• 另一个网络效应身份管理带来正面影响例子GoogleGoogle应用里实施双重认证

    Another example of the network effect's positive impact on identity management is Google's implementation of strong two-factor authentication for Google Apps.


  • 适用进行包括失效模式效应分析(FMEA)在内的过程能力研究吗?如果进行,供应商愿意实施研究吗?

    Are process capability studies including Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA's) conducted where applicable? If no, is the Supplier willing to implement studies?


  • 我们应该真正地点事情保证我们计划得以实施产生实质性效应

    We need to actually do something to see to it that our plan is fulfilled and takes effect substantially.


  • 同时也存在制度有效性的负面效应表现为制度供给非有效性制度的实施机制的非有效性。

    But there are also some negative effects, which are manifested in the non-efficiency of the institution supply and execution mechanism.


  • 综述辨别密切相关损伤早期影像学检查提供指导诊疗计划实施提供一个良好的平台

    This review offers guidance on effective use of early imaging to identify the most pertinent injuries and provide a sound platform for which to plan management.


  • 外国对华实施技术性贸易壁垒措施过程存在三类博弈,即WTO规则反倾销收益多米诺效应起诉成本实施制衡机制

    In the process of making China implement TBT, there are three games: the regulations of WTO and the profit of antidumping, domino effect and suing cost, and implementation and balancing mechanism.


  • 两者行政管理效应有着直接影响其中更居决定性地位则是实施行政管理行为管理者

    These all have direct influence to the administration effect, in which moves the decisive status is the superintendent that implements the administration behavior.


  • 名牌工程具有名牌效应名牌效益实施名牌工程,对于进入国际市场具有十分重要战略意义。

    A famous brand project possesses famous brand effect and famous brand benefit. It has a strategic significance to implement famous brand project for entering international market.


  • 网络媒体可以通过实施策划利用品牌优势、名人效应、实行媒体联动提高网络新闻专题受众中的影响力

    Net News Volume can increase its influence in the public through implementing planning, taking advantage of brands, celebrity effect and media interaction.


  • 然后着重评述现有两种典型地面效应试飞方法优缺点及其实施中的技术问题

    Then, the advantage and shortcoming of two recent methods of flight test for ground effect, and the technical problems in implementation, are review emphatically.


  • 然而分析表明绿色信贷实施以来我国产业升级实际效应并不显著

    However, the analysis shows that since the implementation of green credit, the actual effect of China's industrial upgrading is not significant.


  • 有限责任效应认为负债水平预示着企业将要实施强硬市场竞争行为债务作为承诺装置能够发挥战略作用

    Limited liability effect thinks that companies of the high debt level will be implemented tough market competition; the debt can play a strategic effect as commitment device.


  • 这种物理学最基本概念实施根本性变革将它们完全沉降这些物理概念固有的物理实在之上的作法产生一个巨大的效应

    Such essential reform to fundamental physical concepts have subsided all these physical concepts onto inherent physical existence they originally belong to and brought an enormous effect.


  • 实施创造了他们代表负面多米诺效应

    They represent the negative domino effect that will be created after the tax is implemented.


  • 同一决策实施自然社会基本条件不同的地区所带来效应影响往往产生惊人的差异。

    The consequence and impact of implementing the same policy to regions with different social and environmental conditions usually differs greatly.


  • 本文研究证券法实施之后2000—2006年沪深股市收益率波动周内效应

    This paper investigates the day-of-the-week effect on stock return and volatility in China during the period of 2000 to 2006.


  • 南京秦淮河综合整治工程实施沿岸地区带来良好环境效应同时促使了西岸地带高楼密集局面形成。

    The implementation of Qinhuai River project of Nanjing has brought good environmental effect to the coastwise area. At same time it hastens the phenomenon that high buildings are dense by the river.


  • 运用经济法理论知识对取消农业税政策进行分析的同时,还要看到在政策实施带来的积极消极效应

    While analyzing this policy with the theories of economic law, we have to review the negative as well as positive effects that have been seen after the policy implementation.


  • 本文外汇冲销实施背景效应作了分析借鉴国外经验存在的问题提出了建议。

    This article analyses the background and effect of the exchange sterilization operation, refers to the experience of other countries, and comes up with approaches to current problems.


  • 本文通过分析我国财政转移支付比例结构、政策实施效果比较,来探讨我国财政转移支付的效应问题

    This paper discuss the effect problem of financial transfer payment system of our country through analyzing the proportion of shifts payment structure and policy the effect of enforcement comparison.


  • 基于科学探究学习理念高中生设计了静电现象”光电效应两个科学探究性的实验活动,对中学物理课堂教学如何实施探究性学习做了简要论。

    Based on the idea of scientific inquiring study, two inquiring experimental activities of static electricity phenomenon and photoelectric effect are designed for senior middle school students.


  • 采用双辉光放电实施离子金属加工存在强烈的边角效应

    There are strong edge effects in the production of element diffusion into metal by double glow discharge.


  • 潜在的协同效应导致性能优越只有实现有效后合并收购后实施

    Potential synergies will result in superior performance only if it is realized through effective post-merger or post-acquisition implementation.


  • 回顾结果并未提供足够证据说明重要结果效应指引临床实施

    The results of this review do not provide sufficient evidence concerning effects on important outcomes to guide clinical practice.


  • 本文个较全面的角度,指出末位淘汰制的根本目的积极作用分析负面效应重点探讨应慎用制度并指出实施应注意的问题。

    The paper points out its fundamental purpose and positive effect, analyses its negative effect and discusses how to use the system in a rational way.


  • 本文通过职称评聘存在一系列问题分析,提出了实施岗位聘任制必要性,并其运行机制实施效应作了阐述。

    Through analyzing the problems in the appraisal and determination of technical titles, this paper holds that it is necessary to implement the system of post - appointment.


  • 本文通过职称评聘存在一系列问题分析,提出了实施岗位聘任制必要性,并其运行机制实施效应作了阐述。

    Through analyzing the problems in the appraisal and determination of technical titles, this paper holds that it is necessary to implement the system of post - appointment.


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