡圆柱体实验数据的预报模型存在的缺陷。

    The limitations of such methods based on forced oscillation tests are also pointed out.


  • 作者首先阐述建立地震预报实验目的意义以及建设滇西实验场的指导思想主要任务

    Firstly, the authors expound the purpose and significance in establishment of this test site, as well as its guiding thought and principal tasks.


  • 预测预报防治实验准确地预测松毛虫发生和发生量,能有效控制松毛虫危害

    The result showed the lamps could exactly forecast the occurrence period and amount of the pest and effectively control the damage caused by the pest.


  • 实验证明模型用于地震预报有效性可行性具有良好应用价值

    Finally, experiment show that this model is not only effective and feasible for earthquake prediction but also has a good value.


  • 针对海洋地震物探布设探测网络实际工况要求,提出数值计算模型实验结果预报缆姿态及拉力的方法。

    For the arrangement of the survey network of the ocean seismic prospecting ship, a method fitting the results of the numerical calculation and the model test is presented in this paper.


  • 切削预报MATLAB程序表明预报结果实验结果相吻合

    The cutting forces prediction program is write in MATLAB and the results show good agree with the experimental results.


  • 中等尺度的地震预报实验这些问题进行讨论

    Mid-sized predictional experiment. And some further discussions on these topics are also carried out.


  • 结合裂纹扩展单一曲线模型肘板裂纹扩展寿命进行了预报预报结果实验结果符合得较好,说明所采用方法可行。

    The fatigue life for bracket was predicted by way of the unique crack growth rate model incorporating the above SIF functions and the predicted results were in good agreement with the experiment data.


  • 本文滇西地震预报实验场在1980年—1984年间工作一个综述

    In this paper, a summary of research work at Test Site, Western Yunnan, in 1980-1984 has been made.


  • 这个算法用于分析任意构形冲击物对任意构形的复合材料层状结构低速冲击响应算法分析了层板的冲击响应,并预报分层损伤预报的损伤实验结果基本符合。

    The analysis of impact responses and the prediction of impact damage have been carried out. Good agreement can be observed by the comparison of the experimental results with the numerical ones.


  • 利用人工神经网络方法样本电性能进行预报,结果实验基本一致,新设计的样本点具有比较好的电性能

    Based on the models, new samples were designed and the electrochemical properties of the samples were predicted with artificial neural network. The predicted value is in goo...


  • 利用人工神经网络方法样本电性能进行预报,结果实验基本一致,新设计的样本点具有比较好的电性能

    Based on the models, new samples were designed and the electrochemical properties of the samples were predicted with artificial neural network. The predicted value is in goo...


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