• 只有机器人能够分辨人类情感它们可能实现情感智能

    When the robots can distinguish the humans' emotion, they can communicate with people and realize emotional intelligent.


  • 笔者认为实现情感交流融合建立和谐共振的课堂氛围必不可少

    The writer thinks that to achieve the feeling communion and introjections, it is very necessary to build a harmonious and resonant atmosphere.


  • 必须运用合理方法途径实现情感因素交流促进课堂教学效率提高大学英语教学效果

    We should adopt reasonable means to realize the communication of emotional factors, promote teaching efficiency and improve teaching effect.


  • 另外信息可视化技术应用情感识别结果表达实现情感信息的生动描述高效表达。

    Furthermore, information visualization technology is also applied in the expression of emotion recognition results to achieve vivid high-level and descriptions of emotion information.


  • 情感纽带初级社会群体中起主导作用;我们认为一群体的通常依靠他们自己实现目的并且凭借自身的实力体现自我价值

    Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right.


  • 如果时常做到这样的话,那么你就获得更多情感精神超然有助于你的成功之路实现自己目标抱负

    If you can do so once in a while, you will be able to manifest more and more emotional and mental detachment, which will help you on your road to success and achieving your goals and ambitions.


  • 这种处理情感信息过程大部分是通过脸部的实际面部表情合作实现的:高兴表情悲伤的表情等等

    This work on omit dala of role on omit dala processing emotional information mostly comes from work with faces: effective face, happy faces, sad faces, and so on.


  • 还是我们情感心理发挥大的作用以前实现

    Or do our emotions and psychology play a much bigger role than previously realized?


  • 随着消费意识转变把握住消费者情感,谁能最终实现差异化,谁就能成为未来市场霸主,分得最大的一蛋糕。

    But as the consumer consciousness of change, who can grasp the consumers emotion, who can ultimately realize differentiation, who can become the future market share the biggest overlord of cake.


  • 运用设计概念实现产品之间情感交互解决产品设计的一种方式

    Using soft design to realize the concept of emotional people and the interaction between products is a way to solve product design.


  • 发现社论中的人际意义主要体现作者对于社会事件态度评价通过情感判断、鉴别三手段共同作用实现

    The findings are: the interpersonal meanings are mainly embodied by the author's attitude evaluation on social events, which are realized by the methods of attitude, judgment and appreciation.


  • 为了实现这个梦想我们满怀情感、想象幽默……这种心情像是制作复活节蛋糕火鸡

    We had to do it with emotion, with metaphors, with a sense of humour... We had to be at the level of Easter cakes and chickens!


  • 广告语篇终极目的在于完成其意功能意动功能依赖信息功能情感功能联合实现

    The ultimate end of advertisement is to realize the vocative function, which depends on the combined realization of informative and expressive functions.


  • 实现这个目标近年进行了护理学情感教育理论实践研究

    To gain this objective, recent years we study the theory and practice of nursing affection education.


  • 强化语文教育情感培养人生引导作用,实现育人最终目标

    Meanwhile, it should also strengthen emotional education and life guide education in its knowledge learning, and finally realize the target of cultivating students.


  • 通过这种自由创造性游戏方式个体宣泄消极情绪情感激活心灵自我治愈达到自我实现

    In this manner, through free and creative play, individual releases his or her negative emotion and feeling, activates the psyche self-healing power, and achieves self-realization.


  • 自我效能主要通过认知动机情感选择四种中介过程实现其作用

    The realization of it is mainly through the four intermediate processes, such as cognition, motivation, emotion and selection.


  • 长期以来,我们语文课堂追求最高目标就是实现师生之间充分的情感交流融合

    For a long time, the highest goal of ours in Chinese classroom is to achieve the teacher-student feeling communion and introjections.


  • 这些目标协议实现相互带来不可预见结果找到合理功能情感领域之间平衡

    These goals are achieved in agreement with each other and can bring unforeseen results, finding a balance between rational functionality and the emotional realm.


  • 教育情感教育理性统一,需要通过启蒙交往对话反思方式予以实现

    Carry out the unity of educational emotion and educational rationality, through enlightenment, communication, dialogue, reflection, etc. to be achieved.


  • 广告价值在于实现呼唤功能这一实现过程目标人群文化背景民族情感密切相关。

    The value of Ads lies in the fulfillment of their vocative function, which is closely related to the cultural background and national feelings of target people.


  • 童话魔力缓解现代儿童精神压力情感压抑补偿现实缺陷实现超我人格力量

    With the magic of fairy tales, she relieved modern children's mental pressure and depression, compensated the defects in real life, and realized the moral strength of superego.


  • 根据马斯洛需求层次理论,5个层面的需求,包括:生理需求、安全需求、情感归属需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求

    According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, human beings have 5 level needs, including Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belonging, Esteem and Self-actualization.


  • 形势情感育人工作赋予崭新的内容方式同时也需要实现高校教育者和教育对象的有机协调。

    In the new situation the emotion to nurture people work should endow braw-new constant and method, while university, educator and student should keep well.


  • 基础上,充分运用色彩语言使色彩化为形象可感富于情感实体,实现美的增值

    On this basis, the much applied colour language can have emotional appreciation for its vivid image and rich expression.


  • 本文心理学理论支持下,探讨初中历史教学情感目标体系建构实现途径。

    Supported by psychology theory, I approach the establishment of emotion goal system and its fulfillment during history teaching in middle school.


  • 这个过程中只有真正做到主观情感融入原创作品中,实现”的完美结合才能达到声乐表演最高境界

    In this process, only when put our main feeling into the original works combining it with the "form", can we get to the highest state in vocal music performance.


  • 散文虚构遵循情感逻辑,散文虚构的过程中“敞开”了主体情感世界实现对真情实感的关注

    The fabrication of prose should follow the logic of feelings, in the course of fabrication, prose reveals the emotional world of the subject and shows its attention to real feelings.


  • 散文虚构遵循情感逻辑,散文虚构的过程中“敞开”了主体情感世界实现对真情实感的关注

    The fabrication of prose should follow the logic of feelings, in the course of fabrication, prose reveals the emotional world of the subject and shows its attention to real feelings.


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