• 这样一来没有实验室服务器数据过滤,公司的员工们就讨论一些敏感话题,以及公司内部信息

    This will enable the company to have sensitive discussions and disclose proprietary information without having the data pass through Linden Lab's servers.


  • 一个程序启动用户服务时,将会与卡巴斯基实验室服务器名单紧急检测系统清单核对。

    When a program is run by users of the service, it checks the program against a white list and the Urgent Detection System list on Kaspersky Lab's servers.


  • 当前我们实验室大概七个机架服务器

    Currently, our lab houses about seven racks of servers.


  • 大概已经猜到了,事实上oss实验室只是一个排满服务器房间那些喜欢技术工程师使用

    As you probably have guessed, the reality is that the OSS Lab is just a room full of servers, used by engineers who just love to work with technology.


  • 缓存代理解决方案服务-LSID中相当于HTTP中的代理-一个位于网络(实验室部门组织)边界服务器,来代理所有的LSID传输

    The Caching proxy Resolution Servicethe LSID analogue of an HTTP proxy — is a server that sits on the edge of a network (lab, department, organization, etc.), and proxies all LSID traffic.


  • 当然压缩应该增加Web服务器CPU资源消耗但是实验室测试表明这个影响很小,差不多只增加 2%~3% 的 CPU 使用率。

    It was expected that compression should consume more CPU resources on the Web server, but the lab tests indicated the impact to be minimal with a 2 to 3 percent increase in CPU usage.


  • 希望CloudLab服务器能够迅速启动实例,将它们添加虚拟实验室中,并在不再需要拆卸它们。

    I needed the Cloud lab server to be able to quickly spin up new instances and add them to the virtual lab, tearing them down when no longer needed.


  • 人们不由自主地将开源无数代码后台技术服务器机房计算机实验室以及试验理解不安全充斥着bug的)技术联系在一起。

    People automatically associate it with endless lines of code, back-end technology, server rooms, computer science labs, and experimental (read: unsafe and buggy) technology.


  • 网络世界实验室联盟JoelSnyderExchange 2010的评估中说,企业用户认真评估服务器的实施计划。

    Network World Lab Alliance member Joel Snyder said in his Exchange 2010 review that corporate users should carefully assess the implications of the new server.


  • 根据尼诺的解释,这种并发性增加反映了实验室SecondLife服务器改进

    The boost in concurrency, according to Nino, reflects improvements by Linden to Second Life’s servers.


  • 安装向导正在连接卡巴斯基实验室激活服务器需要花费一些时间(与的网速有关)。

    Setup Wizard is connecting to Kaspersky Lab activation server. This might take some time depending on your Internet connection speed.


  • 这个国家同样也是最大台式计算机市场拥有最多互联网用户英特尔已经北京开设了数个针对半导体服务器网络实验室

    The country is also the biggest market for desktop computers and has the most Internet users. Intel has opened research labs in Beijing for semiconductors and server networks.


  • 目前世界最快计算机Roadrunnerz墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室也是基于BladeCenter刀片服务器

    Currently the world's fastest computer, Roadrunner, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, is based on BladeCenter.


  • 计算机操作系统贝尔实验室开发大多应用服务器

    Computer operating system, developed by Bell Laboratories. Mostly used for servers and web servers.


  • 着重提出针对医疗器械质量检验实验室构建PLDC过程中采用一种新兴组网方式,即基于串口服务器的组网。

    In this paper, a new kind of constructing a network method base on serial device server is provided during the construction of PLDC of the testing LAB for medical devices.


  • 服务器北京大学物理化学研究所分子设计实验室维护

    The server is fully maintained by the Molecular Design Lab, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Peking University.


  • 论文主要讲述了网络实验室系统扩展性设计,实验服务器功能改进性能优化以及网络实验室用户管理系统的设计和实现

    The thesis presents the design of the expansibility of NETLAB, the approach to the function improvement and the performance optimization, and also the implementation of the user management system.


  • 论文主要讲述了网络实验室系统扩展性设计,实验服务器功能改进性能优化以及网络实验室用户管理系统的设计和实现

    The thesis presents the design of the expansibility of NETLAB, the approach to the function improvement and the performance optimization, and also the implementation of the user management system.


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