• 使用组件实例功能降低客户端应用访问组件时间开销

    To reduce the time spending of client accessing the component using the component instance pooling.


  • 应用程序启动时,创建一个PatientRecord实例或者创建了实例

    A PatientRecord instance, or pool of instances, is created at the start of the application.


  • 迄今为止,已经建立了一个高度可用服务IP地址,并将其绑定realserver实例

    So far, you have established a highly available service IP address and bound that to the pool of realserver instances.


  • Rails没有ActionController的实例化;相反每个请求创建新的实例

    Rails doesn't pool the instance of the ActionController; instead, it creates a new instance for each request.


  • 首先使代码变得复杂因为不得不进行管理,也不得不跟踪xhr实例生命周期

    First, it would complicate your code because you would have to manage a pool and track the life cycle of the XHR instances.


  • 这种映射能够工作得很好因为的确大小限制5 之内,同时没有将活动实例数目限制 5。

    The mapping works fine, in that it does limit the pool size to 5, but it doesn't limit that number of active instances to 5.


  • 需应变路由器这些请求发送动态集群动态集群是一个应用程序服务器应用程序实例可以消耗资源

    The on demand router sends these requests to dynamic clusters, which represent a pool of resource that application servers and application instances can consume.


  • 变量设计用来保存连接对象一个实例

    That variable is designed to hold an instance of a connection pool object.


  • 能够构造基于页面定位不同联合测试实例并且要求用户输入的页面同一个或者多个数据相关联。

    You can build test cases based on different combinations of page navigation, and associate each page that requires user input with one or more Datapools.


  • 然而对于使用大量测试数据构造起来真正可升级的测试实例来说,替换数据也许不是最佳解决方案

    However, for truly scalable test cases built by using a huge set of test data, substituting Datapools may not be the best solution.


  • 连接管理器应用服务器查询连接实例

    The connection manager looks for an instance of a connection pool in the application server.


  • TDS代理实例执行以下命令向TDS代理注册四个服务器,连接大小设置10

    Run the following commands on the TDS proxy instance, and it will register all four back ends to the TDS proxy with a connection pool of 10.


  • 如果应用已经使用JDBC 2.0连接启用数据库那么所要的只是JMS配置jndi特性使用那个JDBC实例

    If the application is already using a JDBC 2.0 connection pool-enabled database, then all you need to do is configure the JNDI property for the JMS to use that JDBC instance.


  • 使用对象限制特定实例数量

    Object pools are used to restrict the number of instances of a certain class.


  • 实例填充空闲可以提高初始响应时间因为bean的初始请求不用生成新的实例即可得到满足

    Populating the free pool with instances improves initial response time, because initial requests for the bean can be satisfied without generating a new instance.


  • 分析段代码可以看到我们添加了一个队列实例然后将该队列传递给第一线程ThreadURL

    In looking at the code, you can see that we added another instance of a queue, and then passed that queue into the first thread pool class, ThreadURL.


  • 因此启动Bean线程实例所有者

    The startup bean is therefore the owner of the thread pool instance.


  • 如果WebSphereApplicationServer创建新的实例(而不是请求等待)。

    WebSphere Application Server will create a new instance if the pool is empty (instead of making that request wait).


  • 清单1底部代码证明无论请求ConnPool一个实例多少都会返回相同对象

    The four lines of code at the bottom of Listing 1 prove that no matter how many times you ask for an instance of the ConnPool pool class, it will always return the same object.


  • 使用WASThreadFactory应用程序必须首先查找AsynchronousBeans WorkManager,创建一个 WASThreadFactory 实例然后构造新的线程

    To use the WASThreadFactory, the application must first look up an Asynchronous Beans WorkManager, create a WASThreadFactory instance, and then construct a new thread pool.


  • 假定特性性质解析应该内部返回一个解析器,如果内部没有解析器,那么解析器应该创建保存新的解析器实例

    Given a set of features and properties, the parser pool should either return a parser from an internal pool or create and store a new parser instance if one does not exist.


  • 一旦某个实例完成输入文件处理实例立即返回线程开始处理列表中的一个输入文件。

    As soon as a flow instance finishes processing its input file, it returns to the thread pool and begins work on the next input file from the list.


  • 如果对象大小没有正确调优许多使用的对象实例最终被闲置,耗尽内存而不产生任何价值

    If the pool size is not tuned correctly, many unused object instances can end up hanging around, using up memory without contributing value.


  • 资源大部分类型实际上都是资源工厂容器以此控制实例产生缓冲的组合以及共享资源连接

    Most types of resources are actually resource factories, which the container USES to control instance creation, pooling, and sharing of the resource connections.


  • 根据实例大小捕获最多可能需要30分钟时间然后实例复制另一个对其实例化可能需要同样时间

    Depending on the size of the instance it can take up to 30 minutes to capture it, and then a similar amount of time to copy it from one pool to another and re-instantiate it.


  • 比如数据库连接就是单例设计模式一个例子:我们一般不想让应用程序具有连接多个资源密集型实例

    An example use case for a singleton would be a database connection pool: you don't want your application to have multiple resource-intensive instances of a connection pool class.


  • 连接可提高性能因为数据源对象实例会创建一个连接。

    Connection pooling improves performance as a data source object creates a connection as soon as it is instantiate.


  • 可以查询此类对象以获得类型实例前面关于技术示例述。

    Such pools can be queried for an instance of the class type, as given in the previous example about pools.


  • 开始时,我们创建实例应用程序这个程序使用Hibernate自己的连接以及事务管理(同样参考fullcream架构)。

    To begin, we will create a sample application which USES Hibernate's own connection pooling and transaction management (also referred to as "full cream" architecture).


  • 开始时,我们创建实例应用程序这个程序使用Hibernate自己的连接以及事务管理(同样参考fullcream架构)。

    To begin, we will create a sample application which USES Hibernate's own connection pooling and transaction management (also referred to as "full cream" architecture).


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